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Jun 2016 · 432
Luis Haller Jun 2016
I am coloring the stars
So you will fly really high...
There is an essence of thought
That craves the perfume of your lungs
That misses the cotton in your voice.
Like a wall or a ghost,
I will wait for my mistakes
To don't kick on my face.
I will encapsulate the moon in a poem
7 million of sunrises in a bottle
I will wash my pain in a rainbow
Until my soul is crystalline
Until the color of my heart
Matches the color of your hands
Until I remember who I was...
May 2016 · 499
Luis Haller May 2016
I was married to a candle,
Playing deaf to really see
The colors with my ears.
I was married to a dream,
Walking naked
Following perfume.
I was married with myself
To the light and silence,
To the clash of absence.
May 2016 · 346
Luis Haller May 2016
Falling dreams from my basket.
Couldn't remember the colors,
Or the smells of the flowers.
But a smile on the mirror
Your aura have drew on my circle.
Are our dreams a mixture
Of fantasy and destiny?
A mixture of reality and causality...
Dreams will begin,
When our baskets are full of red.
May 2016 · 339
Mirror conversations
Luis Haller May 2016
I know my place...
Is between the rocks
And the long delay.
Is between your heart
And your smiley eyes.
I know we missed the path,
I lost the signs...
I know my place is
Between a silence and a rest
Your ghost will spit on my face
The air will save me from faint.
Luis Haller Mar 2016
In the dark, the moon shines...
Feminine essence across the sky
Compassion and light
Created your perfect smile.
The purest.
The highest.
Melts. And blossom
In million shades.
Shades that I will follow
To learn
That Moon and Sun
Can create.
Mar 2016 · 360
Purple boat
Luis Haller Mar 2016
Now, I feel like a candle on the road
A thousand whispers collected in my throat
Completed puzzle of a purple boat
Birds and goats are welcome to board
But not you…
Do not tell me what to do; this path is just for two.
Both shadows melting like volcanoes
Clear lips speaking,
Clear minds exchanging
Do not tell me what to do; this path is just for two.
Don’t you see it?
You must be blind…
To not realize that our silence has paralyzed
Every bone to the point that I was soar
Do not tell me what to do
In my purple boat there is just space for two.
Feb 2016 · 269
Luis Haller Feb 2016
In the moment I realized
I'm a person full of glass...
I took care of my water,
Took care of my reflection.
Wasn't pure all the time
That turquoise
Couldn't be found by choice.
My flesh won this fight.
Forgive me soul, forgive me black
My humanity raised it hands
Leaving me in the dark
Sometimes human wins
Others, nature sleeps...
Jan 2016 · 286
Do not get tired.
Luis Haller Jan 2016
Without tears
Crying with screams.
Pulling my hair, do not get tired…
Grab the chair.
Smell my fear.
Smell the yellow leaves.
Do you remember me?
Jan 2016 · 368
The Devil in my Ears.
Luis Haller Jan 2016
Sunrises full of colors
Stars between my sorrow.
Pictures of your shadows
Follow me like arrows.

Our heat and peace.
Purple imperial sound
With delicate tools,
Resonates through my bones.

It’s love
It’s a constant rush.
Light and dark
Break my heart.

How I breathe?
Without my skin
How I feel?
With the devil in my ears

The devil in my ears

The devil in my ears

It’s love
It’s a constant rush
Light and dark
Break my heart

All I wish is a simple kiss
An eternal heat on my feet
To fill this hole
With gardens and rivers

Feb 2015 · 328
Peter Pan complex.
Luis Haller Feb 2015
Is play time looking at your eyes
I'm taking ten years back
Every time I have you between my arms
Why don't you want my dragons
My real butterflies...
Why it has to be so hard.
Dec 2014 · 677
Sulfato mi alivio
Luis Haller Dec 2014
Sulfato olor endulzado
Color verde AZULADO
sensación fuera del tiempo
Tus manos recorren el viento.

Tus ojos color morado.
No perderé tu perfume,
Tu encuentras mis manos
En la mirada de tus labios

Kilómetros tras tu sombra.
Años por segundos,
Palabras para tus oídos
Que entregan mis suspiros.

