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 Feb 2014 Lucy
Cynthia Malta
I know she hurt you.
She took all your love and then she left. And now, here I am, ready to pick up the pieces. Even when the pieces of myself are still untouched, still sting by the one who hurt me. I know about the nights you cry yourself to sleep, tell me it’ll pass soon. I know how it hurts. Because I’ve been there. I’ve hurt like you have. I want to hold you in the most innocent, yet intimate way. And let my endless love seep through me and into you, to dry your tears, steal your sadness. I want you to smile at me the way you smiled at her. I want you to feel my love. I want you to know of my love. But how can I say what it is that I feel, when you are the thunder before the storm and I am the puddle after? When I am not worthy of your sunshine? How then, can you love the girl, who cannot truly trust her own love?
 Jan 2014 Lucy
Olivia Havanaugh
 Jan 2014 Lucy
Olivia Havanaugh
I wish the harvest moon didn't
leave me feeling that I'd never find
my breath. That I could see eye
to eye with what once brought
such joy. Dancing in the rain
kicked up below our feet, waves
crashing around us, we threw
bottles into the ocean
but decided
to save the messages for a sunny day.
 Jan 2014 Lucy
Olivia Havanaugh
Suffice to say
that if you came back,
I would throw open my arms
and dance, love,
     because it's easier
     than falling prostrate
        on an unswept floor.

The door remains unlocked
in case you try
  to come back home
  but have forgotten your key.
     There's one beneath the mat:
     back left corner.
        Although it's possible
       that you've forgotten by now,
           so I sleep easier
           leaving it open.
If someone should enter,
I have nothing to steal.

Some things have changed:
  The cat has run away
       and I've learned
     to find strength
  in solitude.
But I still wear
     that blue dress
  that you always loved,
and I like to pretend
I can still make out your scent
     among the cotton fibers
   as they rub together
when I dance to a familiar song.
And I do still dance.

Once you return
we can re-lock the gate.
The neighborhood's not safe
    like it used to be.
 Jan 2014 Lucy
under a cloudy patch of sky
i buried a wooden box
full of imaginary things

in the places that catch the sunlight
through the leaves of the mango tree
i rested my eyes
left a few thoughts behind

on the staircase with the attic
i found old photographs
remembered that smiles are fleeting
and ran down the steps

in the darkness i heard whispers
of shadows trying to hide
like a dream waiting to fade

the more I hold on
the more I wonder why
 Jan 2014 Lucy
We sat in the shade of that old pine tree

inhaling the fading October sun

twisting lyrics to ancient songs, 
fixing rules to faltering fantasies 

We searched the inky midnight sky
for clouds, but were blinded by
the endless stars so instead
tiptoed through the moment, said
if come November all would fall
into the box of things that used to be

We sat by that flaming river until
the embers engulfed our dreams
as darkness cloaked our moonlight skin
we dissolved into the vanishing breeze  

I still have that bag we stuffed
with our meandering thoughts, and
it still has sand that smells of rain

Barefoot and empty handed
Our callused feet held the universe at bay
but it poured through,
poured through the cracks anyway

Do you remember?
Can you hear the echoes of our teenage dreams?

They were something, those dreams
And we danced through near half of them, we did
sure as our ****** bruises, we did.

— The End —