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Feb 2015 · 286
Lynix Feb 2015
its been 1 month and 26 days since i have done it
Feb 2015 · 355
Lynix Feb 2015
i need you to realize that you are more than just my first love and first heartbreak
Feb 2015 · 337
some days
Lynix Feb 2015
some days i would read our old conversations

some days i would say to myself that i hated you for messing with my emotions

some days i would cry the thought of your mom hurting you like she used to

some days i never thought of you at all

some days i wonder if you you think of me

some days i wonder if you even thought of me when we were together
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Lynix Feb 2015
i found myself saying 'i wanna go home' when im in my bed, in my home.
Feb 2015 · 303
i long for you
Lynix Feb 2015
sometimes i lay in my bed and i close my eyes and i try to picture myself in your room and your arms around me, then i fall asleep thinking im with you. i get so sad is hurts because we arent even supposed to talk anymore
Feb 2015 · 203
Lynix Feb 2015
don't point out someone else's scars.

— The End —