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Mar 2014 · 407
Long Distance Living
Lydia Mar 2014
I wake up alone.
Conversation over air, breaching two thousand and some miles—
so much of the time, it is too much to bear.
I miss you. I am afraid that words have become tiresome.
And  I live for midnight.
Love is never wrong, even if one starves for the sake of it—
even if I am waking alone.
Feb 2014 · 413
A Human Battle
Lydia Feb 2014
I have found things to be true: weakness is the monster in the dark.
The fact that it breeds strength is pure farce. However, it does breed doubt and fear and sadness all beyond recount.
Weakness has been known to be the adulterer of love, of beauty, and of bravery.
It is true that perhaps to some it is a muse—a slowly burning  fuse to something brighter, bolder, better.
To others, it is the bearer of perpetual gloom—their fuse gone cold too soon.
Apr 2013 · 369
Patchwork love
Lydia Apr 2013
It went away
in the way that some things do.
The sun cannot always shine where you can see.
The rain does not always fall where you can feel.
But these things,
like it
are always bound to return.
This is the promise that every new day brings.
Feb 2013 · 438
Life is
Lydia Feb 2013
Life is not a breeze
Not a stone on which to stand

It is thunder
And it is lightening
The sound of nature folding land

Heat and color
All things harsh and brazen

Clamor and clang
Feb 2013 · 514
Lydia Feb 2013
I reach
And I reach

The stars
They are hotter than my inner glow

And words
Are no substitute
For what I seek

I struggle against my strings

But I reach
I have all the hope in the world
That it be not in vain

I have wanted to be with the bright hot stars
Nearly all my life
Feb 2013 · 384
The Bite and the Burn
Lydia Feb 2013
Beautiful Lonesome--
Beneath the weight of the day,
Lonesome can bite like ice
Lonesome can burn like fire.  
Who is she
If not a heart tainted and touched--
Something of a beautiful misfortune.
Oct 2012 · 507
When the Cold Comes
Lydia Oct 2012
When the cold is here
Will I crumble with the freeze?

Who am I asking
When I speak to empty air
For things to change?

Here I sit
So near to tears
Upset from nothing
But still
Wanting to wilt

Can I not drift away
with the summer leaves,
we being so alike?

High winds
Always bring us down
Being so loosely tethered
To our own hearts

It would be so easy to follow
Those hollowed remains
Of this worn and weathered life

Now battered and dejected
Fallen and forgotten
Ready to ride the wind

Is it not funny
How I wish to be with the leaves?
Sep 2012 · 505
Somewhere I Have Never Been
Lydia Sep 2012
Here I am
On the precipice
Somewhere I have never been
Somewhere I swore I would never go

Like the green of a newly lit morning is bright and bold
My spirit is newly bathed in a somber glow
Bright in indignity bold in bareness
Rearing for strength
To heal
To grow
Sep 2012 · 615
Loves Simpleton
Lydia Sep 2012
The one I adore

In the ways of love and charm
I am a simpleton
But with you
I am master, savant

Of grace I have none
And as a soul
I am fragmented
Dismally incomplete

In your eyes I shine
In your smile
I bask

I feel my heart would welcome you
But you do not feel the tremble
The gentle rent as it breaks
So unknown to you
Each time you turn away

Your shining eyes are not of me
And the warmth of your smile upon me
Runs not so deep as I had dreamed
Jul 2012 · 552
To Live Bravely
Lydia Jul 2012
It seems cruel that the world should be easier to bear
with the prospect of death

Why fear the trials of life which no longer call claim upon you
To know The Day would make me brave

Brave enough to live
to finally live
and move beyond
anything and everything that bade me "be still"

To dance for life--in life--to life
To see light as something of warmth
instead of a harsh reality that creeps into my dreams
and steals from me my fitful sleep

I would face anything to be rid
of this fear

this unrealized, unacknowledged fact of life

Something to live in spite of
Jun 2012 · 1.4k
The Wanderer
Lydia Jun 2012
And into the black
The wanderer goes
Farther still

Back to the lonesome dreams
To the memories of low esteem

For the wanderer
Returning home
Is never easy

Dust covered boots
And worn ragged cape
Contain him

His life

Who he is
Amounts not to where he has been
Or what he has seen
But to the redemption
Of all that has come before
Every desperate step
Every windswept
Weather worn scar

By footfall
Straining muscle
And disenchanted breath
The wanderer comes upon
Ever so slowly
The cancer of his heart
The rot of his bones
The disease of his skin

Despite the distance  
The salvation of time
As if like a mountain side
Or deep jagged canyon bluffs
Shaped by ceaseless wind
And pounding rain

The wanderer
Wears away
Jun 2012 · 471
Crystalline Life
Lydia Jun 2012
I watched my love die on the sand
As blood mingled with the earth
I watched the light fade from his eyes
Sweet breath abandon his lungs
I saw him suffer to say some word
A sad way to waste the last of breath

In my hand a desperate grasp
Pale against skin, gasp against sob
A cry from lips of pain and loss
In this short eternity I was so lost

And as the staining darkness reached his eyes
The moon did break
Propelling shattering crystal across my sky

