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1.5k · Oct 2011
The Masks
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
We wear the mask that grins and lies to everyone we love about everything we care about. The mask comes off only to be replaced by another, one for every single aspect of our lives. The masks are how we want people to see us, what we want people to think of us; like a subtle hypnosis. Tricked and deceived, the world shuns us, and so shuns itself, for the world is a mask. We never see underneath the mask to look at the real situation, their real feelings until it is too late, until they are absolutely powerless to stop us. That’s when we start to care and reflect, but it doesn’t matter anymore because you did not make the best of the time you had with the ones wearing the masks. The masks that come off by choice are statistics; they are leaders of nations until it is time for them to lie once more and don their old masks, or to make a new one, the effect is very much the same. The masks hide our feelings, the masks are our thoughts. The masks are our lives; to take off the mask is to die.
977 · Oct 2011
For Every Light
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
Because of you
I got a glance of my darkside,
But it got a better look at me.
It grabbed hold, and pushed until
I gave
You a second chance,
And now when the darkside I turned my back on
Stares, and glares, and dares me to turn around,
I get an itch between the matching knives.
So now I walk away
And I’ll admit, that sometimes I’m crawling,
But others I soar,
And around her I’m flying,
But I can’t take it anymore-
I’m insecure
Like a knot unraveling,
Being pulled in all the wrong directions.
I’m doubting my own decisions;
I’m the only person that I can’t trust

Because of you,
there's now this monster
that dwells eneath my skin-
in the bottom of my heart,
in the shadows of my mind,
coiled, waiting, until it can strike once again;
constrict the real me
control my tongue
burn all my bridges
with the flame of uncontrolled desires.
But the worst part is me
sitting back, enjoying every minute of it:
feeling the blood all rush to my head
in the moments before I black out-
revel in the novelty of seduction-
trample all of the shattered bonds
that held me to my friends,
and loving the crunch like broken glass-
a billion stinging cuts, draining me until
I can't take it any more-
weakening me until
I fall to the floor.
It's like I'm lying face down,
struggling just to reathe,
I'm trying to fight gravity,
but I doubt I'll succeed.
Because the silence of the tension,
is building,
it's deafening.
Clutching my hands to my ears,
I scream to drown out
the unheard torrent of emotion,
but these empty walls, and empty halls
echo, but have nothing to say.
The sunlight that was once warming
now sets my skin alight,
the heavy night is once again smothering-
the billion pinprick stars piercing my eyes,
blinding yet again.
Catching my eye, then retreating into the night,
fleeing from my sight,
the ink-black between the disappearing lights
are infecting my heart, denying me foresight,
until I wouldn't know if I was lying
when I said the future was gone.
897 · Oct 2011
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
It's always hard
to get the girl
when she thinks
you don't exist,
because you're the invisible,
the fly on the wall
the one that no one likes
but it's all right,
and it's okay,
it's not like you really loved her,
when in fact
you loved
and loved her
with all your heart.
You made it obvious
over and over,
time and again
you still do
you still will
no matter what happens,
you will love her,
and hate her,
But it's all right.
and it's okay
because they're the same,
it's insanity
it feels like crap
and it's not your fault
that you're below her,
but it is your fault
for thinking she'd feel he same
about you as you do her
but when 'it' is love,
you've got it bad, it's never good,
you've got it strong, it makes you weak
and no matter what you say,
you won't give it up
but it's not all right,
and it's not okay
because it's always hard to get the girl
when she thinks you don't exist.
Because to her you don't
because you're the invisible, the fly on the wall
670 · Oct 2011
Never Enough
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
Never seems to be enough
For what I have to say
For what I think, for what I feel.
Written words are not enough,
They don’t do justice to what you mean.
As I hang my head down low,
Resigned to this inevitable fate,
At mercy to my emotions’ wrath.
Drowning me in the darkest waters
I would see nothing but you,
And more than I see now.
Embraced it, tried to let it in,
Yet they trapped me, those feelings
Disoriented and stumbling,
I’ll always fall down,
Yet it never seems enough
Not enough for you to fall in my arms now,
Not enough for response,
Not enough to think of me.
