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1.9k · Oct 2012
Madeline Oct 2012
Far from intrusive human eyes
Is a place where secrets are guarded by trees
And hearts are no longer chained to lies

Towering oaks cannot be fooled with a guise
But they protect what they see
Far from intrusive human eyes

A wounded bird sings as she flies
Her impure blood covered by leaves
And hearts are no longer chained to lies

Limbs snap as a part of her dies
Yet she finds comfort in the breeze
Far from intrusive human eyes

Gnarled branches shield him from the skies
For now, he can be free
And hearts are no longer chained to lies

Opened, vulnerable and unwise
Refuge is found in order to be
Far from intrusive human eyes
And hearts are no longer chained to lies
A Villanelle written for my 11th grade English class.
972 · Oct 2012
A Testimony to Triviality
Madeline Oct 2012
How easy would it be
      to live in fear?
      to accept the norm?
      to hide in the shadow?

Is it our calling
       to live boldly?
       to challenge society?
       to make a difference?

Or will your life be a testimony to triviality?
881 · Oct 2012
Madeline Oct 2012
It amuses me
that you argued
on behalf of the oppressed

You pronounced proudly
how civil rights
have expanded

and the gay rights movement
that is beginning to emerge
is a step toward progress


in the same breath

a deliberate attack

of my faith.

Why is it progress
to tolerate everyone
             a specific
                               group of
756 · Oct 2012
A Waste of Ink
Madeline Oct 2012
To capture the perfect moment
That’s all I ask for
Quiet, alone on the back porch
Yet I need a little bit more

It’s useless, I tell you
No matter what I do
Write. Scratch. ***. Repeat.
I’m such a waste of ink.

My *** is sore
My coffee is cold
Ink faded to periwinkle
My face begining to wrinkle

Searching for a good line
Still nothing comes to mind
I guess this is a sign
I’ll end this poem with the last bit of ink I can find
A Quatrain
576 · Nov 2012
6:47 AM
Madeline Nov 2012
I dread the noise when she opens my door
The creak of the bolt, the sound of her voice
Light floods in from the ceiling to the floor
I'm afraid today I don't have a choice

I cower with my red blanket in hand
My pillow, an indestructible guard
Groggy, dragged from a dream, a distant land
Defenses shatter. All that's left- a shard

I will not let you! I'll fight to the end!
A struggle ensues. I cry and I shout.
I'm dragged by the ankle around the bend
Clawing at the carpet- I must get out!

The horrors I experience are cruel
Oh why, oh why must you take me to school?
This is a sonnet minus iambic pentameter.
570 · Oct 2012
Madeline Oct 2012
Whispers linger
Memories of the past
Telling the stories
of their moments last
Reminding the young, the innocent, the blind
of all the horrors left behind
Written for a Halloween poetry contest in 8th grade. I lost the second half of it, so it's incomplete.

— The End —