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1.9k · Nov 2013
lxst Nov 2013
i'm fascinated by the tenderness of your lips
my weakness is the way your body moves
i crave the passion in your eyes
i lust after your softness of your skin on mine
my mind is not at ease until we feel as one
i need your soothing touch
839 · Nov 2013
lxst Nov 2013
A dark stranger
little do you know
he is not a stranger
though he may not be known
he's hiding
where you ask
he's under your skin
he's under all of our skin
running through us
driving us insane
pushing us into madness
seeing how far we can go
until we simply give up
669 · Nov 2013
lxst Nov 2013
we are all under
the same moon
the same sky

the stars make
a path and
I believe
that path might
connect your
heart to mine

no matter
the distance
our hearts
stay close
our love
stays strong

so whenever
you're feeling
so alone
look up
to the sky
and remember
your heart is
close to mine
409 · Nov 2013
lxst Nov 2013
coffee breath
cigarette scent
lovely smile
broken soul
how to fix
nobody knows
self repairing
give it time
how much time
do we really have

— The End —