It’s never enough for what I have to say.
You were the one who made me feel
Everything at once.
You were the one who made me hear
Your voice inside my head.
I fell in love,
Fell with the one,
The one who made me numb.
Cold inside, I fell, never drawing breath
Maybe now we’ve outgrown all
The things that we once loved
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
A drink, a dance
by skill, by chance
no matter how hard you try
she'll make you cry
because it's always favorites,
it's always looks
because rejection cuts deeper
than pain itself
colder than the heart of winter
is hate from her
because after that,
your heart is blacker
than the darkest shadow.
Cracked right down the middle
because of her.
No matter how you try
you will always love


No matter how you feel
no matter the faults you see
you will
because love happens to be blind
and deaf
You can only hope that your heart
will be whole once more
but you will always love her,
so it never will
because you will always try
too hard, but never enough
to get your mind off her
and when you close your eyes
expecting darkness
you will see her,
because she will be a part of you
and you know that when you close
your heart as well as your eyes,
you will see her more vibrant;
more beautiful
than you can even think of
and you will always regret closing
your heart and throwing away the key
because you can't stand to see her cry
and know it's
All you know is that
you just want to apologize
for what you were
for what you weren't
All you want is to sleep again,
but you know that she'll be there
in your dreams foorever
in your thoughts always
but inyour selfish heart never
and in your arms the same
617 · Oct 2011
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
An unasked question hangs on the tip of my tongue
While I hang on your every word.
Does it need to be heard, or named
To be accepted?
Do you want it to be-
Or more importantly, do you want it to be me?
How long is this wait, or should I even question fate?
How do you decide with your head
The matters of your heart?
And I know I shouldn’t worry now
About what I’d regret later
Or I’ll miss out on the present.
Am I too old to get the feeling
Of butterflies in my stomach,
Flying upward to scramble my thoughts?
How would I know if the ***** of those wings
Will cause the winds of a storm later on?
The questions multiply
And divide all desire from logic.
How long would the feeling last,
And the friendship after that?
Will I ever know if you got the same feelings
When we just lie there, no need to lie to the world?
How will I know
If you miss my arms around you?
One-sided desire is never enough,
But misguided, two-sided addiction
Only makes things more painful.
Could we just let it happen?
Or would that be like not seizing the opportunity?
How do we know
Unless we just go?
617 · Oct 2011
More Than You Know
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
Into the ocean, into the deep
Into the darkness, down I sweep
Into my mind these dark thioughts seep,
Taking the only luxury I keep.
Reserved and restrained, lost in plain sight
Not hidden by familiar shadows,
Rather a dull gray shade that falls upon me.
Insights to a past life through ink on paper,
Forgotten in mourning, focused on what is not
What is not there, no one seems to care.
Not wasting a life in grasping,
Reaching for what was lost, what was taken away
Never a release, just holding
Onto past lives lost in love, holding
Onto the same feelings,
The same highs and lows
Live life searching, looking for a new love,
Not the mundane pain that is welcomed now.
The silver lining, showing through the dark clouds
Swarming thicker, all around me
Confused feelings are surrendered
Through the passing of a note from my hands to yours.
Never regained, never the same
Uncertainty kills, and ignorance blinds, yet it heals
Built up to be broken down in cycle
Endless or so we think.
Suprises numb, knowledge strains,
Difference cuts
Through the veil that makes you think
Everything’s all right.
Not for long now, not as long as we think.
Pain strengthens, then hope lifts us higher
Only to fall lower, though never quite reaching
Not touching the bottom, the deepest of ourselves
Unchecked they run, freely so they think
The assurances of constant safety
It all disappears
In the end
When none of it matters anymore
You realize that it did
And more than you know.
Beautiful music, heard no longer
No longer shining, fallen to the ground
Welcome the pride, fall from grace
Fade into the night, pained by the darkness
Never really goodbye,
Pained by the absence
Of your voice in my head
Of your face in my eyes
Yet I do it in vain
And I remember the pain,
The highs and the lows
The sighs and the “no’s”
Of a love thought endless
There for me no more,
Chilled to the bone, frozen to the core
Broken down inside, never waking up,
You were there in the void.
