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M M M Aug 2013
Look up you fool,
there's a beautiful sky up there.
M M M Jan 2014
One day
I woke up
and my
M M M Jan 2014
Sometimes I can't take it
Sometimes it's all too much
The beauty of holding on to the world
Leaves me feeling out of touch

Sometimes I can't take it
Sometimes it's not enough
It's like the waves just keep crashing in
Beating you down so rough

Sometimes I can't take it
Sometimes I think I never will
But then I remember the sun
And how it's you, gleaming up over that hill

Sometimes I can't take it
Sometimes I know that it will be okay
It's usually when I look at you
And remember that these are just days

Just days passing by
No reason to get caught up
We can all take it
It will never be too much
and it will always
M M M May 2013
I laid on my back and watched the clouds roll over above me. I had been wondering about clouds for a long time now. It seemed I was slowly figuring it out. Figuring out about clouds, and figuring out about myself.
I was waiting for your arrival. I expected you to show up behind me, seeing you walk over to me upside down. I'd like to see you in every angle.
You came on your bike, and although I didn't see you throw it on the ground, I knew you did. You were excited to see me. I was excited to see you, too.
You sat next to me on the beach and I realized that it was a perfect moment. Not the typical perfect moment, but I enjoyed you being by my side. I always do.
You said you wanted to read my work. There is a little bit of you inside everything that I have written. Not intentionally, but you have always been there. In the back of my mind, just hanging out. Getting to know me, slowly, over time.
I laid my head in the sand as the wind rushed my hair back and forth across my face. I cleared the hair from my eyes, catching glimpses of the suns light casting down on me. I caught your eyes on mine. I looked back at you for a quick second and turned away. It's all I can stand, really. (And no, not in a bad way)
M M M Jun 2013
There was a time
I was maybe nine
I could not stop staring into the sunshine

Suzy told me I'd go blind
I didn't believe her but
I said I wouldn't mind

When I finally took my eyes from the sun
I started to run
I faintly remember falling
And then smiling towards the sky

I understood why
M M M Apr 2013
I want to see what the birds see
dancing above in flocks
beautifully moving together,
each one doing their part
(I wonder if they know they're creating art)
I wonder if they realize
that some human is looking upon them in awe
Standing tall,
making sure not to miss any of it all

I want to see what the birds see
flying above my head
always having a birds eye view
seeing things anew
they see sights I've never even dreamed of
couldn't grasp the perspective
looking down on everything
lives changed

I want to see what the birds see
their wings flapping gracefully
never losing touch with the sky
the clouds are their friends
the trees their humble homes
at liberty to wander and roam
the birds are living free
the birds are living as we should be
M M M May 2013
You brought me a poem
And the pill
We couldn't stand still

We made small talk
And jokes about what we had done
For little do we know
Whats to come

I was high and you were tired
Our only fear was of desire

We tasted the night
On our lips
And I felt sadness and regret
On your fingertips

We were so lonely together
But lonely apart
We hadn't known
Where to start

You stole me of my innocence
And I wish you'd get the hint
(I delighted in that)
Not completely satisfied with this but will continue to work on it.
M M M May 2013
If I counted how many times a day I thought of you
It would be much too many

Having a hard time forgetting the way your face lights up a room
(Like a light that never goes out)

With the freckles below your eyes
And although I haven’t seen every inch of you,
I adore you

Your thoughts are like maps leading me to where I've always known but never had the courage to go
Your body is like a temple where I have always wanted to sit and listen quietly but never had the willpower to
Your face is like a prism full of love and the afterlife of which I have always wondered about but have been too scared to know
Your words are letters thats form on the tip of your tongue and drift out in perfectly formed sentences that I have never had the intelligence to create

If only I could get close to these depths of you that keep me so far away
M M M Mar 2014
I think it's better that I write when I'm happy
Than to write when I'm sad
When I try to write something I just end up mad
Cause nothing comes out, nothing sounds good
I can't compose like I think I should
My mind wanders, but is more often blank
I consider, reconsider, and then over think
Well, it looks like I can write something after all
But most people, including myself
Conclude it's not any good at all
In class write. 2 o'clock gloomy day.
M M M Jun 2013
As long as I know
Where you are
As long as I know
You're not far
I'll be okay

