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Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
with the floral art
I'm filled with words
maddening it can't stop
it moves my fingers
and I try to employ my eye
but a bursting yield
spills through my pen
Does the irony or the
exhaustion **** me?
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
I'm clicking my pen
against my teeth
thinking of you
hoping you'll hear
I don't know to what end
but I don't want it to end
some beginning things
would be lovely
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
a finality I hope not
to hear
in my own fate
is it flexible?
I need the option
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
Have you ever seen
the inside of bones?
look into your own
the red mess
impossibly deep
pour it out like a slow night
watch it closely
the fragments fall
all you are on the floor
clarity comes
once that experience of
breaking and melting
comes to pass
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
glazed over
lost in a state of wonder
single planed
dimension of disembodied one
I find my courageous future
in the pinnacle
of a symmetric background
a whole wall of it before me
this is what we're dying for
in this moment above forward
and all beyond
so innocent a face
to your dark new feel
meta strange
wheel and float
you are mine
it is ours
this gives me hope
and a willingness to
grander cohesion
I wish this will all
be vibrant tomorrow
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
I'm starting to see shadows
in the peripherals of my
the noises are a muffled
this illness filters
I'm scared
I'm alone
stumbling over what was
always there
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
I need to quit this
Candy Man
sweet sugar
burns my eyes
he's rotting my teeth
out of my
***** mind
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