The darkness of my mind
Is made more so by the absence of you in my life
More than you know
613 · Oct 2011
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
Unconcious hopes change into filtered dreams
barely remembered as centuries turn bones to dust-
we despair as crippled loves just fade to ash.
You've gone so far away, yet I see you every day
out of the corner of my eye and the eye of my mind.
So now you've reappeared, just pretend that it's alright.
Don't worry, I don't mind, because without you, I was blind.
Moving on with you by my side never made much sense,
but it happens, oddly enough.
I need to learn to let it go;on the wings of an angel,
or falling down the face of a cliff like the teardrop that is life.
Breaking the boundaries that are bones,
stoppin the rythm of your heart that keeps you imprisoned.
Your memory eternal, like the passing of a baton,
or the flame of these burning pages
from a burnt hand to one unscarred, unscathed.
Spreading like a wildfire, a disease, rotting your mind
from the moment our hands touched.
Do anything to put the festering memories at rest,
All choice is gone, so doesn't hope have to die as well?
They churn your stomach, you crawl in your skin,
eager to tear yourself away from it all
and leave your pain in the grave of the past.
The idea of carrying the mistake is to learn from it all,
but what do we do if it's too much for a single back to bear?
Involve another, rely on friends like pillars
supporting the weight of your Hell
so much that a moment alone leaves you pinned to the floor,
unable to move, to do anything but shake and scream,
but it won't be the first time.
No such thing as an overreaction
when your life magnifies every emotion.
Jealousy and anger, your endless pain even in elation.
All mountainous highs and pitch black holes in the earth.
Losing momentum until you flatline,
but even then gravity takes its course,
dragging you to the center while your heart still beats,
though you're unable to feel warmth inside or out any longer.
Dream of a funeral, of the sound of lamenting friends.
Life is a cloudless day, but without color,
or the twin beats of the sun on your face and your heart,
it might as well be a winter night.
612 · Oct 2011
Reassurance (It's Only)
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
The sound of your voice
is just a noise in the background
as I turn my back
on the sight of your face
shining through that mirroring window,
thousands of turning facets
reflecting my every thought distorted.
It's only skin
only lines of fire on my palms
as I reach out for you, but you're not there
just like I wasn't time and time again.
They're only thyndering drums inside my head
only pounding beats inside my chest.
It's only a racing pulse bound to stop.
It's only a creeping shadow growing in my eyes
and a cold feeling in my fingers.
It's nothing to worry about,
so just take it as it comes.
It's only a slip, a fall, a dive,
into unknown waters, it's only dark and unexplored
Nothing to fear, it's only another eternal lullaby
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
We were always somewhere in between
hello and goodbye. the extremes of our emotions-
our joy and our lust, our anger and our despair.
Wide-eyed happiness to shocked tears falling o the floor,
clutching at the hole in my chest-
the world seen through a gray veil of loneliness,
like it was seen from the bottom of a well.
You'll talk of seeing red, but all I can see
are the darkest shades of gray,
like the slightest of breezes
born from a lover's dying breath.
Gut-wrenching and heart-shattering
hoping that I'll be here to watch you leave
and never return- walk away
and never look back.
Anger and hate don't just run deep in my veins;
they fill them to the point of bursting,
like the blackest of nights and the cold grip of terror
pumped straight from a heart as dark
as every hurt you've eve felt, of every pain you've ever caused.
You'll know the pain
should you so much as glance at the wrists,
and so you cover them up, forgotten in the furthest put of your mind;
and you'll know the perfection of loneliness,
as soon as you pull the trigger.
