I'd run away with you today you're the only one I'd run to I'd disappear with you away out into the blue Said you cant take it anymore just want to walk right out the door I'd follow you anywhere all you have to do is take me there I'd run away I'd run away with you today
Is intrigue a form of love? can you be so intrigued by another individual that you are actually in love with them? I ask because I am intrigued, I am beguiled, I am curious.
Is this a form of love? Is this real? Tell me please
im sorry i am not my sister im sorry im not strong like you im sorry i am in pain and sad all the time im sorry i cant breath im sorry that you hate me that i've ruined your life im sorry i dropped out of school and broke all your plans im sorry i am not the one you thought id be in the end im sorry that i didnt give up my dreams for you im sorry that i didnt take care of you for years that i left and didnt come back im sorry you had to rely on others im sorry im dissapointing im sorry ive broke your heart im sorry i followed my dreams and left you alone but mostly im sorry i was born beacuse i did take care of you i did save your life i never asked for anything this just isnt right i never told you no i never rose my voice i gave you everything i never had a choice i never followed all my dreams never got out of this town and now ill rot here inside beacuse you've broken me down so thank you for all your love that burned right through my soul thank you and i love you i dont remember why though
Welcome to my parlor said the spider to the fly Thank you all for coming yeah it’s nice you’re stopping by Don’t close your eyes now baby or you’ll miss the big surprise Pick up your sword defend yourself the danger is real here and there’s nothing else Take a deep breath and hold on tight if you want to survive The firefight take a deep breath and don’t cry cause if your not careful we could die tonight so don’t give up And don’t give in your stronger than they think you are Iron heart
Dreams are never soothing no the pain is to intense there’s no turning back now cause your right against the fence Cant deny your destiny its cause its slammed into your face nothing left but fighting no more power to erase Pick up your sword defend yourself the danger is real here and there’s nothing else Take a deep breath and hold on tight if you want to survive The firefight take a deep breath and don’t cry cause if your not careful we could die tonight so don’t give up And don’t give in no never give up And never give in Pick up your sword defend yourself there’s nothing else nothing else!
Take a deep breath and hold on tight if you want to survive The firefight take a deep breath and don’t cry cause if your not careful we could die tonight so don’t give up And don’t give in your stronger than they think you are Iron heart
r-remember that i love you a-attacking tho i am n-not meaning this to hurt you t-try to understand i-i dont want to be stepped on n-not gonna push me down g-get off your ******* high horse before you hit the ground...... t-take back the venom said o-or one day you will look up
a-and i surely will be dead
c-cant stop this dreadful marching a-another day is gone n-never to remember c-calling through the dark e-everyone is dying r-reading the last words i never ment to hurt you tho i wish i could
I look down at my breast and see a bruise and it makes me smile because it reminds me of you it reminds me of the touch that was a shade to hard but I didn't notice because I was so focused on the feel of you when I stretch I feel sore in the best places I can feel the many bruises you left on me I can feel them and they make me smile because it reminds me that I am Yours
bare face down panting before the first graze of the soft felt so soft hiding the harsh sting and throb caused by its many strands in this moment the ecstasy takes me and my mind flies over the homes around us to the soaring heavens where you sit resplendent on a throne of bodies lay at your feet those who give of themselves to serve and honor the magic that lies in those soft harsh strands they leave my heated skin and i brace for that first hard impact i hold my breath......for you
My hands are tied over my head and secured to the bed your lips move slowly down to my thighs and once again I'm dead your body moves within mine and I find I sing your hips that slam and break through me are nothing nothing I am bound to you to it to we yours and only yours forever? for always? for now? Bound
I have a Question for you... It'a kind hard to say...... It fills me with sadness..... I think it everyday..... It's only a few words...... But volumes do they speak....... Thinking this question always makes me weak........ OK I'm gonna say it...... Just rip the band-aid off.... 1....2....3....
