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M Murray Jan 2011
Reading poems.

An elderly couple
slips behind some bookshelves
and start to kiss.
M Murray Nov 2011
The *******

of the Venus statue, get hard

in the cold and the rain
M Murray Mar 2011
Two boys huddled on a playground:*

One Said:
'I've seen one.
This time when I was a kid,
My cousin was changing in our guest room
I peaked in through a crack in the door
And it was right there reflected in the mirror'

Said the other:*
'Well, in the attic at my
grandfather's house
There is this old black and white photo
Of this big party with lots of people
In the background, and off to the side
The photographer caught one,
But you can only half see it
Peaking behind this woman's dress.'
M Murray Mar 2011
This ****** has ***

For only a buck fifty

'No thanks, I'm okay'
M Murray Sep 2011
Silence was falling with the snow,

The pacific islanders were posting signs
for dinner, and for lunch

Their children were writing songs-

‘A hippo’s hips are wide,
but a swallow’s swallow is soft.’
M Murray Mar 2011
The gentleman died
and left his son with 27 horses.

Will sell to slaughter,
Or give free to nice home
M Murray Aug 2011
A large lovely home

Walking distance to nice school

Urban neighborhood
M Murray Mar 2011
A blond Russian girl

crossing the street, bundled up

sun is melting snow
M Murray Nov 2011
The coffee bean

up your nose, is also

a raspberry cheeseburger
M Murray Mar 2011
Hello moon in the sky

I know **** all about you

Zen Masters stand in the night

And exclaim ‘Ah! Here I am’

In your presence
M Murray Aug 2011
'Everything is good-'  

The waffle house waitress said

'Except for the things

That I don't like.'
M Murray Sep 2011
‘Everything is good-’

the waffle house waitress said

‘Except for the things

that I don’t like’.
M Murray Apr 2011
I think I stuck that q-tip in a bit too far,

No earwax on the end of it,

Just the memory of my grandmother's face,

and my first day of Kindergarten
M Murray Mar 2011
I saw you wearing

Three different pairs of pants

At the same party
M Murray Aug 2011
White duck, black beak-

Walks silent down path, his friend

Black duck, orange beak; behind.
M Murray Sep 2012

sinks toward the ground

under a black crow's weight
M Murray Aug 2011
Walked into the barbershop

The barber had no shoes
M Murray Jan 2011
I am glad
that you are always around
because if you weren't

I would want to be
with somebody else

— The End —