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Aug 2017 · 242
Maddison Aug 2017
As I lay here under our willow tree, back arched and shoulders slumped
I can't help but imagine you beside me
Oh how beautiful we once were
But...reality started to cry

Because you were not with me and I was not with you
You were no longer the sunshine to my rain nor the smile to my tears
But now just the occasional wind that sent shivers up my spine

Reality started to scream as you entered the battle field
I however sat in a half empty classroom, imagining the once youthful souls who roamed

Eyes the colour of rainclouds, you hurriedly hide yourself from the enemy
I couldn't say you were successful, but in my head you were safe
You laid beside the meadows, whilst I grew ever so jealous of their beauty
How silly am I for being envious of flowers?

I prayed for you every time the sun said goodbye and the moon said hello
I will never give up hope that you will one day walk away from the battle and into my arms
Oh how much my heart aches for your presence

The rainfalls upon our heaven for the last time
Reality grieved, whilst I laid under our willow tree
Remembering your cheeky smile and piercing eyes will forever haunt my dreams

But all too soon reality payed me one last visit
And I finally felt what I had not felt in a long time...
There was no such word as pain when I was surrounded by your love

But our friendship is different to most, you see
I was banned from ever seeing your beautiful face again
And that broke my heart

Talking to a gravestone could never compare to the times when we talked face to face
I can not bear to see you, a teenager, a child, laying six feet under
I pick up the remaining pieces of my heart and make my way to our Heaven on Earth
Where just the two of us belonged

Our Willow Tree...Your Only Heaven

— The End —