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Dec 2015 · 261
Lyra Dec 2015
nothing left but picture frames
disclaimer: this is a line from castaway
Dec 2015 · 665
Lyra Dec 2015
what are you waiting for,
someone could love you more
disclaimer: troye sivan owns this
Dec 2015 · 646
Lyra Dec 2015
don't forget that you'll never truly belong to me,
just like how the shore never truly belong to the ocean.

no matter how many times they collide,

they're destined to be apart.
Dec 2015 · 312
Lyra Dec 2015
the only thing you should want to change about her is her last name
Dec 2015 · 271
Lyra Dec 2015
dying is a side effect of living
Dec 2015 · 224
Lyra Dec 2015
I'm trying to write a happy poem

I'm *trying
Dec 2015 · 204
Lyra Dec 2015
"our relationship wasn't that dysfunctional!"

are you sure?  

because one day you decided you didn't love me anymore.

and I was okay with it.
Dec 2015 · 1.4k
Lyra Dec 2015
I sit down by the waterfront, it's evening
the tide washes over my feet
it mimics you in every move it makes
it rushes to me then suddenly retreats -

If there's one thing I know about the ocean,
the same I will hope for your heart,
the sea always finds its way back to shore,
can we find our way back to the start?
Based on Cathy Cassidy's "Bittersweet", simply altered it slightly and posted it because this verse makes me feel things
Nov 2015 · 450
Lyra Nov 2015
I walked into a shop today
the one across my street,
it was a quiet and timeless and quaint little place,
which sold odd lovely treats.

Quirky trinkets like teacups and lockets
could be found in this rabbit hole,
vintage gems like books and records
would be on display to show.

It was in this whimsical garage sale of a store
where I stumbled across a washed-out picture,
of a maiden dreamily blowing a kiss to the floor
with the reflection of December.

On the back of this picture
I could see faded scrawls,
of what I could assume was the story
of the maiden who blew a kiss to the floor,

"Lucy met a boy today
on her trip to the grocery store,
she was trudging through snow, wishing it was May
when suddenly he made her heart soar.

She locked eyes with a boy of eighteen,
two years elder than she,
he slipped her a wink, made her feel like a queen,
and made her heart skip a beat.

She fully intended to blow him a kiss
but hesitated a moment too long,
his friends swept him away and the chance was missed,
and so she had to move along.

The boy with brown eyes who tossed Lucy a wink,
she never saw him again,
but he'd never left her heart, to this day, she thinks
'If only I broke my chains.' "

It’s astounding how many stories of this nature
the shop across my street holds,
hidden in rustic teacups and pictures,
they could all be centuries old.

All these tales of never taking the leap
always end in remorseful regret,
because those who were shy now weep and weep,
times like these we can never reset.

If The Tale of Lucy had taught us a lesson
it would be to risk the fall,
so blow the kiss to all or none,
for the greatest risk is to risk nothing at all.
last lines inspired by kristy glassen's "when we risk it all"
Sep 2015 · 8.2k
Best Guy Friend
Lyra Sep 2015
Once upon a time, I had three guy friends,
whom on which I could always depend,
pair by pair we could've conquered the world,
with nothing but our little fingers twirled.

Chapter A:
The first boy, Boy One,
our journey had begun,
in a classroom of twenty four,
when both of us wanted more.

He was loyal and loving,
devoted and caring,
but everybody could see,
he was falling in love with me.

I started to put galaxies between us
the teasing and comments grew vexatious.
So, as expected, we grew apart,
the very first injury of my indecisive heart.

Chapter B:
Then after that came along Boy Two,
the second boy wasn't very good with rules.
But, I guess, that was what pulled us together,
here's to hoping this round would be better.

We used to be in love, Boy Two and I,
and after we were over, we never walked by.
We blamed each other for breaking our hearts,
but little did we know, fate didn't want us apart.

We reconciled after being thrown in a class,
but this time as friends, no longer treading on glass.
We became attached, inside jokes and all,
precisely why nothing prepared me for the fall.

The night before his birthday, I promised to call,
"I'll wish you at midnight, or not at all".
His careless reply hurt like a stab in my chest,
'Sorry, I'm calling her,' he confessed.

The betrayal cut through me like a knife,
I could feel him slipping through my fingers, not once but now twice.
Since then, I've been replaced as his best friend by her,
lesson number two has now occurred.

Chapter C:
Boy Three was the friend who was always around,
I'd see him here and there but he'd never seem to make a sound.
Suddenly, one day, we realized we grew on each other
addicted to thrill of walking the line between friend and lover.

