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Feb 2013 · 506
No Vacancy
M Clement Feb 2013
I flew off the cuff and regretted it
I let my emotions get the best of me
And I hated it.
Come back
Come back
I scream at the walls
Only to turn and find that
You never left.
Feb 2013 · 2.3k
It started with an email
M Clement Feb 2013
I just sent an email to my Mom.
Part of me feels it
Part of me wonders if I'm overdramatic

I feel like ****.
Like, I feel different than when I felt depressed
But this is still not a place I want to be

I never feel ok anymore.
I'm not even sure what ok feels like.

I keep wanting to drink for all the wrong reasons
I never get drunk
But I always want to reach that happy nirvana
That "tipsy enough to forget all your worries" place
There's something seriously wrong with me

I haven't actually talked to my family in AZ for over a month
I schedule skype dates with a woman I'll probably never see again
More than I do with my own father.
What type of **** is that?

I looked at ****, I ****** myself today.
I feel like the biggest ******* this planet has seen.

I also lack self forgiveness.

I got an email back from a priest today.
I told him I'd be interested in joining the priesthood
I realized I might have been lying,
But honestly,
I don't even know!
I feel like I'm sitting on my thumb,
Trying to figure out the world as it
Races by me,
Unwilling to stop and allow me to catch my breath
Or read the signs or understand a **** shred of anything

This is what I'm talking about
Part of me feels this,
And the other part just scoffs, and says I'm melodramatic
Pick yourself up
Dust yourself off and figure out
what the hell you're doing

I feel so alone anymore.
Like, if there's not someone by my side
I somehow lack basic humanity.
Like I need someone to be there
If they aren't, I'm obviously not worth much

I closed the blinds four different times today.
I didn't want the neighbors to see my actions.
After a certain point, I closed them to watch a movie
And I haven't opened them back up,
even though
it would probably cheer me up a great deal

This is probably one of the longest "poems"
I've ever written.
It's not poetry, it's freestyle
Not like it matters,
It's like an art major defining the different strokes that an artist used in a painting
Like I give a ****
It's still a painting

Lent is one of the hardest times of the year.
I feel it with every fiber of my being.
Nothing about this situation makes me feel ok.
I feel out of body, out of mind, out of soul.
I'm pretty sure, at this point, St. Peter wouldn't let me in.
In my heart of hearts I want it desperately, but
The rest of me still says no.

I'm so messed up it's ridiculous.
And I sent an email to my mom chronicling her son's failures
Her son's issues,
And why,
Her son
Needs to go back to a counselor
Because I'll be ****** if he's not "fixed" yet.
This is me being completely honest. I'm in a pretty bad place right now. This was therapeutic to write, and while I don't know if anyone can "enjoy" it, know that I hope it reaches you in a way that helps you.
Feb 2013 · 321
Death Machine Pt. 3
M Clement Feb 2013
"Patience is a virtue"
My mother used to say
I wonder if she'd say the same
Seeing as it will be my demise
Three long weeks since I got that slip
I wonder how long I'll have
To wait...
Sharing is caring
The final piece of the Death Machine trilogy; once again, it's been written for a long time, I just never shared it... sorry about that.
Feb 2013 · 367
Death Machine Pt. 2
M Clement Feb 2013
Questions brought by vague answers
Patience will be my demise
Do I wait?
Or is that what kills me?
Surely if it were,
"Im" would fall before the word on the slip...
What if patience leads to something?
Sharing is caring
I started Death Machine poetry a looong time ago, this is a continuation that's been sitting in my notebook for a long time.
Feb 2013 · 353
M Clement Feb 2013
She said to me,
"we are not to be."
So, I killed her.
"So it'd seem,"
He said to me,
"your account is overdrawn."
He never saw another dawn.
"Dude you lost;"
Said my friend,
"Time to pay up."
I murdered him and his pup.
I murdered him and...
I murdered him...
I murdered...
He said...
He said to...
He said to me...
He... she?
She said...
She said to me....
"Time...time to take your medication."
I hate medication
Seething hate
Like fire
Fire to schools?
She... she sent me to... school
She said...
She... said...
Sharing is caring
Not sure what to name this one, any ideas? Winner gets love.
Feb 2013 · 1.4k
M Clement Feb 2013
My Evil Twin, so set to sin
Grabbed me without explanation
Took me to town,
Eyes set on degradation