Inolvidable es tu color...
Te llevo en mi sangre
Gotas del olvido.
Te recuperare mi alivio.

Sombras que nunca olvido
La distancia no es mi amigo
Te encapsuló en el liso
De arándanos cohibidos.

Te hablé sin compromisos
Sirena invisible
Te volví poesía irrompible
Te encuentro verde impredecible.

Felicidad incontable
En vueltas a la luna
Pensando en tu cintura
He recuperado mi locura.
Dec 2014 · 368
Dark Blue
Luis Haller Dec 2014
See the blue star that shines so far.
Catch the air which creates that place.
Scratch the poison colors of my art.
Let me swim through dark blue space.
Blue vibe - energized with a purple collapse.
Crystalline is your aura like the blue skies.
I will breathe pure gold from your paradise,
I will create insanely pictures of your eyes...
Love the smell of dark blue on my fingers,
Brings the colors of summer to my lips.
Brings freedom to release all my pieces.
Dark blue you are fragile as my ribs.
Now,I can touch you color of my imagination...
You are blue roses singing with my inspiration.
Dec 2014 · 334
Luis Haller Dec 2014
You make me feel the light,
and, the dark.
But not at the same time,
every time is the light first.
That is why
I'm so attracted to you.
because you show me first
all the colors of a sunshine,
then I experience
the darkest moment of the night
all of this is possible in your arms.

I even haven't taste you
Not even know if your smell
Will be like summer and spring
Not even know if your hands
Will match with mine
I know they are the same size ...
Probably my heat and your silence
Are strings pulling apart
My feelings as puppets
Walking into unpredictable waters

My wheel is going to the right
And with my left hand
I'm closing my eyes.
If I don't see where I'm going
Probably I won't feel
This pain in my knee.
This pain in my belief.

I will shut down this voice
Which recalls your noise
That recalls your bronze

This is the last second
That I spend figuring out
How to get you reflect
How to get your smell
In a bottle,
in my pocket...

You are nothing
And I don't like when
I think about you in this way
I will be invisible, I'm going to try.
As the air
as your smell
I won't be there.
Oct 2014 · 412
Luis Haller Oct 2014
Es aroma tornasol
Tus ojos color azul
Desgracia y pasión
Se unieron en mi voz

Me quiebro por dentro
De saber que invierto
Lo que más quiero
De saber que rompo
Lo que más deseo
Oct 2014 · 307
Luis Haller Oct 2014
How is it possible?
That in your eyes...
I have found,
that my music Resonates
As hard,
As the shining of the stars.

Never a human show me
That music can be found
In the warm of mortal arms.
Melodies fly over the skies
When I think, on those eyes.

Now, that the light is just white...
My music has no life,
You took the colors apart.

I can not decorate
The rhythm of your lips.
They faded
I can not paint them.

I can not hold
those hands anymore
Indicating the tempo.
So, I will go find you.

The world that is below
Does not scare me at all
The smell of your dry tears
Is singing me to where I should be.

After I finish my last piece,
I will trust in my ears
and, I will bring you with me.
So, we both shall compose,
The greatest symphony of love.

I have figured out
that If I play this twelve row.  
The doors of the underworld
will open, so I won’t feel this cold.

Every night after you closed your eyes...
I have been dreaming with:
dramatic purple
Lyrics that…
Try to convince me
To forget
Your turquoise smell.  
It feels like a dream
but it is so real that
It feels like my music
Now is complete
Without your breath.  

Now, I’m here…
it seems like nowhere
Absence of presence
NO tonality
ambiguous personality
Kind of
I’m liking this place…

I see you precious as the last sky that I see in my dreams every sleep,

I take out The purple melody

And I play an elegant transcription of the symphony of my dreams…

You look at me and smile

So we both will be apart…

I will bring you alive...
with my next chorale.
With a Symphony
for 300 hundred souls.
Every morning, Every dream,
where there is a note
you are with me.
Oct 2014 · 239
Luis Haller Oct 2014
If you want to go out
Learn a second language.
Oct 2014 · 215
Luis Haller Oct 2014
I wish I could say that much

Without using my lungs.
Oct 2014 · 362
Mortal Business
Luis Haller Oct 2014
I can not tolerate
this mortal roll.
I will scape,
I will be ignored.