Boy three and I would keep each other on our toes,
we'd savor the ships 'cause hey, whatever goes.
The romantic tension was obsessive and electrifying,
but it blew up in my face, and sent me flying.

During this period, I befriended a group of seniors,
who were all laughs & wits, it was nothing peculiar.
However, Boy Three got terribly protective,
we had an immense fall out, both of us too sensitive.

We somehow turned against each other,
silently stabbing and pushing further.
He'd spit about me to his clique,
making everyone doubt me, as we speak.

We said words we could never take back,
and hurt each other beyond repair.
In our hearts, we knew things would never be the same,
thus the third lesson has now taken its place.

This was the story of my three guy friends,
whom on which I could always depend.
Once upon a time, I had three guy friends,
but honestly it doesn't matter, I lost all three in the end.
Not a very good one, I'm afraid. Just a little something to let out the pressure building.
Sep 2015 · 395
Lyra Sep 2015
I'm afraid to ask
what you think of me
because I know your reply would be

*I don't.
Aug 2015 · 406
Lyra Aug 2015
Can the painkillers silence you
or do they not live up to their name?
Aug 2015 · 389
Lyra Aug 2015
we were almost in love,
like leaves dancing on the edge of a cliff,
on the verge of plunging.

we were so close to being in love,
both of us decided to save ourselves instead of falling.
Aug 2015 · 391
Lyra Aug 2015
I remember how just his name
could make everybody smile,
how life was just an extravagant game
he knew he'd win after a while.

His heart was lovely and true and brave,
he was really one of a kind,
his hands around mine, now I constantly crave,
his fate and mine intertwined.

No matter east or west I go
I'd see him all over the place,
from a strangers face, his brown eyes would show
or his little laugh that keeps me dazed.

People would tell me how special he was
and I would ask myself, darling why?
because if he was truly, remarkably special
then why did he have to die?
Jul 2015 · 483
Lyra Jul 2015
even when I caught your eye,
it wasn't quite the way she stole your heart,
Jul 2015 · 863
It's All History
Lyra Jul 2015
'Attention!' yelled the commander,
as we fell in line one by one,
this is the tragedy we're under,
at least 'til the end of World War One.

I was shoved into the frontline
the minute I turned eighteen,
freedom and peace were never mine,
no, never mine to keep.

My simple life was never real
I was just biding my time,
as a boy my fate was sealed
and to refuse it would be a crime.

Sweetheart, did you remember,
our dreams that were to be?
Now crushed in the cold September,
the result my of signing to army.

Trenches run meters deep
all across northern France,
the home to my battered, crumbling feet,
as I take my battle stance.

In succession soldiers will perish,
across the brutal field,
the pain they will not relish,
but have to keep concealed.

The universal bloodbath,
that'll eventually take it's toll,
all searching for a triumphant path
that runs through rotten coal.

First the Triple Entente,
of Russia, France and Britain,
they had the ships and could confront
to conquer and accomplish their mission.

Then came the Triple Alliance,
yes they weren't very good with names,
it was Germany and Austria, a likely compliance,
I'd say they've got quite fair game.


Victory was widely sought,
but the war was nearly done,
hundreds and thousands of hearts are stopped,
because of the curse that is World War One.
A history assignment. Why can't all assignments be like this?
Jul 2015 · 292
Lyra Jul 2015
You said you loved me,
but only when you're the only one.
You expressed your needs,
even if it meant hurting me deep.

We're done, best friend .
Jul 2015 · 415
Lyra Jul 2015
I hope you get drunk enough tonight
to tell me you love me
because only then
will I know it's true

and not just me
but you too
drunk words are sober thoughts
Jul 2015 · 954
Lyra Jul 2015
We were a game of chess -
You were my king
and I was your pawn.
but you did not realize
I was so much more -

Jun 2015 · 457
twiddly diddly
Lyra Jun 2015
Thoughts of you come in small breezes,
Tonight you're sweeping me off my feet.
inspired by hannah taylor
Jun 2015 · 355
The Truth
Lyra Jun 2015
You see, what scares me isn't falling in love,
it's falling out.
The many reasons you fell love in her,
will be the exact ones why you stopped.

Her stubbornness that was once so exhilarating,
now only frustrates you.

Her kindness that was once so lovely,
now only makes you jealous.

Her way of knowing how you feel that was once so right,
now only annoys you.

Her relaxed attitude that was once so frank,
now only makes you detest her for being lazy.

Her bright eyes that was once so exuberant,
now only makes you shield your eyes.

Her loyalty that was once so persistent,
now only infuriates you.

Her quirks and habits that made you crash and fall,
now only embarrasses you.

