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Aug 2019 · 93
silent cries (four)
Luna Aug 2019
silence is my best friend
its my loudest roar
its me crying for help
i need a little more of your
i dont want you to know my deepest desires
this is my style
i need you around a little while
im not good at expressing my emotions
cause i dont understand it myself
the moon got me moving in ways i dont intend to
but maybe, oh i do
i do want to be free
i want to see where i never thought i could be
i want to fly
i just need a start
i just need a heart
one more time
i dont think i have much left in
to have faith
in something that doesnt change
but what i realized
is that i
have faith
inside of me for myself
drafts of the drafts in my mind that come about in the late night
Aug 2019 · 63
Letting Go (qpidsfool)
Luna Aug 2019
I don’t have much to hold on to
That’s why i can’t let you go
You were the first thing in my life that brought me happiness
You kept me moving
You kept me going
But little did I know
You would ruin the little life I had inside of me
You’re my favorite hello
But when it comes to you goodbye doesn’t exist
See you got me so ******* intertwined by the words that you spit
Even when your actions say otherwise, I can’t seem to forget
Our love is like a paradox
Yeah, we on some puppy love ****
But you **** up the equilibrium, then **** just don’t click
I go from i love this *****, to this ***** makes me sick
You go from man I love this *****, to I can’t with this ****
Then I ask myself, what am I doing wrong?
Is it the unconditional love I give?
Is it the drive that I have to not give up on us?
You’re my heartbeat
You’re my oxygen
A minute to days to weeks without you I feel like I can’t live
But it’s like **** this ****
I don’t need this ****
You some lame *** ***** that I made feel like he was the ****
I was told real men don’t cry
But I thought that **** was genuine when they shed from your eyes
I became cupid’s fool again
Love makes me blind
Love to me was like candy to a kid
But now it’s like a crime
s/he has flourished now
Luna Aug 2019
It takes 21 days to break a habit
Why is that no matter how much of
My time
My effort
I put into it
I can’t get rid of my addiction
It's not deadly
But i’d do anything to numb this pain
All this caused from something that beats behind my rib cage
Jul 2019 · 81
3am Thought (qpidsfool)
Luna Jul 2019
I think my muse is breaking my heart all the time
It's a never ending battle between lust and love
I am not seen as the aesthetically pleasing rose that grew from the concrete
More as an opportunity that was taken for granted and when realized, too late
The more cautious one is of protecting the heart the farther we grow apart
The more carefree and wild I run with my love, the more comatose love seems
I love to love
I love to be in love
But i hate what love brings in the end
The only thing promised in life is death, and it's almost as if love has that same elucidation
I’m a fool for love that's never been loved properly
Settling for less, receiving disrespect, and being treated as someone’s property
Baby girl is tired of giving out love
Baby girl is tired of being the entertainment for the god of love
Baby girl wants love and to be in love
Baby girl is tired of being strong and having to be the only person who loves herself
Baby wants to find a home in someone
she wants something more in depth than what the eyes can see
What the mouth can taste
What the hands can feel
What the mind has been taught
She wants something real, but what can make it real enough?
I am asking for too much?

— The End —