I'm sorry I can not
   say goodbye
but mortal business
                                   are in our path...
Oct 2014 · 332
Luis Haller Oct 2014
You shall go,
Walk away.
Go through.
Those green waters
Are waiting for you...
Leave the red away
And fly little bird.
Oct 2014 · 818
Luis Haller Oct 2014
Abuelito :

Quiero compartirle que siempre lo vi como un hombre fuerte y trabajador, si pudiera ser como usted y tener esa fuerza de voluntad sería exitoso en esta vida. Quédese orgulloso de todo lo bueno que ha hecho, dio vida a gente maravillosa, entre ellas la hermosa mujer que es mi madre. Mi abuelo bailador lo quiero mucho. Estoy orgulloso de usted y siempre lo estaré. Trabajare muy duro para que usted también lo este de mi.
Oct 2014 · 260
Luis Haller Oct 2014
I like my girlfriend's eyes,
           I keep them in a jar.
Oct 2014 · 427
Luis Haller Oct 2014
I like to touch.
  Even,  when I am not allowed.
     I like to smell
The fresh memories in your eyes
I like to cry
              Just to feel me alive...
I love my smile
That every night I try to hide
From the moon and from the stars

They will catch me if I smile
That's why I touch
That's why I breath
That's why I get mad with me...
Oct 2014 · 274
Luis Haller Oct 2014
There is no more fantasies
In my words...
Only meaningful thoughts.
Oct 2014 · 651
Delirio azulado
Luis Haller Oct 2014
Sonrisas ocultas,
Dedos estáticos,
Suspiros al océano,
Delirio azulado.

Respiración agitada.
Atracción infiltrada
Que has provocado
Con tu mirada.

Ojos brillosos,
Destellos luminosos,
Primavera eterna
En un otoño airoso.

Tu cuello al atardecer,
Tus manos mojadas de cielo,
Tus ojos reviven  mis sueños
Y rellenan todos mis huecos.

Pulmones llenos de deseos,
Tambores a lo lejos...
Melodías que tu alma canta,
Mientras yo las bailo en mi cama.

Melodías, que tus silencios
Hacen discretos
Mis momentos,
De pensar en ti cielo.

Delirio verde azulado
Haces que me derrita
En arena
Me vuelves rojo violeta.
Oct 2014 · 638
Luis Haller Oct 2014
No se lo que sentí...
No se cómo describirlo,
Es felicidad
enfrascada al vacío,
Y, al mismo tiempo,
Me encuentro perdido.

Un poco inestable.
Tratando de recuperar el aliento,
Que, no se por qué, me has quitado...

Preguntas que me vuelven
En contra mía.
Que me vuelven
un fantasma
Sentimientos afilados.
Vidrios rotos
Rasgando muy fondo

Tu eres el rastro
Del tesoro que perdí
Hace tiempo.
Pistas perdidas,
Pistas que invalídas

No se por qué me doy la espalda
Me rebano con una espada
Que se desliza despacio
Y hasta toca mi alma...

No se lo que sentí,
Pero supongo soy feliz
Yo te hubiera
Acabando matando...
Sep 2014 · 453
Luis Haller Sep 2014
Shadows in my hands.
Shadows taking me far.
Absence of light,
Absence of dark.
The whispers
are gone by now...
It is only me and
It is only red and blue.
Sep 2014 · 270
Luis Haller Sep 2014
I called you back,
Probably to feel me inside.
To break me...
To feel this anxious attack
That your words provide.

I called you back
To imagine your smile.
Sep 2014 · 365
Luis Haller Sep 2014
I came from the sea
shinny and clean,
I had to learnt to
walk away with the wind.

