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Dec 2016 · 265
Lucy Sky Dec 2016
My demons coming
It's lurking in the shadows
Waiting for the perfect moment to arise

Why am I cursed with you?
What did I do?

Oh, you brought a friend?
To suffocate me in my own skin
Sep 2015 · 333
The love of an animal
Lucy Sky Sep 2015
There is something bout the love of an animal that is so extraordinary,
It takes work
And time
But in the end
When you see them look at you with such joy
And you look back thinking,
You were the missing part of my life
Sep 2015 · 226
Lucy Sky Sep 2015
When you wanted my heart, it wasn't ready,
When I wanted yours it was no longer there,
But when you ask why it took so long,
The answers simple
You became the exact reason I was afraid to care in the beginning.
Jun 2015 · 304
Poor confused girl
Lucy Sky Jun 2015
Poor confused girl
Wondered where her path in life was,
It is difficult to find oneself
In a world filled with possibilities
Apr 2015 · 226
Lucy Sky Apr 2015
todays just one of those days
when i'm shackled to the monster

i thought i was done with you
but you creeped in the middle of the night,
or was in the wine that summoned you
Mar 2015 · 265
Lucy Sky Mar 2015
So find perfection in all the flaws around you
Mar 2015 · 412
My Journal
Lucy Sky Mar 2015
Shall I share my deepest thought?

Reveal all my secretes on these pages?

Filling each line with all my dreams

And every word I’m afraid to speak?

But who will listen?

Who will read?

If they do, would they look at its writer diffently?

Would they soak every up phrase? Or just simply turn to the next page

After all this is an empty canvas

A solace for a time in distress

A story wrapped around a blue dress

Watch me paint you a picture without a brush

Just a pen and my words

as each storys progress

i hope to leave the reader impressed

but at the end of the day

this is  an entry into my journal

who cares what i have to say
Feb 2014 · 310
sorry so sorry
Lucy Sky Feb 2014
sorry so sorry
that you've lied to me
and tell a girl
you'd want to be with her
if it wasn't for me

sorry so sorry
for my crumbled heart
for ripping my world apart

sorry so sorry
its not like I needed you
to act as my glue
that mends my wounds

sorry so sorry
for asking you to bring some light
so my thoughts wont take flight
into a world of misery
Where the monsters can get me
Oct 2013 · 297
Your lies
Lucy Sky Oct 2013
I wish I had a pretty smile,
Or could look you in the eyes,
But when I do,
All I see are your lies
Jul 2013 · 2.3k
Lucy Sky Jul 2013
Awake from your slumber
To crack your
all mighty
Up the
To everyone
Jul 2013 · 497
Summer night
Lucy Sky Jul 2013
Let's have a typical summer night
  And dance under the moonlight
We can greet the warm air on our skin
As this night begins

Let's go to the docks
Cross the rocks
To drink by the Delaware
Not giving a single care

Let's have a typical summer night
Because we are young
And this is our only chance
To have fun
Apr 2013 · 534
My Promise to a friend
Lucy Sky Apr 2013
Since our knights have taken off their helmets
Showing the men behind their guise
I'll stand by you,
To hold your hand
Guiding you through this challenging time,
I'll bring you the sun to shine
On to your skin
So you can smile again
I'll get you through this
Because it's my duty as your best friend
I wrote this for a dear friend when the man she loved broke her heart before she passed away.
Apr 2013 · 439
Live for the moment
Lucy Sky Apr 2013
For once, may the moment
Take you by
Live for that minute
Act on Impulse
Just this once

Go somewhere new
Let the night surprise you
As it ages
Seize that moment

Pretend it is your last day
On this earth
What would you do with your time?
I bet you wouldn't sit around and whine
Apr 2013 · 1.3k
Lucy Sky Apr 2013
Despite all attempts
To thwart emotion
Like a boomerang, it'll return

Lurking in the shadows,
Upon the corridors
Waiting for opportunities
To creep back

Though this beast
Can lay dormant
One day it will awaken,
So be warned

Prolonging this natural yearning,
Can only sink you deeper
Into the forming pit

Now that you are aware
Have a nice day
Take care
Apr 2013 · 647
Thank you
Lucy Sky Apr 2013
Thank you
For waking the sleeping dragon
That now blows its fire
Creating every writings desire

I can feel
devotion pushing me
Through cold winter nights
And midnight frights

I can feel
Laughter of pure bliss
The passion behind every kiss

Thanks to the ten minute free writes
Of just the pen hitting the paper
My dragon grew stronger
So thank you Mrs. O’Hern
You have taught me everything I once yearned

— The End —