So don't fall in love,
because its only temporary.
You'll fall out of love,
after a while.
Not now, not later,
but you will
because nobody
inspired by a tumblr post
Jun 2015 · 391
A Tribute
Lyra Jun 2015
This poem is a tribute to you,
even after everything you've put me through.
You've opened my eyes and built my heart,
and blinded me with a love that tore everything apart.

This poem is a tribute to us,
you and I, we soared above.
However, soon, after we landed,
you blew me a kiss and left me stranded.

This poem is a tribute to everything that went wrong,
your eyes were a dream and your laugh was a song.
A song so loud it drowned my cries,
a dream, no a nightmare, full of secrets and lies.

This poem is the tribute to our lovely nights,
not next to each other, but never out of sight.
I was a princess, and you were my prince,
you were all I could think about ever since.

This poem is a tribute to the way you made me feel,
you know, my heart was never yours to steal.
But once it was stolen, I knew it was hopeless,
you drove me insane, and I lost my focus.

You made me laugh, you made me cry,
you made me never want to say goodbye,
you made me feel beautiful, and wanted and needed,
you made me feel crazy, content and completed.

Yes I know, I made you sound simply divine,
but the truth is,  you never could make up your mind.
Hot one second & cold the next,
of all the puzzles I've solved, you were the most complex.

But most importantly,

This poem is a tribute to me
with my head in the clouds, but the ground beneath my feet.
No longer a princess, but not yet a warrior,
just a ******* a crusade to be a little stronger.
To the angels who've ever had their hearts broken by anyone, especially by those who were never yours to lose.
May 2015 · 300
Lyra May 2015
your hungry eyes
my thirsty heart
May 2015 · 277
Lyra May 2015
Life is a game you could only win
if you pushed Hate aside and lift up your chin.
May 2015 · 435
Lyra May 2015
you stole my heart
but only because
it was in the way
of you reaching
for someone
May 2015 · 380
We Don't Fit
Lyra May 2015
You're a puzzle

I'm not your missing piece.
May 2015 · 344
Lyra May 2015
What I want
differs from I need,

**I want you
you need me
May 2015 · 362
Crash Landing
Lyra May 2015
I tripped but




Apr 2015 · 466
Lyra Apr 2015
you & I

we're a paradox

aren't we?
Apr 2015 · 1.0k
Lyra Apr 2015
Last night
I looked up into the stars
And matched one with a reason
why I love you

I was doing great

until I ran out of stars.
Apr 2015 · 1.0k
Ladies & Gentlemen
Lyra Apr 2015
Excuse me, may I have your attention please?
I'm screaming, I'm broken, I'm on my knees.
Everyday is a torture, with frustration and fear,
Close  your eyes and look at me, the end is near.

Excuse me, may I have your attention please?
Destruction and desperation is all I see.
Cuts and bruises are crystal clear,
Close your eyes and look at me, the end is near.

Excuse me, may I have your attention please?
I'm exhausted and empty and begging for release.
Today is a blur and numbness is all I hear,
Close your eyes and look at  me, the end is near.

But no, your eyes are open but you're not looking at me,
Your eyelids are blinking but you don't see;
I was trapped but now I surrender my barriers,
The end is not near, no, the end is here.
Apr 2015 · 463
3, 2, 1
Lyra Apr 2015
As the ball dropped and the countdown began
The chances of him appearing was ever so slim,
10, 9, 8, I waited and waited
7, 6, perhaps we really weren't fated.
I hoped with all my heart that wasn't true,
Because all I wanted to be was somebody to you.
But then, 5,4, his familiar face appeared
3, 2, 1, I know now, there's nothing to fear
For our lips crashed and our vision blurred,
Fireworks erupted and New Yorkers cheered
We stayed still and dried our tears,
It really is a happy new year.
Apr 2015 · 700
Lock & Key
Lyra Apr 2015
That boy's got my heart in a silver cage
To capture it, he spent days and days
But once it was seized, he locked it up
then looked at it once, and left it to rot.

He would come up to it, between 6 month intervals,
And bring it back to life, like it wasn't any trouble,
But then he'd grow dark and smash it into two,
and the cycle repeats, through and through.

He used to slip his fingers in the between the bars,
And cared for my heart, and played with my stars
He'd polish my prison, and renovate it pretty
and make sure I'm looking, when he swallows the key.

You see, the thing is:

I could escape and flee with a snap of my fingers,
I've come very close but I always linger
He teases and tortures but it's heavenly agony
I close my eyes, turn around and let him take me.
Apr 2015 · 285
Lyra Apr 2015
I love you
I was sure when
You stopped my heart
And I could never breathe again.

— The End —