As long as you know
That I'll never lie
As long as you know
That I'll always be shy
You'll be okay

As long as we know
We have each other
As long as we know
To travel further
We'll be okay

We'll be in each others arms again soon
We'll climb mountains and try to reach up and touch the moon
We'll sleep next to one another and tell each other stories from our past
While knowing all along that good things don't always last
Can't be scared of moving on
Can't be scared of trying
Every single day we think about dying

Know that we always sleep under the same stars
Keep this in mind and it will never be hard
We have everything
And nothing
And I couldn't want more of you
Than when you look at me that way you do

You're eyes so full but you never speak
The silence between us lasts for weeks
I don't mind, as long as you don't
I'll be here for now, and then I won't

And you will find me
Wherever our paths may cross
Me and you, forever lost

Venture out and you'll see me
Living quietly in the overgrown, flowery moss
You're free to join me
And together we'll be

You're the finest company
M M M Feb 2014
I really don't know
Where I should go

I believe in a few things
Never know what life will bring

I'm too tired to think
My eyes slowly blink

Time seems to stand still
Not even sure what is real

Looking for something I can't seem to find
Discovering myself, losing my mind

My footsteps disappear the further I walk
My voice drowns out the more I talk

Lost in myself, there's no one around
Just the Earth and I, tightly bound
In class write. Fuzzy, groggy, confused.
M M M Aug 2013
From atop the roof I see mountains, rivers, side by side
I sit here just looking, the clouds act as a guide

I notice the beauty, even without you here
(don't confuse this for meaning I don't want you near)

The trees, tall, beginning to shed their autumn leaves
looking a little like you, and a little like me

For now, we're apart, and this is all I need
Here, alone, in quiet company
M M M Jul 2013
You can laugh
But you dare not speak

You can love
But you cannot cry

You can move
But move slowly

For each second that passes
A part of you dies
Saw an awesome sunset on my run tonight and thought of this poem along the way.
M M M Feb 2014
Are you sleeping now, love?
What time is it in France?
I've no idea,
but I know with you,
I long to dance
You make me want to dance, girl
We have danced before
That was the same night you told me
"whatever happens in the room stays in the room"
Next your clothes on the floor
But then
You went to get someone,
Someone else was at the door

Anyways, love
That was a long time ago
And I've known you forever
But I've never known your hold

Hold me dear,
Watch me cry
Your heads in my lap
And I'm looking in your eyes

It is you, darling, it has always been you
And I couldn't tell you when these feelings
Shown through
But they're here now, and you have
Always been gone
Come here love,
I don't play for everyone but I'll sing you this song

I don't know many chords and
I don't know how to sing
But for you, sweet one,
I'll let my little voice ring

Come back from France
Come back to me
Come back soon
So I becomes we
M M M Jan 2014
Just like the past we wither away
All caught up in a world of grey
We don’t know why we’re here but we keep going on
Something around us is happening
The sand is counting itself
Hourglasses are frozen under the illusion of time
Poetry isn’t taught but we think it has to rhyme
All it boils down to is the conception of lines
On paper, creating shapes from thoughts
Abstract ideas, perceptions being altered;
In front of the altar
Everything we say can be turned into something else
If it's not happening to you it's happening to somebody else
Words on paper to stay true to ourself
Can burst into flames if you over think
Concise, precise, simple, plain
If you don’t go by these guidelines, expect to be put to shame
We aren’t all different but we aren’t all the same
To expect nothing is the hardest game
Found this in an old stack of poems I wrote. Found it kinda funny and kinda cool as well. Not bad for the beginnings. Bam
M M M Jul 2013
I know you wouldn't approve of my cigarette smoking
But realize I do it hoping
That you will chastise me
Just to get some kind of emotion out of you
You never tell me how you feel, yet
The harsh smoke has no trouble leaving me blue
And feeling blue
Is certainly something I feel from you
Ever since you left on that hot day in September
Fall was just about to wrap us in it's golden leaves
But you chose to leave
You chose to leave
Not me
So don't expect me to be here
Waiting on you
When Spring approaches in its rainy ways
Even though I'll never admit it to you, I counted down the days
Till I would see you again
But this time is different
We were more than just friends
So what will we be
When you decide you've had enough of the sea
And how long will it take
For my heart to mend
M M M Jan 2014
I didn't like you at first
nothing you wrote stuck out to me
or tugged
anywhere in my body