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
It started as it always did. A distant rumble, like the roaring of a far-off storm. Distinct. Unique. It was a tremor in the earth, shrinking with his every footfall. Changing, becoming something else, like a seed planted within his heart. Within his mind. All of the words that came afterwards, they didn't matter. They left his tongue turned to stone. They crumbled to dust in half an instant, as if they'd aged a million years in the space of a heartbeat. All of her words, though, every breath, became a whirlwind, blowing the dust of his words around him. A sandstorm of cliches and withering feelings, like so many wilting roses. Alone, he wanders the desert of the world. A desert because of the dust, the shadows, the hollow echoes of her promise. He stops. Glimpses a star in the distance, wipes his eyes. Everything is bright again, even in the night, the moon shining bright. He takes a moment, takes a breath, tastes the night breeze. Exhale. The remaining motes of sand and dust glitter faintly in the moonlight, disperse. Become nothing more than memories- a trail once walked, with no reason to climb back down. That's when he sees it. The desert, it was just another mountain in need of climbing. He stands not at the peak, but further along down his path than he had thought. His path was just one of many, though. He looks up, ahead. A valley between mountains, lush and teeming with life. Only, his path changed as his heart did- only he could decide where it lead.
578 · Oct 2011
A Back Turned
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
An infinite symphony if moments
That all scream 'now!'
But not every work is a masterpiece
Nor every great man a leader.
And where is it written
That only villains shall fall,
And every hero shall live?
For only fallen heroes are martyrs
And every fallen villain a victory.
The storm gathers, and a storm breaks
But I know this is not it-
The lightning still hides
Behind the clouds.
The rain still falls for seconds
Before the wind just blows it all away.
The thunder still sounds
like the trumpets of the heavens
Until the sound passes through my chest.
The sky still darkens,
But the clouds, like everything,
only come to leave.
575 · Oct 2011
Story of a Life
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
Caught in the moment,
in all ways but the right one,
because of three words.
The ones I wish I never
even though I meant.
You've always broken me down,
now she picks me up
her smile a flame
a guiding point in the dark
that shows me new hope.
Not that I didn't love you.
I will always care,
just know you left me hanging
hanging by a thread
over the blades of sorrow
and I understand.
Just another way to die
came with that dead love,
and rests in my mind.
Laughter was inspiration
your tears were my pains.
Gifts that were once yours,
yet are yours no more/
Trying to reclaim myself
shattered up pieces.
I asked for you to guide me,
take me by the hand,
share a world we understand.
Now you will always
be immortalized as 'Her'.
She who broke my heart,
one that was put together
at the perfect time
by the one who really cared
the one who saw me
tearing apart at the seams
the one who showed me
there's a place for me somewhere.
Three cheers for goodbye
Pain, suffering are both me
never forgotten
never in a thousand years.
When the sun freezes
cold, and in empty despair
you will share this pain.
Nothing but a memory,
and a faint one, that,
is in your heart forever
just maybe not quite
in the space that it once was.
Not in the same light
but there in by memory
the faded light of love.
But that is just the story,
story of a life.
563 · Oct 2011
A Few Haiku
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
Tearing at my heart
biting wind of your farewell
when will you return?

You see what you've done?
Why do you pull me apart?
ripping at the seams

It seems that you can
Read me like an open book
are you confused now?
560 · Oct 2011
This is Why
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
This is why I was written as a tragedy.
This is why the only comedy in my life is mirthless.
I'm sitting here laughing at the pain
as I'm battling it for control.
This is why you'll only get out alive
So many times.
This is why our time, it ends.
This is life, and this is love.
This is pain, but this is also familiarity.
This is life, and it doesn't end until it's done with you.
These are choices, and these are the consequences.
This is the fate of all the start-crossed lovers
and others alike.
This is facing the unknown alone.
Life, and even death, is random.
Like explosions.
Of the clearest colors
vibrant like a lifting veil-
of earsplitting noises
Like the sounding of thunder from the skies above-
Like the moment of peace after a supernova sun.
Or was it before?
In our lives, we'll never know.