Beds to be in, sins to sin
Blackened soul with no retort
*** "between her and I" treated like sport

My Evil Twin, so set to sin
Left me long ago
So here I'm left, her and I
So little left to show
Bottles on the floor
******, fornication
We've taken roadmaps of each other
To every route we know of
(And some we created)

My Evil Twin, so set to sin
Just a made up brother
Sharing is caring
Feb 2013 · 807
Patch it and Thatch it
M Clement Feb 2013
Art work in pencil
Peach shadows on the outline of everything
Jaw lines, good times
Trees in the park
Dinosaur tracks and Fedex Fax

Librarians don't do their job

I was talking about shadows
Then my mind was robbed
Sharing is caring
M Clement Feb 2013
I stared into the abyss
And it stared back

My eyes Hazel
Its eyes black

I screamed, I yelled
I condemned it to hell

I stared into the abyss
And it stared back

Knowing me far too well
Sharing is caring: this is from my personal stash (my notebook). Enjoy... please?
Feb 2013 · 1.9k
Bean Juice
M Clement Feb 2013
Transvestites handing
Out caffeine
Coffee cross dressing
Blonde wig
Chiseled features
Red dress
Peacock out to compare feathers

Coffee, you had me at
Black Roast
Espresso beans and water
"Bean Juice" I've heard it called

Make-up to makeout
(Daddy Issues Alike)
Peacock left me be
Take my coffee and leave
Sharing is caring: this was from my notebook. I hope you enjoy it.
Feb 2013 · 1.2k
Help Wanted Ad
M Clement Feb 2013
There's an oddity:
I never feel correct in my own skin
Can we trade?
I'm looking for 6' 1" (or so)
Preferably male (I enjoy having a *****)
Give me a call sometime
Let's switch skins
Feb 2013 · 273
What I Am
M Clement Feb 2013
There needs to be a change in the way I act
I'm wasting my time here
Videos, games, internet, facebook
Whatever I can get my hands on

There's a greater destination here
Of that I'm (mostly) sure
There was something there
Something felt
I don't want to be the man I am
If 'man' is the proper term for what I am

I can claim nothing
For I am nothing
I am no greater than the least of these
And I never have been
Take away all that I am
Strip me of everything I claim

From dust to dust
Ashes to ashes
Feb 2013 · 356
Swept Away
M Clement Feb 2013
I walked
Through the park

I smiled
And nearly shed tears

This grace
I am undeserving

Lifted hands
I'm observing

A great change
in self

Not self-actualized
Just realizing I must make better choices
Help me, God
While I don't like writing religious poems, I felt this today, and I figured I'd give it a shot. Not for my glory, I suppose.
Feb 2013 · 2.1k
On the beaches of Normandy
M Clement Feb 2013
I’d love to take up the flag for something meaningful
And by ‘love to’ I mean hate
And by ‘something meaningful’ I mean anything
Feb 2013 · 787
Unspoken distance
M Clement Feb 2013
It’s been about seven days since I wrote last
And every time I try and write this,
It ends up much like the last time
Unaccounted for
These words in a space
not physical but non-ethereal
Every day is tricky,
This dichotomy of emotion,
And rock solid demeanor
I just wanted to write,
Say, “I’m here”
And walk away again
Here in word,
But with unspoken distance
Feb 2013 · 340
The River
M Clement Feb 2013
A river between two worlds
Of concrete, sometimes lava
On one side, a happy child
The other, a boy beat by Papa
They come together on the river
There they walk on water
They meet without knowledge
Of the other's father
Bruises aren't seen
Just play between two friends
Mothers play different roles
And lives will meet different ends
I very rarely pull stuff out of my notebook, but I really wanted to share this one.
Feb 2013 · 894
Eye of the Beholder
M Clement Feb 2013
Cataracts in her eyes told her differently
But the world continued to lie
"My dear, my dear
The world is so much better when you can see;
all you have left to do is cry."
For a good time, she believed
What she heard
Her blindness meant she was lacking
That she was lesser
She fell to self pity
Fell to self ruin
And on the brink of despair
She tried to knock on Death's door.

