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I lie awake in my bed,
the pillows my gates,
shutting out the world.
My blankets are my protectors,
the darkness my shield.
I scream in a house full of people,
nobody hears me,
but my body does,
my thoughts do,
my fingers grasp blindly,
finding a pen.
My hands dance across the paper,
in swift, hurried motions,
as I bleed onto this paper,
I bleed words,
filled to the brim with pain, sorrow.
It's here in the darkness I can bleed freely.
The darkness understands.
The darkness hears my screams.
I love you,
and you love me.
Yet we are right where we need to be.
You with her,
and I with him,
our love for each other,
hanging by a limb.
We have a love so strong and true,
I know someday I will be with you.
I met the right person at the wrong time,
but someday our love will be divine.

— The End —