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What is wrong, my friend?
Tell me what is on your mind.
I am here for you.
Twenty seven years
The age where you've peaked stardom,
then you die so young.

Twenty-seven years
The age where you've peaked the fame,
then you're gone too soon.
The world is broken
Filled with war, violence, debates,
yet we still complain.
The light becomes dark
One star gives way for many stars
Good Day is Good Night.
Throughout my life
               I’m having a hard time,
               I stumble and fall
               And struggle through it all.
               I’ve tried to fit in
               But they always shut me out,
               Is there something wrong with me?
               Why they always put me down?

                I need to know what’s going on
                What’s it all about,
                I need to have a purpose
                That will make me stand out.

                I need acceptance in my life
                That will make me feel good,
                I need acceptance in my life
                That will put me in the best mood.
                Acceptance in my life
                Or someone to be loved,
                I need acceptance in my life
                from the Lord God above.

                Acceptance in my life


               I want to get in on the action
               But they never let me in,
               Now I have a bad reaction
               to this pleasantry sin.
               I’m rejected and heartbroken
               ‘cause they wouldn’t want me now,
                I’m in desperate need of someone
                to comfort me when I’m down.

                I need to know what’s going on
                What’s it all about,
                I need to have a purpose
                That will make me stand out.

                I need acceptance in my life
                That will make me feel good,
                I need acceptance in my life
                That will put me in the best mood.
                Acceptance in my life
                Or someone to be loved,
                I need acceptance in my life
                from the Lord God above.

                Acceptance in my life

                I don’t want to feel left out
                I want to put myself out there,
                I’m sick of being alone
                I just want a friend who cares.
                Yeah, I want to stand out
                I want to be recognized
                And to be known from the world;
                It’ll be the best thing of my life.

                What’s the point of me trying?
                I just know that they don’t want me.
                I can’t take this anymore!
                That’s not what my life’s trying to be.
                I need some experience
                That will help me through my life,
                I will gain some confidence
                That will take away my strife.

                I need to know what’s going on
                What’s it all about,
                I need to have a purpose
                That will make me stand out.

                I need acceptance in my life
                That will make me feel good,
                I need acceptance in my life
                That will put me in the best mood.
                Acceptance in my life
                Or someone to be loved,
                I need acceptance in my life
                from the Lord God above.

                Acceptance in my life


               Acceptance in my life
I. The mistaken afternoon
   I'm dressed for the cold.
   Behind the windows,
   It's cloudy, all of the kids
   see the changing of the birds
   in the yellow tree.

   The afternoon was spent out
   along the river.
   And a blush of an apple
   trembles in the roofs.

II.  I'm dressed for the cold
   in the mistaken afternoon.
   Behind the windowpanes,
   the sky is cloudy, and all of
   the kids saw the colorful
   birds in the yellow tree.

   I spent the afternoon
   Along the riverside,
   when a blush of an apple
   falls from a tree.
The best THING
That ever happened to me was
When I was a college freshman.                              
It happened in mid-February of 2009.
Valentine's Day.
A day of celebrating a couple's
Relationship with each other,
A day of romance & companionship,
And a day to say "I love you"
to your significant other.....
While getting SMACKED
In the FACE

I was in San Francisco
at the time.
The City by the Bay.
It was three weeks
before Valentine's Day.
Throughout the entire
San Francisco State Campus,
Hundreds of fliers
Were spread throughout
The college
Describing the big event;
That it's going to be HUGE,
That it's going to be EPIC,
And that it's going to be.....

I was walking to class
The other day when
I stumbled upon
one of the fliers.
After I read the flier,
I realized that
Since I don't have a
Boyfriend to hang out
With me on that day,
And that my friends
Are too busy
Hanging out with their
Significant others
And that they don't
Have the time to
Hang out with me
On that day,
So I figured
That I MIGHT as well
Go to the event
Just to see what is like
And to pass the time
on the official day of love.

A few weeks have gone by,
I was busy counting down
The days until the big event
While going through
My daily business
as a busy college student.

The day of the big event
I CANNOT contain myself.
Instead of studying for my classes,
during the day.

Just a couple of hours before
The start of the big event,
I GRABBED my pillow,
DASHED out of the dorms,
RAN through the college campus,
And got on the MUNI Light Rail
That will take me to the location
of the big event.
Was I alone?

A bunch of other exciting college students
From the same college
With their own pillows
were going to the big event as well.
Along the way, more and more
Exciting people carrying their
Own pillows came on board the
MUNI Light Rail en route to the
location of the big event.

When we arrived at the location
Of the big event,
The Port of San Francisco
On the Embarcadero,
There were tons of people
With their own pillows
Crowding the streets
And the piers
Along the Embarcadero;
They were all looking
At the Port of San Francisco
Building's clock;
Patiently waiting for the big event
to actually begin.
The anticipation was filling the air.

Then, the clock rang
Signaling for ten minutes
until the start of the event.
People everywhere were
Waving their pillows
FRANTICALLY in the air;
They were Cheering, hollering, hooting,
Howling, screaming loudly;
Making ALL kinds of sounds
to pass the time.
The clock rang once again
Signaling for five minutes
until the start of the event.
More cheering, hollering, hooting,
Howling and screaming coming
From the vastly large crowd
As well as more frantically-waving

The moment had arrived.
The clock slowly rang six times
Signaling for the start of the six o'clock
And at the same time,
Hundreds upon hundreds
Of pillows were SMACKED
Against each other
And the feathers were
flying all over the place.

Not only was I participating in the big event,
I was too busy snapping pictures of the big
event with my cell phone.
I've captured some of the most
Memorable moments
From different angles
And from different parts
Of the Embarcadero
of the big citywide pillow fight.
All of the pictures that I've taken
During the event
Were stored into my cell phone
So that I will cherish them
And remember/reminisce them
until the end of my cell phone contract.

I decided that
I should get in on the fun.
So I went down to the main scene
Of the big pillow fight,
And started looking for a group of people
To have a nice, friendly game
of pillow fighting.
Luckily, I stumbled across
A small family;
A father and his two children,
And was love at first SMACK!
We automatically started to hit each other
with our pillows.
It lasted for a good five minutes.
We are having the time of our lives!
I was having so much fun with the family.

All good things
must come to an end.
I have a great time,
I wish I could stay for a
Little bit longer, but
I need to go back to the dorms.

Overall, I would rate this event
A 10/10,
Or better yet,
A 100/100.
I need to do this event

Whether I'm a single lady
Or in a relationship with a boyfriend
Or just hanging out with my friends,
I will go to this event every year
And I will definitely bring my boyfriend
and my friends with me to this event.

In my opinion,
Saying "I love you"
With a box of chocolates,
With flowers,
With a nice dinner and a show or movie,
Or spending quality time doing it in the
is ordinary.
Saying "I love you"
While getting hit in the face by a pillow
participating in an EPIC citywide pillow

Now THAT'S extraordinary!

And I mean NOTHING
Says "Happy Valentine's Day"
Than a good old-fashioned
Pillow fight!
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