She's lucky Death doesn't like solicitors

Instead she walked back to herself
From spirit back to flesh
And with a gasp of life, she realized how precious
The things around her were
Not the "things"
Not her possessions
But the people
The life she can give
And that people give to her
She has cataracts, sure
But she sees so much more.
Jan 2013 · 512
M Clement Jan 2013
Noble ways, dear sailor
Your brew is not as clean as your tongue
Which is to say, dirtier than mud

She will recognize you have no claim here
But you barter against that;
Praying she'll never be wise enough to know
That you were never by her side in the first place
Jan 2013 · 920
A million and one
M Clement Jan 2013
Here lies X,
Presumptuous isn't it?
A little bit of pomp in lieu of starting a poem
Written for everyone to see;
Nonetheless, here I lie.

This isn't a suicide note
I'm not dying tonight
This is a desire note

A desire to see the man I am die.
This isn't a pity party,
This isn't a threat to me, and please don't worry

This is religious.
I won't claim it as any other.
I wish to see me die.

The "man" who sees a cross
And looks away
For fear of changing what I'm doing
Because, honestly, it makes me feel good.

I look to a crucifix on Sunday
Believe in Transubstantiation
But I still can't get enough of women fornicating on the web.

It hurts to write this down
But to those of you who read it,
I want you to know
I'm drowning

This is struggle.
I don't want this
But everything earthly about me does

There needs to be a look
Outside of self
But I'm happy in this cottage
I need to get out
It's burning down
But the fire is what's keeping me warm

I'm not trying to play
Like I'm really ok,
Because fact of the matter:
I'm not

The absolute worst part:
I've said this a million times.
A million and one.
This is what I'm struggling with. I think I'm done, and there I fall again.
Jan 2013 · 714
I Seussed?
M Clement Jan 2013
I was told to write a poem you see,
A poem of Suessical proportions
I was told to write a poem, just me!
So here's my verbal contortion:
A cat on a mat
Is quite silly
But the cat
Chose to name the mat "Billy"
Billy the friend,
There till the end
Until the both
Left for Chop-Suey
Chop-Suey for Billy and Louie
(The cat, with the mat named Billy)
On a weekend in March
Both felt quite parched
And afterwords, felt rather "flue-y"
"This won't do," said Billy to Lou
As they sat inside the house
When all of a sudden
Cute as a button
Out from the wall, came a mouse
The furniture came a crashin'
As Louie chased the mouse
To a shop in Manhattan
O me, O my!
Said Billy
Starting to cry
For he was all alone
"Do not fear,
O mat, my dear
For I can call by phone."
How'd I do, Chuck?
Jan 2013 · 736
August 14th, 1894
M Clement Jan 2013
"I've decided to turn this around"
Said the captain to the crew
"I realize now, that what I sought was
Immolation. It's been a week, now, and
we've been sailing ever further into oblivion."

"No one's said otherwise; however, I knew
the thoughts, 'We shall all die; these clouds are
getting darker by the moment.' I understand;
and I'm sorry. From this moment forward, there
will be a focus on the bluer hue of the sky,
The sunlight as it shines off of the wetted feathers
of the birds that have only recently taken flight."

"I'm making this an order: we shall turn back now.
There was no treasure where we set to sail, no hidden
secrets. The only thing that awaited us was death
and its keeper."

She held that note tighter than she'd held him;
it was all she had left.
In a sense, this was a call of myself to pull myself out of this pity-party of misery. I wanted to make it metaphorical; the last line was just to fit with the story.
M Clement Jan 2013
(Did I cover all the bases?)
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
Homeless fever-dream
M Clement Jan 2013
Call it prolific
And pill popping

I like words
I like how they taste as they flow
From my mouth,
From my fingers,
Into your ears
Your eyes
I'm inside you.

