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Madeline Hothem Nov 2020
I wanted to prove to everyone that I was more than an abuse victim, a **** victim, and a cheater (due to abuse). I felt like I could still be a “real adult” without you. But gluttony, lust and horrible old patterns got the best of me. I spent a year and a half comparing every man that was every inside of me to you. Constantly questioning what was wrong or different. Not realizing my need to be loved and respected.

I tried to teach people about the kind of love I deserved. I tried to communicate with people who didn’t want to listen. I tried to buy myself happiness, beauty, and fulfillment but always came up angry, stressed, and sad. I never once stopped in 2 years to straight up ask for what I need. And remove the people in my life who weren’t fulfilling to me.

I blocked and hid from the people who loved me most. I saved face, showed up to everything, hid behind a smile. While I was physically and mentally so sick. I tried to handle it all on my own with no plan or idea of my end goal. I laid in bed each night and cried due to the conflicting thoughts of wanting so desperately to die but knowing I promised myself to live.

You are so incredibly strong, you can and will make it through anything this life throws at you. You have come so far in such a short period of time, give yourself so much love, grace, and understanding. You deserve every inch of it.

Your worth is not defined by how many ****** encounters you have. There are people out there that see your worth and want to get to know every inch of you. Starting with your mind, soul, beliefs, and values. Those people will make you feel so endless, supported, and loved. Hold onto those people, reach out to those people, take time to build a deep connection. For that is what you deserve. Deep, endless, unconditional love.
Oct 2020 · 92
Where I’m From
Madeline Hothem Oct 2020
I am from wine connoisseurs
With a self proclaimed french je ne sais quoi
A father of politics
A mother of cooking
With my sister and I in between
Sister of art
House of Victoria
Downtown is our place
Hipster is our face
The cat with swag holds us all together
With a woods as our backyard, and summertime gardens with scary insect farms
Saturday mornings with the sweet smell of pancakes and syrup
We may not be huggers but advice does suffice
Now as I go day to day I remember this saying that my mom always does say “You can’t change people, only yourself.”
This reminds me that I'm not the only one sitting on that self

Old fashion Texas man and women
Each with many hats and cans
Cans of beans and jars of pickling foods
Grammy frosted the world with fervor and quilts
Pap-Pap is a man of his own
Busy bee carving out time only to fly
Been around the block a few times just to give me these rhymes
Woodworker by trade who knows the difference between workmanship and ****
Summer days full of tunes of ice cream trucks and Pap-Pap down the drive
Only to arrive with delectable treats of frozen desserts
To teach a life lesson that sticks to the curb
“Don’t say I never did anything for ya.” as he strolls away to go work
Baking up bread and squash too
My grandparents are my favorite people this is true
All american cuties this is what they are

My Bumpa and My grandma are very sweet yet far
They live in Michigan not just four steps away
Yet they are still in my heart and there to stay
Bumpa is a hugger and kisser too they both are whenever they see you
Grandma is a chatty cathy always with something to say
This is why she always brightens my day
Bumpa builds everything and cooks delicious food
He works very hard and is always smiling through and through
As a retired car designer he has a great knowledge for cars
He used to work at Ford building seats and much more
This is my Bumpa ,and my Grandma too I love to go visit them for there love is so true

Many places is where they belong
All organized in different songs
Smiles and laughs and sad times too
We document in pictures
With writing few
A picture is a thousand words so what more could you say
Some is in my mind but those are for another day
My family is who I am it is who I’m going to be
I smile when I think of them because I know its just me
Oct 2020 · 78
Mac Attack
Madeline Hothem Oct 2020
Fill the saucepan with water
Fill the mind with worry
Melt the butter
Melt all the chances of a good day
Mix up the artificial cheese mix
Put on an artificial face
Pour in the noodles
As you pour away all your freedom
Mind and *** boil over
Break down
Freak out
React quickly
Turn the temperature down
Stop the attacks and relax
Drain the noodles
Drain all your anxiety down the drain
Pour in the artificial cheese
Pour out the artifice me
Grab a bowl for eating
Wear it as a hat for whimsy
Spoon or fork?
How about a spork
Sits down to eat the day away
a noodle at a time
Oct 2020 · 91
Hot Mustard
Madeline Hothem Oct 2020
Spicey eat
Mustard chinese
Keep the beat
Cheat the wheat
Meat oh please
Spicey eat
On the street
Slip on knees
Keep the beat
Lets be discreet
As we sneeze
Spicey eat
Move those feet
Lets not freeze
Keep the beat
People freinzie, the stampede
Eat with ease
Spicey eat
Keep the beat
Sep 2013 · 724
Rasterizing Renia
Madeline Hothem Sep 2013
Lasso it in
Mask it over
Brush to prefect

Life of a critic
Annoyed beyond belief
Fix it up
Keep the beat

— The End —