But ****** if it wasn't so
you got me when I was truly alone
and now your book of poems
"you get so alone at times that it just makes sense"
is starting to make perfect sense

Sure enough,
you *******,
you are right
M M M Jan 2014
I've been in a haze
for a couple of days
I stumble into bed
fall in and out of sleep
and wake up to
messages from you

and you've been in my dreams
(and I've been dreaming)
and I'm starting to feel
real good
about you and I

and I will never tire
  of our
    2:30 a.m.
M M M May 2014
I have someone I love,
but they are far away

So I'm going to try and live like Horace, as well as many others said
And "seize the day"

He's a poet and I'm a poet
Living and breathing as one
When we're together and when we're apart
Missing each other like the moon and the sun

But our words keep us going
Without seeing each other's faces
I long to be with him more than anyone else
To travel all different places

My love, he's genuine, and kind, and sweet
Brings me flowers on days I oversleep
Promises my heart a place to keep
And meets me at the end of the road in bare feet
With nothing but a smile,
And a warm
White sheet
M M M Jun 2014
I believed in every word you said
How could I doubt
  But somehow I feel that even the smallest
   Anemone at the bottom of the sea needs
    Some kind of love to sprout

       And this sums up what we are
        Human beings on a mystical, spinning star
         We can't explain
          But even after the longest journeys around the world
            Traveling through space and time
              I'd still remember your name
4:45 June 7
M M M Feb 2014
When I think of you I think of spontaneous poems

Because when I think of you
I think of how god ****** artsy you are
and how quiet
and how gentle
and how intelligent
and articulate you are
and how you love coffee
and books
and how
you get my undivided attention
with those eyes

And I can't help but write poems
about that kinda ****
It's true.
Excuse the swearing
M M M Jul 2013
I am not sure of what to write
For these words are only fleeting
I am unsure of how to talk
For my voice has no meaning

I am not sure how to learn
For it requires time and patience
I am unsure of where to go
For I lack judgement and common sense

I am not sure how to walk
For it takes strong legs to endure
I am unsure of how to read
Although the words - from my heart - they pour

I am not sure of how to breathe
For my lungs are flowery bruised
I am unsure of how to see
You took my eyes, you took everything, you took it all with you
M M M Jan 2014
your omelette
like it
will be

remove it from
with only your
(loud, metal
into your
like a
barbarian, ******
off at

You eat as
if to
send that
where it
needs to be
in order
for you to be
to leave a
your next victim

you are just
a young
and no
amount of
angsty eating
M M M Aug 2013
We are animals
Look in our eyes and see fear
We are all the same
M M M Sep 2013
Wondering about
All you are seeing tonight
Will you think of me?
M M M Jun 2013
Your lips were icy cold
I never thought I could be so bold
I couldn't help but take control
When you looked at me with those eyes
I only wanted to make that lonely, beautiful face come alive again
Your broken heart, I could mend
If only for a night, give me this
You wanted it as much as I did

What do you expect of me
This is only real in my dreams
I picked you up, and held you close
Pushed you ever so gently
Against the wall
This is what I wanted most
I didn't want to let you go

I kept kissing your icy lips
Ran my fingers along your bony hips
Took you slowly and placed you on the bed
I was wrapped up in you inside my head
I would never forget this
For it was only a dream, after all
Maybe someday I will hold you
Maybe someday I won't fall
This is about a dream I had last night about one of my favourite artists.

— The End —