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Jan 2024 · 213
On the darkest of nights, and the saddest of days, it will always be there
Like the trust of a warm blanket
A refuge in the chill of uncertainty
A haven in the midst of life’s storms
From the thread that connects us
to the memories we weave
Blood, our eternal bond that cloaks us, through the bitter cold that is being
Sep 2023 · 303
Stepping out where breezes gently play,
Catching my sight, with you it will stay.
Filling lungs, with each whispered breath,
Awakening my soul, from love's cold death.

Carried her to a distant, far off place
Where stars weave tales in cosmic grace.
High in the mountains, above the city's gleam.
Beneath the starry sky, passion found its theme.

City lights shimmer, beneath their gaze
His eyes locked on her, in a, affectionate daze.
In eyes aglow with wondrous light
A kiss was born, a starlit night.

Past traumas whispered in the breeze
Yet love's embrace would surely ease
A bed prepared, a gesture so tender
"Come to me," she whispered in sweet surrender

Passion's dance, the sun did chase
In each other's arms, they found their place
With sunlight's soft touch, her beauty unveiled
Lost in her eyes, he is forever jailed
Mar 2015 · 326
All through the night
All through the night I watched you as you sleep.
You held my gaze with beauty that makes angels weep.
I whispered to you in hopes that you could hear.
That I miss you and wish that you were here.
So i could hold you tight and keep you warm.
In my arms i would shield you from tonights cold storm.
I could not imagine another way, to spend my nights time.
Then watching you until on your face, tomorrow’s lights shine.
Feb 2015 · 435
Best of times
All question are left with no answer
Attention is lost to all other
Leaving anger to spread like cancer
And asking if we are meant for one another
Tell me your thoughts on the subject
if you have any to spear
If you read this doubt it would affect
doubt that you would even care
Dec 2011 · 780
Late Night Walks
Strolling on by mid-nights light
Dreaming of love absent sight
Caressed by the breeze, Kissed by the mist
Cursed by open knees, but it's kisses that i missed
Smiles and winks, X's and O's
In the bed we sink, as a passion flows
Lets make a love story, one thats been told
Give me loves wrinkles, something i can hold
fillings fade and colors become dull
Waking from my dream and back to my stroll
Walking for miles me and my thoughts
Filled with smiles on my late night walks
Nov 2011 · 735
Strange Innocent Beauty
Endless smiles and a dash of greens
Bashful trends and a subtle means
Young Innocents are her ways
Mind is lost in a playful haze
Look at me watch the color change
Mention of red panda's o so strange
Believe in love, don't be cold
You have a beauty word can not hold
Nov 2011 · 779
True Leaders
The negative criticism of a critic fuels a true leader to disprove him.
Oct 2011 · 6.0k
come at her like
Whats your name?
What you in to?
naw thats not ganna work
got to get those words that ganna get you
Thinkin Thinkin
hold you like the pedals i'll never bruise
Naw to deep thats way to soon
how can i do this
step up to the table like hello my name is Luis  
man im like ***** this
stressing to much thinking to far
gotta act quick before another dude raises the bar
I got it i got it i'll dance for her
naw got to think out the box
done thinkin ... i'll just wright a poem
Send her my thoughts.
End it with XOXO i like you a lot.
Once again I find my self sitting peering toward the horizon watching the world turn. Patiently waiting for the moment it will stop. Hoping that time will not blind me with it's grains of sand, that bury me in doubt with every passing second. The wind dances with the trees. Grabbing my eyes almost intentionally, to distract me from my view with no prevail.

Its at days end and I glance at the horizon. My stomach fills with butterflies, I see the sunset, she is beautiful! The light of the sunset falls on me sending chill's up my back. I look deeply in to her light, her eyes are breathtaking. I begin to walk toward her. Time stops as I feel the curves of the clouds against the palms of my hand. She seems so close, but like the line of the horizon she recedes the closer I walk to her.

I walked a hundred miles holding my heart in my hand. Falling with the sunset handing her my love. In return she only leaves a cracked heart from love fallen.

Night has come and my chance with her my sunset has gone. I lost the horizon but gained the night sky. With it my true love. A shooting star that has fallen for me.
Aug 2011 · 750
Can You Keep A Secret
I can not keep it bottled in side me.
Leaking drops lead to spilt words on open ears.
I empty my soul and filled your glass.
Leaving me with doubts and fears of if you will share it's taste.

Paranoid by piercing eyes and broken whispers.
My palms begin to cry, my mind races.
I am silent but my thoughts scream.
In your ears i gave my trust and only asked .....can you keep a secret?
Aug 2011 · 581
What love is
Love is not the feeling of vulnerability from shields and armor fallen but rather the ability to care unconditionally.
God's gift of love is not about receiving it is about giving anything in return is only extra.
Dec 2010 · 662
You Got Me
my palms are wet
my mouth is dry
thought are set
i got to try
i walk colser
mouth is shut
she walks closer
with a strut
eyes are open
her's are to
now I'm Hopin
words come out true
Nov 2010 · 712
As i Wounder Why
As I wonder why
With the tide the moon never reside
As I wonder why
The moon pulls the tides  
As I wonder why
my fellings i choose to hide
As I wonder why
you could want such a guy
As I wonder why
I choose to waist my time
As I wonder why
You begin to decide
As I wonder why
With that guy and not with me you choose to reside
Nov 2010 · 530
My Sanctuary
Walking in I can hear the echo of foot steps as my feet hit the ground.
On one knee I feel the floor.
The grains of the wood grip my hand and souls of my feet.
The smell of sweat and blood feel my nose giving me thoughts of past triumphs.
The sound of the beat molds my body and gives me emotions and memories of past and current experiences.
The room is enclosed amplifying the sound and gives me a feeling of solitude.
Watching my reflection for errors and seeing none.
Falling and rising from the floor as if she was my partner in a dance I wished never ended.
She is my canvas my body is the brush and the music is my inspiration.
Nov 2010 · 572
My Thoughts
My mind like a river is endlessly flowing
Like the stars my thoughts are to many to count
Often they are of a man not much older then me
doing movements that only I can see
The picture sometimes blurry, dark, and hard to make out
Other times they are  vibrant ,full of color, and leave me no doubt
Locked behind a door and now I have the key
And I can see that This man is me
Or at least what I can be
If this is my future I will have to wait and see
Nov 2010 · 634
Lost In The Music
My headphones are in it is about that time,
To go off to a land deep inside my mind
Me eyes are open but to you I am blind,
when in this state my thoughts begin to unwind
I close the eyes that are mine
So that I can see something so sublime
It is a creature of my own design
Something Like Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde
My eyes are open it is in affect
What you see is not neglect
see the mirror to my mind can you reflect
Try not to stumble or they will reject
We are on the stage there judgment is pending
They revel the final result this is only the beginning
Nov 2010 · 613
Your Choice
In the beginning the world is like a dark room with only the light under the door to hold on to
but as your dreams grow your light begins to glow
only you decide how dark your world will be

— The End —