557 · Oct 2011
What She Said
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
It all happened at once. Everything he could have hoped for. Everything he had feared since the first moment he said he loved her. Blood rushed to his head as he heard her mutter those three words, and then flushed from his face as he noticed the curious, vacant look in her eyes. He realized that he had shared the feelings that went along with that look: the heart-fluttering joy and breath-quickening high that she could only get by holding the face of that one person, the one who had stolen her heart, in her mind's eye. He felt frigid inside, colder than he ever had in his life; numb inside, like those words were deadening his nerves and darkening his vision. He was cold, and yet underneath it was a raging inferno; the racing fire of every feeling bottled up for years that seemed like decades building up in one moment in his dead heart, a fierce pain coursing through his body and gathering once again, yet in his wrists, begging to be released from his body in a final goodbye. He had never felt this way before. In a split second his life had ended, but he was forced to live through this; his only purpose had been taken from him. She was that purpose, and he raged against himself trying to understand why she would so willingly give away all he had worked for, all he had suffered for: didn't she know that he loved her? Didn't she know that he sould do anything for her to prove that? Did she not understand the one simple fact that she had been, is, and will always be the only person who would hold his heart with the same intensity? These three words were almost the ones he had written for her, yet had never quite gotten around to letting her hear. deep down, he had always known, from the moment he met her, that there was no future for them, and that she would never love him, nor even like him, more than a mere friend. The words were harmless to the one that she said them about, but they were worse than a shot to the heart for him, the one who loved Her. She had said "I love him".
552 · Oct 2011
Up to You
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
These countless stars brighten this night between us
yet the obscured path stays hidden
making it all too easy to fall once more
as I make my way away from you
but away from you, keeping this hard-earned silence
is easier said than done.
It's a nightmare, here without you
so wake me up and just lay next to me
I'm just another Adam, unfinished without my Eve
the night before; was it magic, or a mistake
In your eyes
Who am I- savior, or in need of saving?
Will the last words heard be 'I love you'
before my heart bursts into flames?
and can we help but to mean it,
when we hope that they hoped for it
I hope and I pray, but the fool only expects
set up to fail, so pick me back up
but do me this favor, and push me back over
and who would stop to give the time,
when I finally have reason to stop it?
No more of living just to breathe,
and now I'm laughing until I can't
because the roles reverse, now you're on the outside
now save your breath, because I'll steal it a way one day
now see my face
for the first time or the last is up to you
526 · Oct 2011
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
Hearts still ache over year-old breaks,
Tears still fall over near-forgotten pains
Tears falling to the bottom of a bottle; drink them all away
Wash away the hurts,
Frigid water lapping over chipping, fragile stone
I’m lost in tides of confusion, bittersweet escape
From the thoughts of my heart, and the feelings of my mind,
From the wrong indecision, and the mindless instinct
To wear my heart on my sleeve, to throw my soul on the ground
In front of your feet,
The burden of a heavy soul hardly makes a sound
As it shatters into pieces, I try to piece it back together,
The glass-like shards of my heart slice into my arms
Having risen from the ashes, you’ll find me waiting for you there
Having forsaken the moon, I wait for a new dawn, hope for a new sun
To break through this fog,
And to dry up the stinging tears that burn into me like fire
To let me thrive once more in its basking glow
To banish the shadows and cobwebs of my heart,
And to melt all these lonely footprints in the snow
Secluded and alone, I search the unknown, the shadow never shrinks
In the face of the sun, the dusk never fades,
Neither does the doubt, these questions of who I am
501 · Oct 2011
Waiting for You
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
Are we really ever over each other?
Questions asked
from the darkest corners of ourselves
that mirror our fear like a thousand-faceted diamond,
toying with beams of sun,
making rainbows out pure light;
that resonate as an omen,
like a crow and a raven landing on the same branch, both staring into your soul.
With head so high above the clouds
But heart so deep below the ground,
I lay my mind to rest.
Its all just need-to-know,
But you need to know-
I'd never leave you alone so high
So high upon your cliff of despair.
Though I reach for your hands,
You need to know
That my arms will always be open.
I open myself for you-
Bearing a heart so scarred
For a dagger so sharp.
Wake with eyes so scared,
Waiting for the next rainy morning
When you'll tell me you're gone.
Every rose has her thorns,
But thorns and petals all die alike.
