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Madelaine E Base Jul 2017
you've Forgotten what it means to be you, it's all about the social hierarchy
you're Adamant on who you think you are, locked in a prison Society keeps under lock and key
you Keep telling yourself that you're individualistic but one look at you and you're just like the rest
and Everything about you is not you, but some Forgotten Adamant machine Kept by Society while She laughs in your face, for you my dear, were shaped by She, and i no longer know who you to be
Madelaine E Base Jul 2017
Don't you get tired of them,
How they tell you how to be
Shoving their artificial feelings down your throat,
Forcing charlatan words into your soul,
Cause baby, say all the words in your head
Speak reality versus their facade of life
For they know nothing,
They think they know you,
but let's tell them the truth:
Did they ever know you in the first place?
© Madelaine E. Base 2017
Madelaine E Base Jun 2017
"Do you see that!?" He cried to me. "The sun and everything that is bright is you." A slender finger pointed to the sunlight pouring in softly from the drawn curtain that separated us. "And all this darkness, that is me." He said, standing in shadow. "We briefly touch but we can't be one." How could he, my love, think of me so? "Oh no.. How very wrong you are. For I am the light, and you are the dark, but we mold into one, the grey, the inbetween, the thriving storm. A shaken storm of dark cloud and illuminated thunder. That is what we are, my darling. Nothing more, nothing less. And I think that's okay."
© Madelaine E. Base 2017
Madelaine E Base Jun 2017
I ditched my ukulele to go play by the sea
it was there that I'd thought you'd be
only waiting for me,
but you were late
just as you always are.
You're such a funny thing
full of quirks and meaningful laughter.
Oh, to what joy you bring me
it could fill up the whole sea.
In those days when we would lay be the shore,
sand between our toes and hope in our eyes,
it's there that we stayed and buried our hearts.
I loved you for who you were,
those deep, dangerous waters that filled your heart that once filled mine,
I knew it all to well,
and still I loved you, there by the sea.
The waves that seemed to crash against you,
and you struggled,
just gasping for one more breath of air,
and I still loved you.
I love you despite the fact that you despise your own heart,
but over time you let me in,
you showed me your own ocean of self-hate and hurt,
the demons disguised as barnacles that clung to your skin,
the sweet ocean air that filled your lungs and breathed your words,
and I didn't leave you,
and the memories we share won't leave you either.
It's here that you and I often lie,
and though one day we may die,
at least I ditched my ukulele to go play by the sea,
with just you and me.
© Madelaine E. Base 2017
Listening to too much Florence + the Machine and sad that I left my ukulele at home as I drive to the beach. How this came from that small sadness, I do not know.
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