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Apr 2013 · 1.3k
Burnt Bridges
mad katniss Apr 2013
They say to live free
I should be myself,
But when I do so,
Some friends judge
while others stay away.

But the truth is,
I don't need to understand
Why you don't understand,
The way I think,
The choices I make,
The things I treasure
And the love I take.

I really want to live free
And speak my mind,
I want to live free
And make my stand,
Though not everyone
Agrees by my choices.
Coz you see,

I don't need to understand
Why you don't understand
I just need to understand me.
The values I hold,
The morals I protect,
The faith that I keep
And the hope that I embrace.

I don't need to understand
Why you don't understand
I just need to understand ME.
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
My Happy Little Heart
mad katniss Mar 2013
Is what I am today.

Yesterday's sadness,
Is like so far away.

Is what I am for tomorrow.

And I'm praying for gratitude,
Because I don't want to count my sorrow.

Not anymore 'cause,
I want to be more positive than before.
Feb 2013 · 1.3k
mad katniss Feb 2013
I am creativity,
Wanting to create something beautiful
But without inspiration
I am nothing but
A spotless piece of paper.

A dull mind kills me,
Inch by inch it erases
Every source of creation
Stored in my memory.

It shuts every bright emotion
That I keep in my frail heart,
And replaces it with a boring void,
Filled with nothing but
Suffocating air of blank.
Been feeling uncreative lately. I want to write a poem or paint but no idea comes up. It's like I'm stuck and my creative juices are turning dull.
Jan 2013 · 1.7k
Forgive My Impatience
mad katniss Jan 2013
I've been waiting
For an hour or so,
And now I'm agitating,
I'd rather tie a bow.

I've been waiting
For your precious hello
And when it comes knocking,
I'm the happiest you'll know.

Why aren't you calling?
Have you lost interest?
This morning I was banging
My cabinets for a dress.

I'd still be waiting,
You might change your mind,
And then you'll give a ring;
Well you know, that's alright.
Jan 2013 · 1.6k
It's not the end
mad katniss Jan 2013
Just let it go
When after doing your best nothing comes up,
Let it flow
When after telling yourself it's okay
But still you feel bitter deep inside.

Call it a day and surrender,
Tomorrow's another sunrise
Maybe you'll do better;
Everyone has a time to call their own,
Surely yours is about to come;

Just have a vigilant, hardworking heart
And then you'll find find it in no time.
first poem i posted publicly :)

— The End —