Peaceful water;
when I am going to return
to feel your crystal hammer?
Splashing over
this disappointed body  

I miss my sea horse Aquiles
the sand inside my eyes
the salt flavor around my mouth

I came from the sea
shinny and clean...
Sep 2014 · 264
Luis Haller Sep 2014
I am close to death every day
and I am not afraid
I will miss the color of words
and the smell of tears
I will miss you adrenaline
but I'm ready to fall apart...
Sep 2014 · 1.4k
Luis Haller Sep 2014
It is not the air you breathe,
Not even the color of your skin.
But the way you speak
                      Makes me feel real...
The move of your hands
Involves me with sand/
The color of your eyes
Makes me fly through free skies

Take me with your words
To that place made of gold.
Let's dance with the moonlight,
Let's swim into the sun...
We will be melting my love.
Sep 2014 · 1.7k
Luis Haller Sep 2014
Yes, it is red
the color of your lies
combines with the purple
of your eyes...

Yes it is pain
that emotion
that brings explosions.

I'm blue trying to be green
trying to be you.
Hopefully we will be
together soon.
Sep 2014 · 690
Luis Haller Sep 2014
No te dejo de pensar.
Como es que serás?
Me ilusiona tu mirar,
Me emociona que te pueda crear.

No te dejo de pensar.
Y, no dejo de ver tu retrato.
No dejo de pensar en tu encanto,
Pues tu cerebro me ha cautivado.

Hablar contigo es lo mejor que me ha pasado,
Por que me has inspirado.
Te pienso en letras
Y te quiero con poemas.

Me molesta que sólo quepas en mi cabeza,
Pues mis brazos y mis ojos te desean
Me molesta la distancia
Y me deshago en palabras.

No te dejo de pensar.
Ni un segundo he dejado escapar
Pues la realidad me aburre
Una vez que te he conocido
No dejo de imaginar.

No me quejo, pero esto me empieza a hartar
Como quisiera estar allá
Del otro lado del final
Donde estas tu
Donde te puedo encontrar

Y es que...
No te dejo de pensar.
Sep 2014 · 790
Tu Mirar
Luis Haller Sep 2014
Extraño tu mirar...


tu voz, solo la pude escuchar

Me gustaría descifrar con palabras
lo que tu me haces pensar...
pero, no puedo
ni parar a reflexionar,
lo que tu me haces soñar.

Eres sentimientos encontrados
algunos confusos,
otros son intrusos a mi corazón
que no se apartan de tu resplandor.

Otros son de color azul,
fervientes cabalgantes
de la vida sin tu luz.

Por que no me dejan tocarte,
fuerzas del destino total?
que solo te quiero respirar

Solo te quiero dibujar
con mis dedos  de acuarela
deseo colorear
esas mejillas y tu mirar

traerte a este altar
de palabras que recito
cuando pienso
en tu vibrar

Extraño tu mirar y
tu sonreír ocultando
lo que quieres decir...
Sep 2014 · 547
Chevaux de mer
Luis Haller Sep 2014
rêver la mer
chanter a toi
m'envelopper de soif
de ta belle peau

me mouiller avec le sable
que tu détaches
au coucher du soleil
souriant sirène

Chevaux de mer
a l'entrée
du ciel
te recevront

cloches de manteau lunaire
syncopées avec ton doux regard
Faites-moi oublier
cette realité
Sep 2014 · 668
Luis Haller Sep 2014
Si    existes ...
Hoy te vi
Te acercaste a mi
Y, en silencio,
Te combinaste
Con mi latir.

Hoy otra vez
Me escape de ti...
  Logre             salir,
Pero sólo pude percibir

tal discreta fragancia

"Apagando la molesta Alarma."
{(Ya deberías de incendiarla, entra en razón de una vez escritor!!!)}

De tu existir
Me he querido
   D  i lu   ir
        De tu imagen
         He querido
      M. O.  R.   I. R

He hecho lo imposible
Por humillarte
Por escupirte,  y destruirte.   .. ...
Y de nuevo me encuentro perdido

Sin ti...
   No hay respuesta a
         Tal misterio
    Sólo se que tu existir
Es verdadero
Eres tan real como
Aquiles y Goliath.
Eres tan real....
como la dulce mañana
Entrando por mi ventana

Tan fría y refrescante
             Como lluvia en el tejado
Tocando tus talones desnudos
Tan arrogante e impresionante
Como el fuego
        Tan desquiciante
Eres tan real que
A quererte ocultar
Y yo juego a querer escapar...

— The End —