497 · Oct 2011
The Stars
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
There are no stars tonight; but those of memory seem so far away. There are no stars tonight because it is tonight that I make my own fate, forge my own future, and craft my own life with the hands of careful uncertainty. The stars were always something to look for in the black veil of the unknown; like signs guiding you towards your destiny. Now those signs are gone from the path, and even the path itself has disappeared into the shadows. What will be, what was, and what is could yet fall under this shadow of a fate not predetermined by something greater than us; of the shadows of trial and error, of the shadow of choice. The stars are hope, and there are no beautiful stars tonight. Tonight there is choice, but there is no hope: there is no path, yet freedom is a bittersweet victory.
483 · Oct 2011
I'm Yours
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
Half the world away
or hand in hand today,
I can only think of you.
Every little thing
about you screams perfect
and everything about us
feels right, inside my heart.
You and me, together
is more natural than any sunrise,
more beautiful than any rose in bloom.
And though I try,
my words will always fall short.
Only our kiss, embrace, our hands held tight
can tell the story of what will be our love.
Though we're thousands of miles apart
I still hear your whispers in the wind,
feel you all around me,
the kiss of the sun your touch.
And when I sleep
your gentle face
your carefree laugh
are always there to welcome me to my dreams.
Yet falling asleep
is always the hardest part of my day.
Lying awake in an empty bed
yearning for you to be with me
to fit perfectly in my arms,
the way only you can.
I yearn for you
to make me whole.
But you want me the same way
and were you with me tonight
falling asleep would be even harder.
And for now i can only wait
and count the moments
until I'm yours again.
481 · Oct 2011
Help Me
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
The last tear falls and we stand up,
you take me from myself, we're born again
we used to worry about life, but now we just live it
You know what I'm thinking, but I can help you too
because around you, I can breathe, and around you, I can think
because I want an excuse to hold your hand, to feel your warmth
because this life is way too short to not want you, to not need you,
because near you, my heart beats, and speeds at your laughter
and flutters with your smile
because this time, the answers and assurances may not be too late,
because it's the scars of a careless heart that make it hard to admit
that I want you in my arms, feel you breathe on my neck
and that there's nothing more to say,
but know you grace my dreams with your presence
it seems it's not always a losing fight which I always have to win
but these tired ice eyes have seen love die way too many times
when it deserved to alive
and they've cried way too many times
when I deserved to feel alive
so give me my breath, and show me my heart
474 · Oct 2011
Here's to the Memories
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
Here’s to the Memories
I’m living in this moment;
I would only die for you,
And I’m dying for this moment,
You would only live for me,
But help me in healing you
Successful in crying on your shoulder,
A first time for anything
The sterile light is burning me,
The straight line cutting
Into my palms, my chest, through my skull
A little less clear, this life uncertain;
The way things need to be
Bitter, elaborate, unseen;
The way things always are
Shift to the present, I’m lying, denying
That I miss you, I need you, but I’ll never see you
It’s like you were never here,
But the memories are like scars
Hide them and cover them,
But they never go away
So here’s to the memories smoldering and varying
Until I forget your face, and the last time you lied
So here’s to the memories; they never stay away
472 · Oct 2011
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
Hands clench slowly into fists,
I try to let it go-
let the worries just fly away
so easy like in the past.
Breathe it all in and try to let it out.
Draining me
like it always does-
but worry and fear
and memories of pain
collapse my lungs
before I even have time to blink;
black out the light of the sun
before I even have time to understand.
Shut down my heart
before ever I feel the pain-
feel the pain again.
Just tell me the words
that you want to hear
so they'll be the last ones
ever whispered in your ear.
Don't think that I don't mean them-
I'ld have poured my soul into keeping you
by my side
and in my sight
because by your side
I see the light.

So now you're gone
but the colors, the y stay;
life goes on and the world still turns-
the rain still falls
though the sun, it shines on.
460 · Oct 2011
All I See
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
You may believe, but you need to know
When I close my eyes,
All I see is us-
in winter winds
and summer storms,
in traquil times
in joy and bliss.
But all the world
is nothing compared to hands
held so tight.
Around you, I just let go
of all of my stress,
the scars just disappear.
My laugh, your smile,
our eyes so warm.
I never want to let you go,
I hate to even see you go.