I've never really understood that
****** conquest
(I changed pages on you)
Like, we should be proud, as men
That we've been inside someone

"I put my **** in that"
Congratulations, Charlie!
You came!
Honorary meetings
Magna *** Laude
(Did I change pages again?)

Shame on you Catholic boy!
Shouldn't you be whining about *** scandal?
Talking about pro-life?
Hating the gays?

Misconstrue my meanings
Misplace the common denominator
Math is always interesting.
This is something... I'm not even sure how I feel right now. I think I just insulted myself...
Jan 2013 · 508
M Clement Jan 2013
The type of darkness that Dave Chapelle
References, talking about Charlie Murphy
Black, Evil, Voodoo

It was all that was in the forest that night
The trees reach into the sky
Like hands raised to the heavens
In pain

That's where he found her
Lying there

That's where he found her
She lied down
But she wasn't sleeping
Stab wounds assured an eternal slumber

Alibis check-out
Families cried
Years pass

The man who found her smiles on a day to day basis
But not for the reasons one would assume
Jan 2013 · 800
M Clement Jan 2013
He sees a way out for himself
| But he won't take it  |
|   He never takes it    |
|             Never             |
|                No                |
|             Never             |
|   He never takes it    |
| But he won't take it  |
He sees a way out for himself
I wanted to play with visuals (even though I feel it's really gimmicky).
Jan 2013 · 1.3k
Put a fork (or a sock) in it
M Clement Jan 2013
Drive off the edge of a shallow cliff
Congrats, you've made it off the curb

Doing drastic things has never been my specialty
Let's live vicariously through someone else
I won't feel anything
But that cuts both ways

Melodramaticism spills forth onto a page that exists
Only because we want it to.
Philosophy in this place
Semantics in schools

School of thought
School of rot
School of wrought

Insides sink like they're covered in ink
Resting in my pelvis

Anatomy is for the birds
But people have it too

I'm still waiting,
Haven't you heard?
I'm still a ******.
Wrong wait,
As in: wait here just a little
I've got more to say

Feeding experiments to those most hungry
Let's secretly give syphilis.

Disgusting peoples live throughout our days
The devil and God are raging inside of me
Let's be brand new

Just nonsense,
Welcome to my poetry
There's meaning here, seriously
Just, please, don't let go of me.
Jan 2013 · 543
I can hear Jaws playing
M Clement Jan 2013
I sipped again
Slipped is similar,
But I'm not falling here,
I'm drinking.

I can't get enough
And at the worst times
I'm slipping while sipping
And the cup spills across
My face

Visual destruction
Sink an anchor into my chest
And drop me into the waters
It won't be that hard;
I've been leaving myself open.

I swim to the surface,
Only to cut my own hamstring
So I can sink back into oblivion.

The fish aren't my friends here
Jan 2013 · 789
Majin Buu
M Clement Jan 2013
"What do you think my brain is made for
Is it just a container for the mind?
That big grey matter."

Lyricism in abundance
Dear Ocean,
Continue your Orange

Flipping Channel
in Sierra Leone
Only to Start
Thinking About You

Sweet Life is all but in our grasp
We're Super Rich Kids but this isn't Just Money
Pyramids to hold our possessions
We should make sure we use Fertilizer
On the lawn before we go

Crack Rock dear Pilot Jones
Let's get Lost until we see
White skies and Monks
Following a Bad Religion

Forrest Gump will meet
Us at the End
Tell us what life is, Frank,
One more time.
I tried to incorporate all of the song names of Frank Ocean's "Channel ORANGE" album. For those of you who have not heard of him/listened to his music, please listen to him; he's a fascinating musician. His song "Monks" is actually where I found my hellopoetry name.
Jan 2013 · 734
M Clement Jan 2013
Under the steam and jets of pressure
I held my face to my hands
And created a pressure from muscle
Bone to muscle
And various tissues in between
Leading to flesh
Pressing against flesh