i hate that when i text you u never answer back unless of course its midnight and we kno what comes of that i hate that when i think of you i feel my mind go flying beacuse i kno when you talk to me it feels more like u're lying i hate it that i let you back in when i knew nothing had changed and that i let you drag me here to watch me just get hanged i hate how you dont care enough to ask about my day but want me to give a **** that you just cant get layed im not one to cause a fuss or throw a tantrum fit but kno i am not the one to sit back and relive this **** i;ve walked this road with you before and now im done for good but you should kno i still love you cause i promised i always would
when you are alone after someone has just left you not the i am leaving and never coming back or the vague we have to do this again blow off but the real i cant wait till the next time we do this that feeling
when the person you are with fascinates you not the lame i wanna know everything so that i can use it against you later crap that happens when people are trying to get in your pants the serious fascination of one person for another when they get that feeling
the one that makes you smile from ear to ear because five minutes before you felt like crying and now you are so blissfully cheerful that life is bubble gum and dew drops and even tho it only last for a little while you cherish that feeling
the feeling i get when you are near when you tell me wish i was there that feeling that feeling that feeling i feel
stop staring at the screen stop waiting to hear the message tone stop rushing home to check stop wishing he would call stop worrying that you failed stop worrying he bailed stop looking for his face stop giving him the power stop just stop ******* stop right now hes not worth it
the quiet the loud the soft the hard the hands the lips the body pressed like this touching you touching me sighing soft laughing weak the painful strokes the loving smacks i fear i'll never get it back your angel wings wrapped round me tight our future perfect and insight you
i cant breath i cant think i cant move i cant blink my heart bleeds my soul breaks with out you i feel fake when your near i feel sick i feel lost i feel thick i feel hurt i feel alone but its worse when you're gone with out you i know pain i know sorrow and i know shame with out you i'm insane and you are the one i blame
I Miss....The feel of your hands running thru my hair I Miss....The touch of your lips on my neck I Miss....The taste of your soul poring over my tongue I Miss....The click of the keys as you speak to me I Miss.... The sound of your heart beating under my ear I Miss You....I Miss You tho you were never mine to begin with.
why is it wrong i love you? who decides that love is always about what we do and not how we feel? i love you so who's business is it that i do just because they think they know? what do they know about us? and who are they to judge us? love should be reserved for those that touch us in a way that moves our souls when someone comes into your life and saves you from the demons that haunt your dreams? that person you should always love with soul with mind with body if you wish but it is not something you have to do. i love you and that is no-ones business but yours and mine
you said it wasn't for you that you never would its why you turned away from me why you said goodbye now i see you are different why wasn't i the one? you were my one how could you do this? don't you remember you said forever
for once i was whole only you knew who i was reason left me everytime i saw you vain evil feelings escape my body in a rush r**elease me please i beg you
Why this is so important to me but when you laugh at me for loving this way for talking this way i want to SCREAM rant and rage and throw things at you at your face its not your place to tell me how to be who to love who to trust how to think or live if i am not hurting you im not sure why you care
come on just take one breath just a tiny gasp of air please for me? be alive and be here? maybe reach your hand out? touch my outstretched fingers just once just for a moment i know it hurts i know that pain and even though i wish you wouldn't you'll feel it again but right now just for me take a breath start to breathe i'll wait right here promise not to leave but for one moment one tiny second gone take a breathe and please hold on
in case you cant tell this is about a broken heart how it feels when it starts to mend
im in love im not in love you cant love someone who loves someone else who is with someone else who thinks only of them and never of you so im not in love then? ok im in like with a big ******* handful of lust so not love or like lust i lust you thats right right? so do i love? like? lust?
i am lost now inside i wish i could die escape is never my time i cant live this life you are gone you are gone so alone surrounded by people i love who should be above all and everything but you hold my mind youve crawled deep inside i cant cut you free youve invaded me my angel in black my angel broken
I am afraid of my feelings of your intensity of letting myself get lost in the face of this fear i run every time without fail I am not afraid of love of being happy of safe arms around me in the face of this I am strong she will always love you more than me but she is dead and I am what remains and I am afraid