I'm always counting the moments until my heart
flutters and jumps, it's down to an art.
My stomach does flips at the sound of your voice.
With the look in your eyes
clouds disperse without a choice,
and a familiar shiver runs down my spine.
My cheeks warm up,
and my eyes brighten at your smile-
at the thought of finally taking your hand.
Though I'm still alive, when you aren't around,
just being close to you
makes beautiful every sound.
455 · Oct 2011
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
I dream no warnings of the pain yet to come
in the night before my heart comes short yet again.
I've never been so glad to see you turn your back
because as the tears begin to slow
and the fresh wounds begin to flow,
you can't be here to see it.
So much for love, I say goodbye
to the stitches that barely held me together.
I say goodbye to you.
So much for safety, I say goodbye
to numbness so appreciated.
So much time to be alone in a crowd
because your hand's not in mine.
Now I can't stand to walk away from you
because I know you don't want me anymore.
So much for a second chance
our first try fell to pieces, it was the first and only.
Pressure building, forcing us apart.
I'm still reaching for your hand
but you're busy hiding your heart
and you don't understand you're shutting mine away.
Expect this to last, like the pain,
yet laying here alone, I can't bring myself to shed a tear
so I think on the words you said, and understand.
My lips will never brush yours again,
your fingers will never follow my veins so lightly.
With your clean break, your fingers become razors.
Now there's a heaviness in the beat of my heart,
a stabbing pain in my throat with each shuddering breath,
old wounds split open with every pulse.
If this is my life, then bury me with all of these words.
All I want is for you to offer me your arms sincerely
to tell me that you'd miss me.
Tell me what those words meant to you
and open my eyes again.
Nightmare wishes never go unfulfilled
In my sleep, I tell you to never say 'I love you'
but now I don't need to worry about it.
Do you cry over this like I do?
Sobs that might as well be silent
because the person you need to hear them doesn't?
No need to think about leaving and dying
you took the choice from my hands.
Cutting me down, soon nothing will be left.
I'm exhausted, apathy as sharp as this useless self-pity.
I sigh, and the sound of it sends me over the edge.
Now I'm lost in a crowd,
no sound but the echo of your voice,
asking me how long I though this would last...
449 · Oct 2011
Lost Again
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
Open the bottle and slam the door in the face of hope.
Every time I lose myself, I take this knife of a pen
and scratch my thoughts on the walls,
but you, you drown your mind at the thought of losing your broken path
you're losing yourself to the bottle
and I won't change you; just hope my tears make you want to change.
We'll trip and stumble along the way, leaving broken glass in our wake
and the memories of a shattered past that I don't blame you for.
You're lost again, never ti find your way back home, back to me
so now I won't be there to stop the scars on your wrists from accumulating.
I didn't give you this brittle heart not worth breaking,
but my trust, and my help.
Like I knew what was best for you,
and I'd rather feel the pain of your death
than my loneliness that would come with it,
so take this as goodbye, leaivng my life to ruin yours
439 · Oct 2011
Tell Me
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
I love your harsh voice in my ears
telling me what you want to hear
so sing your voice behind your mask
telling me that you know best
but all things good and bad shall pass.
Telling me to leave it all behind,
so now that i'm all on my own, i burn the pages
unleash their rages
Telling me how to live alone,
but you think i'm the only one
Telling me this isn't like the last time,
I'll show you why I lie in wait
spiting you, i lie in hate
Step out of this dream, no thoughts of nightmares
Telling me you speak no lies,
but it's not the truth that drags me over my line
past my limit, let it go and give it up
Telling me that you won't quit,
but you forget- it's just my luck
353 · Oct 2011
You Are the One
Lucas LaBounty Oct 2011
You are the one
Who I want to see
By the light of the stars,
by the glow of a fire.
You are the one
who I want to hold
forever in my arms
forever in my eyes,
You are the one
who holds my heart
and holds it close,
with innocent grace.
Nothing compares
and that's why I care
to be a song so softly
whispered in the night.
But what you feel,
you don't need to say
because I can tell
just in the way you hold me
that this is the real thing

— The End —