I wanted to remold my face
To change my appearance

I can't explain it
I think I'm sick
And no, this is not
Pre-teen melodramatic ****

I mean sick
I'm dripping ink
Drowning in sin.
I don't know where up is
Or where to begin...
I hate this, but it's nonetheless true.
Jan 2013 · 514
The no-no talk
M Clement Jan 2013
Tequila's my model
You can be my bottle

Take a sip from red lips
Drink each other's drink

Tonight is fire
You are passion
Tonight is desire
You are mansion

I desire
To reside within
Jan 2013 · 802
Phantastic fantasm
M Clement Jan 2013
A knife in the back of the collective man
Let's start with something drastic

Fire for fire
Dear fireman
Lit a match to find
the matchstick

I've been slowly
Draining my own
What I do might surprise you

I know where you are
Dear prey
I know

I know where you are
Dear, pray
I know

Wordplay and associates
Let's make a collective
Trying hard to sound
Let's be protective

Plastic linings
and glad tidings
Keep away the kids

Pills from Docs
and bills from Crocs
We're living in the skids

******* away our youth in Jack
Let's pour another round

I want to be the man you run to
The man you're glad you found
I drank a little, and this bled onto hellopoetry. Enjoy!
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
The Right Shit
M Clement Jan 2013
I'm drunk off emotional musicians and vitamin water
Too much vitamin C and musical wrist slitting
Too inappropriate?
I'm not going to ask for forgiveness.

Get the **** out of the car
I don't care if we're going 90 miles down the road
If I said I wanted you out
I want you out

This is pure *******
Accept the three you's
And learn to accept me.
It's like how to wrongs don't make a right
But three rights make a left

Disney Cartoons that no-one enjoys
Put your hands in the air
One more round of exotic-bird bingo

Bury me deep in the ground with a ******* *****.
Leave me nothing but a tombstone
"Here lies a self-righteous *******.
Always thought his **** was better than
Everyone else's."

Did I ever tell you,
I stole my best friend's girlfriend?
And then broke her heart on her birthday?
I'm a ******' joke.

I'm not even rhyming anymore
It's not like I care.
There's no form here
My soul laid bare

Play with me a bit.
I'm here, so **** me.

Soothing lyrics whispered into ears of babes
Drowning in bath water.
I haven't talked a while
To my father's daughter.
I just hurt myself with my own rapier wit
Cutting goes both ways
I'll admit.

****, this poem stings
Coming off a lyrical ******
Called this the right ****
But my alignment's off-center.
Jan 2013 · 1.3k
A common (im)modesty
M Clement Jan 2013
Guess what?
The title has nothing
to do with what
you're reading.
Don't care.

Sweep through my insides
Signing away my life on a slip of paper
God's given graces
God's men
You looked like you had a fork tongue

I came to you
Dressed in Enjoi and a Beanie
I wanted to hide the cat gang on my shirt
Look presentable
I was in front of the higher ups
This was serious stuff
But you mistreated it
I should have come naked
And flopped my **** around
It would have been about as serious
As you took this get together

Wow, that was atrocious
I can't believe I wrote that
But these feelings are true
And I won't try to fight back
My wording could be better
That I will admit,
But honestly, the way you handled this
Makes me sick

So I sign again,
Hoping this time, for the better
I signed this piece of paper
Letter by letter

Signed the date,
And away
Goes that weekend
On a retreat

Hoping for different
Not expecting much
Praying for better
Than a fancy lunch
Super personal poem, but felt it necessary to write.
Not super relatable, and for that I'm sorry.
Jan 2013 · 730
Tears for Fears
M Clement Jan 2013
Oh to dream
To dream
Sweet dreams
Of death

Eternal rest
Marked by cement

There only to tell the world
"So and so lies in great slumber."