No more night would fill my life
With no more moon to light the way
Only sun filled days
No more reprieve from scorching rays
Spiteful as they burn my eyes
Already sore from things too bright

Even as life relinquished its hold
And the fingers of mortality would press no more upon him
I held on still
I held, I clung as if to root him
To where he should belong
I dared the earth to split beneath
Even then it would not be enough
To give up night
And surrender to sun

What should I say
Soon the sun will come
And you will leave me
And you will fade

The dawn that broke
Brought a mournful shade
The warmth that seeped through clouds of dew
Seemed to mock me in its wake

Sounds of morning
Whispering false peace into my ear
Egged on a pain that seemed to sear
Within my chest, my bones
Every inch beneath my skin

I huddled beside it
The empty thing I had loved
And that had once loved me

My head lay upon his chest
Otiose against my being
I clutched closer
As if my beating heart could call him back...
Jun 2012 · 576
Onward, Tiny Thing
Lydia Jun 2012
Tiny thing
keep to the skies
Glide and soar
Flee from the storm

Fragmented light
teasing through the darkness
the glum darkness
of the tyrant thunderhead

Tiny thing
you did not lose your way
Chaos is your passenger
your companion

The sky is an endless place  
where you retire to your endless fate
Jun 2012 · 1.6k
Sycamore Green
Lydia Jun 2012
Sycamore green
Flowers and

All does Fade

slowing heart-
A lone drum
On the final battle march
Puts me to rest

All I have ever
Wanted is
To surrender

Apr 2012 · 1.1k
Lydia Apr 2012
I am your pendulum

Swaying from the gallows
The world tips beneath me

I am your  keeper
What I am
You are destined to become

Momentum and
Carry you
To your fate

Every step a gilded weight

I am your redemption
I am your reformation

Your final exclamation
To fair weathered life
Apr 2012 · 412
I Relent Quietly
Lydia Apr 2012
I relent quietly
Beneath the stars
Where I was told
Not to fear the world

That the world is a series of moving things
Just going about
Meaning no harm to me
It was beneath the stars
Where I stopped fearing the dark
Apr 2012 · 394
Days of Once
Lydia Apr 2012
The sad days
That I relive
The old songs
I cry to sing

The feel of rain
On the wind
The summer nights
Storms often rend

The sound of thunder
An open window brings
The trembling of the earth
When lightning rings

The odor of freshly disturbed earth
beneath my finger tips
The spring of grass beneath my feet
Its warmth
Absorbed from the sun above

The softly glowing darkness
From the fully lit moon
Seemingly like magic
To the dreamer
Secretly roaming the night

I could immerse my being
Into each sensation
All the things I long to be
To feel
And breathe
Once again
The wonders that have created me
I believe I would be stronger
Apr 2012 · 364
Lydia Apr 2012
Hollow wind against us  
I move to you

~I give you my lungs
                  for you to breathe~

~I give you my heart
            for  your blood to heat~

~I give you all of me~
Apr 2012 · 507
As If I Were
Lydia Apr 2012
To see me
Please see me
Feel my breath
Remember it

Touch me
As if I were real
To your eyes
To your heart

Do not forget
Me at all
For death comes
It travels closer
with every passing
Of the hour

To be forgotten
Is to not exist
I would rather be a thought
Then dust on the fiercest wind

Rather to be a whisper
Then lost forever
to soil of the earth
To be ink on paper
Word on tongue
Tear upon cheek

Remember me
Feel these words
As a lovers touch
Upon your hair

A wisp
A promise to be there
All I ask
Of you my love
Is to just remember me

I do not fear
The ceasing of my breath
The halting of the heart
Nor the fading of my face
In your memories

I fear to fade completely
From this place that bore me
From the hearts that love me

I need you to understand
I do not want for you to cling
Or dream of me completely

Just let me live
Behind your mind
Just beyond your fondest memories
So that you may think of me
When the warmth of sun
Blesses your cheek

All I ask
Is to be the happiness
Behind the smiles
The laughter in your dreams

Remember me
Apr 2012 · 467
i Am
Lydia Apr 2012
i have left you

Your childish devices of a long ago yesterday
Have gone too

i have faded a thousand times
Along with the light that died in your veins
i am the wind
Something you cannot keep

i Am
The warm sand upon the darkened beach
A shadow
A stain
Of what once was
And will be again

i Am
The whisper in the glade
The sigh
That rises as waters flow

Flighty laughter
The quickened pace of the most passionate heart
The sudden heat of desire stoked

Never forever behind
Nor too long ahead

i Am.
Apr 2012 · 467
Let it fly
Lydia Apr 2012
I let it fly
the being that has grown beneath my *******
the sweetest dream
I have fostered

I released the words
the fondness
I have held to
many a night

I gave to you
my warmth in words
my letter ridden heart

With silence the only reply
I have never felt more complete
with the relief of letting go
Apr 2012 · 371
I Love Them All
Lydia Apr 2012
...For I love the sunny days
The gray ones too...
Those that are windy
And those that are calm
I love them all

And the quiet nights
in the waking of spring
Because they all hold a piece of you

— The End —