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Luis Haller Jan 2016
Without tears
Crying with screams.
Pulling my hair, do not get tired…
Grab the chair.
Smell my fear.
Smell the yellow leaves.
Do you remember me?
Luis Haller Jan 2016
Sunrises full of colors
Stars between my sorrow.
Pictures of your shadows
Follow me like arrows.

Our heat and peace.
Purple imperial sound
With delicate tools,
Resonates through my bones.

It’s love
It’s a constant rush.
Light and dark
Break my heart.

How I breathe?
Without my skin
How I feel?
With the devil in my ears

The devil in my ears

The devil in my ears

It’s love
It’s a constant rush
Light and dark
Break my heart

All I wish is a simple kiss
An eternal heat on my feet
To fill this hole
With gardens and rivers

Luis Haller Feb 2015
Is play time looking at your eyes
I'm taking ten years back
Every time I have you between my arms
Why don't you want my dragons
My real butterflies...
Why it has to be so hard.
Luis Haller Dec 2014
Sulfato olor endulzado
Color verde AZULADO
sensación fuera del tiempo
Tus manos recorren el viento.

Tus ojos color morado.
No perderé tu perfume,
Tu encuentras mis manos
En la mirada de tus labios

Kilómetros tras tu sombra.
Años por segundos,
Palabras para tus oídos
Que entregan mis suspiros.

Inolvidable es tu color...
Te llevo en mi sangre
Gotas del olvido.
Te recuperare mi alivio.

Sombras que nunca olvido
La distancia no es mi amigo
Te encapsuló en el liso
De arándanos cohibidos.

Te hablé sin compromisos
Sirena invisible
Te volví poesía irrompible
Te encuentro verde impredecible.

Felicidad incontable
En vueltas a la luna
Pensando en tu cintura
He recuperado mi locura.
Luis Haller Dec 2014
See the blue star that shines so far.
Catch the air which creates that place.
Scratch the poison colors of my art.
Let me swim through dark blue space.
Blue vibe - energized with a purple collapse.
Crystalline is your aura like the blue skies.
I will breathe pure gold from your paradise,
I will create insanely pictures of your eyes...
Love the smell of dark blue on my fingers,
Brings the colors of summer to my lips.
Brings freedom to release all my pieces.
Dark blue you are fragile as my ribs.
Now,I can touch you color of my imagination...
You are blue roses singing with my inspiration.
Luis Haller Dec 2014
You make me feel the light,
and, the dark.
But not at the same time,
every time is the light first.
That is why
I'm so attracted to you.
because you show me first
all the colors of a sunshine,
then I experience
the darkest moment of the night
all of this is possible in your arms.

I even haven't taste you
Not even know if your smell
Will be like summer and spring
Not even know if your hands
Will match with mine
I know they are the same size ...
Probably my heat and your silence
Are strings pulling apart
My feelings as puppets
Walking into unpredictable waters

My wheel is going to the right
And with my left hand
I'm closing my eyes.
If I don't see where I'm going
Probably I won't feel
This pain in my knee.
This pain in my belief.

I will shut down this voice
Which recalls your noise
That recalls your bronze

This is the last second
That I spend figuring out
How to get you reflect
How to get your smell
In a bottle,
in my pocket...

You are nothing
And I don't like when
I think about you in this way
I will be invisible, I'm going to try.
As the air
as your smell
I won't be there.
Luis Haller Oct 2014
Es aroma tornasol
Tus ojos color azul
Desgracia y pasión
Se unieron en mi voz

Me quiebro por dentro
De saber que invierto
Lo que más quiero
De saber que rompo
Lo que más deseo
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