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Lucie A Wesson Nov 2014
I am the Poetess I write what is in my heart.
I have been writing since I was 13 years old
First by paper and pen, then on old fashion
typewriter and now on the internet.

My passion is creative writing it gives me an outlet
to express my real self, I am not phony like so many
people out there trying to be something they are not.

I will never love again to many men have broken my heart
I give everything to them and they break my tender heart.

I am content to be alone and write what is in my soul and heart.
I am the Poetess.
Lucie A Wesson Nov 2014
I need a place where I can go
Where I can whisper what I know
Where I can whisper who I like
And where I go to see them

I need a place where I can hide
Where no one sees my life inside
Where I can make my plans and write them down
So I can read them

A place where I can bid my heart be still
And it will mind me
A place where I can go when I am lost
And there I will find me

I need a place to spend the day
Where no one says to go or stay
Where I can take my pen and draw
The girl I mean to be

Levine Lucy Simon; Norman Marsha
Lucie A Wesson Nov 2014
Willow weep for me
Willow weep for me
Bend your branches down along the ground and cover me
Listen to my plea
Hear me willow and weep for me
Gone my lovely dreams
Lovely summer dreams
Gone and left me here
To weep my tears along the stream
Sad as I can be
Hear me willow and weep for me
Whisper to the wind and say that love has sinned
To leave my heart a sighin'
And crying alone
Murmur to the night
Hide its starry light
So none will find me sighing
Crying all alone
Weeping willow tree
Weep in sympathy
Bend your branches down along the ground and cover me
Listen to me plea
Hear me willow and weep for me
Weep for me
Lucie A Wesson Nov 2014
I love you do you know that. I have and I always will. You called me your angel sent down from heaven and I will always be here until the Our Lord calls us home. I don't know if I can love another man like I love you. One day you will make some girl happy and I will cry when that happens true.

I love you but I can't meet you again and best I can do is talk to you on messenger and Skype and that will have to do. Your angel will be  watching over you.
Lucie A Wesson Nov 2014
The Poet's Life is a lonely life,
We chose this life you see,
We like our solitude and we like our
freedom to write away without anyone
around us you see.

Writing is our passion,
Writing is our life,
Most great poets and writers have depression
and are manic depressive and many take their life.

People don't understand us, they   walk  away from
us and many of don't fall in love because it detracts us from our writing life.
We are meant to be lonely and seek comfort in our writing and by words that can tell our story of our very lonely life.

— The End —