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Apr 2019 · 794
I'm seriously Busy
Lukuloon Apr 2019
I didn't lie to you, When I said I'm busy,
Maybe in a way only I could understand,

I was actually busy converting oxygen to carbondioxide in my Lungs,
I was busy trying to please my creator and wondering if heaven is real,
I was busy wondering, why religion is the major cause of pain today,
I was busy thinking about how I could meet the Aristotle's within my peers,
I was busy planning how to esacpe the current mess I found myself trapped in,
I was busy putting off negativity and others trival opinions of me,

Sometimes this is my busy and I'm unapologetic about it.
Oct 2018 · 256
Beautiful lie
Lukuloon Oct 2018
I don't want to have anything on my mind when I die.
Don't want to look you in the eye and tell you a beautiful lie.
Society says no good doctor should tell a terminally ill person he's dying.
And no good teacher should call his student dumb.
people now become cool with those who mock them behind their back
And hate those who tell them their truth anyway.
But how can I keep such things to myself about family for too long.
It is what it is,  these are things I say without hate in my heart
The truth is deep,  but it set us free. #Lukman

— The End —