We oft look to death as somber
A downpour of tears and bad feelings
We mourn for the loss of a loved one

I can't help but wonder
While we mourn
If God rejoices
M Clement Jan 2013
My mind is an open ocean
There are no waves here

No boats of information
No knowledgeable crew
To guide these calm waters
No ghosts of imagination haunting ******

The birds fly by from time to time
Attempting to find land

But my mind is an open ocean
There are no sands here
Jan 2013 · 3.6k
Bear Puns, I like it.
M Clement Jan 2013
They say miming of one's work is the best flattery
Those scientists better check their hypotenuses

Poem getting grizzly
***** better have my honey
Jan 2013 · 285
Wit to go
M Clement Jan 2013
Trying the small ****
Dog park rest stops
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
Srs Bsns (Serious Business)
M Clement Jan 2013
Off to dinner tonight,
This is starting off like a journal entry

I often wonder if I'm meant for someone else
In this world
Or is it bigger than that?

Dinner tonight
Not romantic
Far from it
And please don't mention *** scandal

Solo until the day I die
That's what I'm looking at
But my scope is so...

Instead of a father of offspring
A father of peoples
A father of the church
A person who can set people towards a righteous path

But let's be honest,
I'm far from righteous.
I talk a good talk
But my walk is a sad limp

I pray before I eat,
But "forget" in the hustle
and bustle of work and life

If Christ is supposed to be my center
I'm way off target
Another god seems to follow me
Another trip to Target

I'm consistently surrounded by choice
In the day to day
But instead of choosing right
I go with "**** what the haters say"
I could have bleeped that out, you know
Nullified it,
But I'd rather be raw
And let you see that side of it

This is serious business,
and no less a journal entry
I tried to change it into poetry
but I'm way off target
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
(Not so) Subtle Poetry
M Clement Jan 2013
Posh poetries in the minds of the youth
Aren't we all such genius minds?
(Doesn't that sound cool? I'm just puffing smoke!)

Pretty women, walking by
Men that lack a stronger eye
(It rhymes, but I mean willpower)

Just in case you didn't know,
I assume you do.
(Once again, I'm talking about my
analogies and wordplay)

Talking in text
Because face-to-face is awkward
But your smile downplays it,
And I'm happy to bask in it
(It being the awkward situation for you
grammar nuts out there.)

I figure I'd be funny
Poetry like Bugs Bunny
I just hope it's a little more "PC"
(Politically-correct, Bugs Bunny was not, though
funny he was.
If you don't know who Bugs is, educate yourself!
You sadden me.)
Honestly, I'm just ******* around.
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
The ring finger
M Clement Jan 2013

At least it's with writing

Over a period of two days,
I had two inquiries of my own relational status
I also forgot milk, chicken, and various meat products
shoved together, shaped like tubes.

I switched my ring to my right hand
After that

Maybe people will get the picture
I'm not committed
There's no "other" to this significant

That sounds prideful
I don't mean it as such
I just know that I mean something
I'm here for something
That's more than I'd normally say on the subject

I switched my ring to my right hand
Right before I got back all my various foods
I sit now, in a dimly lit living room
Illuminated with nothing but a distant light
And this computer screen

This poem has schizophrenic meanings
I hope I'm not committed.
M Clement Jan 2013
Jagged edges on straight laced papers
Isn't it funny how we leave our marks?
Students with graphite or blue, possibly black, ink
Thoughts on paper
Words into sentences
Sentences into paragraphs
Paragraphs into papers
Papers into wood
Wood into trees
Trees into seeds
Seeds into the hands of the farmers
Sending their loved ones off to learn
To leave their mark
Starting with graphite or blue, possibly blank, ink
M Clement Jan 2013
Looks small
Such piercing words
Such lack of care

Slamming letters onto paper
This is macaroni art for adults

Forgive me for being away,
I haven't stopped, you know
I've just become selective
Not that it'll show

I still write first-drafts
And pass them off as final

I'll show you some real stuff
This is cd vs. vinyl
Jan 2013 · 600
Whimper until you look away
M Clement Jan 2013
Bones before antlers
Let's see the splinters

Irritation propagation
You really know my buttons

Walk around once
Walk around twice
Can't stop unless we say

I remember this being far easier
Jan 2013 · 489
Shaking and Unsettled
M Clement Jan 2013
I'd love to.

