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lulu collins May 2015
You lead me on, then leave
we don't speak for a while, then you say
"I miss you babe", of course I miss you too
I don't want too
I tried to ignore you, you but...
as if to make things better, you say "I love you"
mhmm, sure
lulu collins May 2015
I never felt this, this kind of pain
when you left me, all alone
for what?, i do not know
but it hurts really bad, my heart
and for people like you
is why i'm use to people hurting me
but id never thought you'd leave
especially since we just met
  May 2015 lulu collins
John Marcus
I used to have some
I hope to one day
Have have friends of great quality
A girlfriend as true as god
A bullie of no such exsistnce
For as long as i daydream
the only thing to worry of
is bullies
  May 2015 lulu collins
Mikayla Wambet
I stood there, waiting
But nothing came

I called out through town
no answer came back

I looked through each block
not a footstep to be seen

I sat down and cried.
no hand came to comfort me

As i look around now, i realize
no one can save me from the hell inside
Just sometjin i thought up. It *****

— The End —