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Madelaine E Base Apr 2017

We take you for granted
we waste you away
we look up to you,
biting the ends of our pens in anticipation
waiting for the day to end
so we can rush to Love.

You take your toll on us
making us mature and wise
and our bones weak
until one day you turn our flesh to ash
how collateral you make us feel
with two words ending in sh.

We hate you,
we love you,
for we are in a constant battle with you.
You take and you give
Love and Death are your friend,
as your bargain with them
like the Three Fates of old.
The Greeks just had it wrong
what the Three Fates really were.

You've played your part through everything.
You lie in war,
you stall in Love,
you wait in Death.

But you are beautiful.
How odd a thing, you are,
We can't comprehend you,
and yet we try to figure you out
placing numbers to represent your name.

I thank you for what you've given me,
you've pained me
rushed me with a gentle shove through short hours
given me Time that I have and will waste away
but all along you have been a gift.

Time, I should spend more of you.

Spend you in Love,
cherish you in Death,
appreciate you in life.
I want to use you wisely,
a goal to eradicate the laziness from my bones.
So I pray to the Lord on high,
to push me.

Push me to go on adventures,
do what I love,
be with who I love,
hold my friends dear
and hold my family dearer.

Time, you gift of life,
a letter I write to you.
Don't let me forget it.
© Madelaine E. Base 2017
Madelaine E Base Mar 2017
Here I am
trying to let you go
but you've never been closer.
© Madelaine E. Base 2017
Madelaine E Base Mar 2017
A poem to you
my dear sweet friend
with golden waves
such as sunlight sea
and bright rays of beauty

Thou art the fairest
The kindest, the sweetest
like honey against the tongue
joyous laughter like a melody newly played
thank you for our friendship

I will cherish our memories
and hope to see you soon
for I already miss the little sunshine
I had gotten from you

So, a poem to you
my dear sweet friend
remember how loved you are
how important you are to this world
and that your words will live on
your gentle soul
and your kind eyes
for the friendship you have given was enough to light our whole atmosphere
every star, sun and moon envious of your brilliant light
that brief, sweet sunrise you shared with me.
© Madelaine E. Base 2017
Madelaine E Base Mar 2017
We itch and growl
'Oh the pain is too much,
why can't it just end?'

But why don't we look towards the things more true than we will ever know?

The light within the sun
the love we hold dearly
the comforts of home
for if more people cared less of the pleasures
and more of their comforts
the world would indeed be a much lovelier place
full of the hope and love we crave
and carve our poetry into today.

It's just waiting.
waiting for you to take it
to hold it dear
against your beating heart
your thriving soul
for that is the truth that lies behind our shadow covered walls we build
the safe protection that is really our downfall.

Hold onto family, hopes and dreams
do not give up dear friend
let go of the hardships and struggle
lay it all down
for if you truly want peace
you'll stop running from it
and turn to Him.
© Madelaine E. Base 2017
Madelaine E Base Mar 2017
Perhaps we were, all of us,
tied by the invisible force
that connected and intertwined our lives together like
a multitude of tangled threads.
Perhaps suffering and loss and pain were inevitable after all in this world
as were hope and happiness and love.
Or perhaps it was only our decisions that really
mattered in the end,
the choices that could hurt and heal.
The point between breaking and broken.
© Madelaine E. Base 2017

— The End —