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Apr 2016 · 219
Luke Mayberry Apr 2016
Someone once asked me how death would feel
I answered quickly with "nothing"
Perplexed he retorts, "Why do you say that?"
I've been there, sir, what do you expect from me?
The body dies yet memories live on
do you think upon death you'll walk among the clouds?
Glistened in the promised golden light?
Sorry to let you down but you are erased with your passing
Figuratively your body is in a better place
Only feeding the earth to perpetuate true life
Please, do not get me wrong, memories live on
You will always be in the hearts of those you've touched
In the end you are no more than a memory
Apr 2016 · 163
my sin
Luke Mayberry Apr 2016
Beautifully broken
sweet and subtle comfort
Sleep now
Dream true & pure
Swim through lost thoughts
Dive deep
Find it
Hold it
Never let it go
You found it
You found yourself
Never lose it
You are you
You are more than you know
Mar 2016 · 167
Down the well
Luke Mayberry Mar 2016
I have lost who I was, I have let myself go for far too long.  I sit almost every day pining over love I pushed away.  Drink after drink, shot after shot.  Sitting in my own failure I fault no one other than myself.  I created what I've become.  I have the power to change but still continue to set in on the shelf.  I tell myself tomorrow, then the next day.  Weeks pass as I look to get that last drop, one more drink, one more night. What was I doing?  Sight lost again.  Might as well pour another.  No worries, I'll deal with it Thursday.  Hard day at work, still have Friday.  Friday is a weekend, better pour another, I can wait until Sunday.  Monday is here, what happened to Sunday?  No worries, I still have Tuesday.

— The End —