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Lucy Waits May 2012
We are all me.
   he makes up my emotion
she makes up my devotion.
     I am pieces of
           smashed glass
               haphazardly placed,
               tried to make something
      Each of us added to me.
    Each of us makes up a certain piece.
Does it pay to be cynical
Trying to care makes me
                    the same
                         as her.
                        and them.
                           and me.
        Trying to be me
        makes me, them.
      and unfortunately,
          we are all me.
Lucy Waits May 2012
You're beautiful.
Adrift on your own thoughts
you're phenomenal.

You dance as if you can fly,
using the wings on your soul
barely stopping to breathe.

You dream more than you sleep,
knowing what you can and will do;
Never stopped by life's shackles.

You're my confidant-
My strength when I struggle to live.
Your mind is remarkable.

But please,
you need to eat.
Lucy Waits May 2012
It’s like getting my fix.
It’s my life drug,
the drug I choose.
He is my addiction.
I wait for the high.
His body, his lips, his touch
is the substance I can
            never resist.
I feel good with him.
Better than I could
     ever hope. Ever

His fingers against
my skin, like fire. His
lips on mine, on
       every inch, is a
like none other. But
with every high comes
a low- a crash. When
      I’m without him,
God, when he leaves
my stomach drops, my
head aches, my heart
finds itself in ruins.
When I can’t get my fix
I feel like I could cry, die,
sleep for a hundred years.
I wait for my next
opportunity, my next
   moment to
        indulge in him.
            Risk for him.

Because everyone knows
I’m not allowed to have him,
Not supposed to long for him
      Indulge in him,
           lust for him.
They tell me it’s not right,
harmful for my mind and
emotions. I don’t care.
I tell no one, sneak and
     lie for him,
     for me.

I am a thief, stealing
what doesn’t belong to me,
taking what isn’t mine,
borrowing what I did not
       ask for,

only to get my fix.

— The End —