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I crave you at 4 am
When the sun is still asleep
And it's dark and cloudy
And all the moon wants to do
Is sleep.
I crave you like how an
Insomniac craves coffee
During their late night escapades.
I crave you like an
Alcoholic craving a cold beer
After a long day at work.
I crave you like a
Recovering smoker
Craves to inhale a cigarette
And relieve the ache off their chest.

Every bone in my body
Aches for your touch
And I've become so infatuated
With the thought of you
That all I see is grey,
Clouding my vision and
I can't tell what's right from wrong.
The only thing I'm certain of
Is my craving for you
That is never satisfied.
Written on September 19,2014.

— The End —