I mean, I thought things had changed
I thought we were friends
But the minute I saw you twirling your hair,
Fixing what I never thought was broken

I don't even want lust,
I want you.



I know things have changed in your eyes
Breaking up,
Without a relationship
We are not together,
We never were.

Can you stay here forever?
I don't want to let go of

"I sound like a teenager."
She said reading her own
That goes both ways now,
Both ways
Dec 2012 · 894
Behind the veil
M Clement Dec 2012
Slim regrets and
Fatal forget-me-nots
I like to write what
Sounds thought provoking
However, much like
the wizard of Oz,
My secret is my lack of power
Behind the veil you find
A man
No different from any other
In fact, my life is no tragedy:
I still have a father and mother.

So what am I, really?
A sham, a fake, a crock?
Fact is I am a man
Who can find a word
That rhymes with sock.
Dec 2012 · 691
Death Machine
M Clement Dec 2012
I await a slip of paper
Foretelling of my death
I await a slip of paper,
For I've not received it yet.

I've staved my curiosity,
Like a tiger in a cage
However, eventually
Tigers want to eat,
To hunt,
To be satiated
And so does my curiosity.

Though morbid,
Though vague,
I wish to know my end
By fire,
By age,
By disease
or by vehicle?

Vague enough to open questions,
Concrete enough to give me something
I want to know
How I'll die.

The reaper with his crystal ball
With no eyes
From the faded machine
A hand reaching from the coin
Reaching to shake mine
"Congratulations, you've paid
the piper, child."
The reaper says,
But only in my day dreams

I want to know my death,
Wow, this takes forever,
I've paid the toll,
I've done what's necessary!
Why is there no paper in my hand!

Wait, I hear printing!
My heart, is sprinting in my chest!
Oh dear heaven above!
I get to know my death, God!
You can't hide it from me forever!

The slip of paper finishes through the machine
Printed, it spits out at me.
I take it, gingerly, excited all the while
To know my death, oh death machine,
Will make me smile.
I stare at it, giving great diligence
To find that I'll die by...

I'm not sure I'm doing it justice, but I'm reading about the Machine of Death; a web-popularized idea by the maker of Dinosaur comic. There's a PDF file that you may receive for free, found here:
Dec 2012 · 550
Summer of a year past
M Clement Dec 2012
Depression made me want to not wake up.

Ridiculous, I don't feel it.

Is it there? What's it feel like?

There we go, I feel that.
Can you feel numbness
Or does it enfold you?
Engulf you?
A true darkness, makes your rose colored shades
Far darker
Remember all the things you loved to do?
You don't, with these lenses.
Remember all your loved ones?
Remember the feelings you had for them?
Welcome to depression, son.
***** doesn't it. You want out,
You want to bail this ship,
Swim outside the darkness,
But it engulfs, and refuses to
Let you swim away.
The Kraken of emotional duress.

Just wait for someone who's a better swimmer,
Find someone with a brighter light,
I had to.
Apparently I didn't know how to swim.
M Clement Dec 2012
Dear convictions,
Lose me friends
I knew it'd happen, truly
Dec 2012 · 296
Let's be honest (10 words)
M Clement Dec 2012
Let us face it,
We are all terrified of this
Dec 2012 · 477
Repetition Commision
M Clement Dec 2012
I say this over
and over
and over
and over and over
and over
and over
I've said it over
and over
and over
and over
and over
I'll say it over
and over
and over
and over
and over:
I consistently
no one
but myself
Dec 2012 · 506
That familiar feeling
M Clement Dec 2012
I've been gone a while,
You noticed that?
I saw you sitting in this house
Continuing your brilliant abilities

It wasn't that I felt neglected,
No, never
You offer me more than I could put into words
I just felt I had nothing to offer

I went to a cabin in the woods
Not too far from here
But far enough that I wouldn't think of you too often
The lake was serene,
But my thoughts were chaotic

To be honest,
I don't think I'm better
I don't think I'm ready for this
I know that I don't love yet,
And I know that I'm selfish

In all honesty,
I came back to this house
This beautiful architecture
Because I knew you'd listen.
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