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1.1k · Sep 2012
Lucia Sunikansky Sep 2012
Things can be hard
Even when you can’t imagine
Friends can change
And the ones
You once thought were innocent
Are the ones with the knife behind your back
Poplars’ can hold it against you
Or maybe be your friend
Like in my case
But you never know what will happen next
Problems can start
And end up in such a big deal
That it’s too easy knowing it all
The one you use to like likes another girl
But she’s such a good friend she helps you getting over that ****
You can be shy
Hoping nobody judges you
You try to keep your head held up but sometimes
There is no use
You’re eager to know who likes you
Trying to see who thinks you’re pretty
But you have so low self-steam
That you think
Nobody should like you
Or you’re not in the same level that they are
You compare yourself with other girls
Seeing what they have and what you don’t
You could have a great personality
And a pretty face or body
But when you don’t have one of the two
You think you’re not in the same category as other girls
But life is more than just being pretty
Being nice is a great advantage cause maybe prettier girls
Are hated by everyone
And if you have floes
There are ways of making them less notable
Or maybe just getting rid of them
You don’t have to be ashamed of having a problem
You have to be ashamed not doing something about it
So get up and be strong
Be nice and be proud of being who you are
Because everyone else is taken
821 · Sep 2012
Lucia Sunikansky Sep 2012
Fights can happen anywhere, at any time, and with anyone
It can happen with your family, with the government, with your friends
Fights shouldn’t be acceptable in any case
They are destructive
They are death
We should drop our weapons
Accept our mistakes
Live in harmony with everyone

Live in Peace
contain yourself
Trust me
It’s hard
But don’t be selfish
Everyone counts
We are all connected some how
We are kind of a very big family
We are like brothers and sisters
Fighting cause each one want a different things
But we as well should forgive each one
Because at the end we are family
Or at least we all are humans
Come and choose better decisions    
Let’s all be part of something
Because no matter what
All of us deserve to live in peace
Not only with people but with ourselves to
587 · Sep 2012
A Teens Circle of life
Lucia Sunikansky Sep 2012
Long time ago I wouldn’t be sitting down here or just laying down
I would be outside
Playing with my friends or just inviting them over
But now with this machine is just like having them in front
With all these apps
With all these games
You have something to do all day
You look like zombie
Or just a man glued to the screen
Everyone tells you to live that thing
That is going to make you blind
But they just don’t understand
That you can’t live
Without this thing
Your life is here
It looks like your friends to
There millions of pages
That can be searched
With all these jokes
With all these laughs
It is just too hard
You look at this image of a kid playing outside
And you say “Im tired of these thing um just gonna go play outside”
But then you see these video you know you just have to see
So then you’re stuck again
Hearing the people telling you you’re gonna be blind
And that’s the circle of life
576 · Nov 2012
Go Fly and be You
Lucia Sunikansky Nov 2012
You don't have to make sense
You just have to be you
Love everyone
Hate no one
life is more than that
enjoy your friends
enjoy what you have
because once you lose it
you will know how much you need it
learn that the easy way
or don't learn it at all
have a crush
fall in love
break your heart
but then recover
and start all over
until it goes right
dont let people who dont understand you get in the way
open your wings and go fly
because you never know how much time you have
to be free and to do whatever you want
go have fun
do stupid thing
make your own choices
and be proud of them
if not dont choose them
and do a thing you will be proud of the rest of your life
so be you
and be proud of it.
Lucia Sunikansky Mar 2013
For those moments of happiness
for those moments of tears
I’ll never forget you
until the end of my years
I love you all
although  I leave

We had fun
We got mad
but we are a family
that not even if someone leaves
or are not in our grade
we can’t be destroyed
we are very strong all together

We are bodyguards of each other
not even a teachers will change our minds
we are one we are all
we are everything

Thanks for holding me up
to help me get through it
I don’t know how to thank you
You’ve helped me a lot
I hope I help, too
See you next year
but not in school
444 · Sep 2012
Love Do
Lucia Sunikansky Sep 2012
Do you love me?
Cause I do
There is no point of loving
is there is no two
Who cant live without each other
That's for sure
I knew you liked me
but I wasn't sure
If I should tell you
That I do to
Its to hard
Just to spit it all
So help me go through
and it all end soon
Just go with the flow
and there will be two
Who love each other
Until the end comes

— The End —