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 Oct 2012 Luap
I find your chest in the clouds
Your torso is made of cumulonimbus
For you are as powerful as the strongest raincloud.

Your eyes are created with moonbeams
And I will soon have your hands in the stars.
The wind will create your body and push it,
Tight, forming to mine.

Your voice is not the thunder, or wind
But the rich hum of the smoldering sun,
Warm, intense.
Your footsteps come closer, quickly
Softly stepping as that same sun through the clouds.

You are the earth and the atmosphere
You live in yellow grass and rain
(For see, that's the landscape inside me)
The breeze through these hills is the breath from your heart
And when it touches me,
I know it can only be you.
 Oct 2012 Luap
It's kind of bizarre how totally in love with you I am.
I think about you and me, about us.
I think about what we could be.

I wonder if you'll have Santa eyes too
And what stories you'll tell.
Tell me, will I be there?

I want to be with you, now.
Forget school, forget work.
I want to lay in bed with you for hours
And feel you and me, connecting as one.
I'll feed you candy, you feed me your thoughts.

An hour, a day, a year
Let the seconds pass, but let them never end.
You and I will be two, but united by flesh, by breath.
I am in love with you-
You, yes, are my hourglass.
 Oct 2012 Luap
 Oct 2012 Luap
He and I
Are oil and water.
He is cigarettes and ravioli;
I am cranberries and ramen.

The great benefactor?
Yes, a factor
But not the end.
Not the root.
I shall never be a beggar.

Hark, calls reality
Indifference is aching for you.
Threatening, forcing.
Beware, or it shall overcome you.

I was never good at chemistry
And what is painting but a solution?
What are we but unstable?

Perhaps we are just allotropes.
 Oct 2012 Luap
Perhaps I have not been careful enough.

Perhaps I wanted you to consume me.
Perhaps I wanted to consume you.

Yes, I love you.
Yes, I want you.
But reality's setting in
And the sunspots are clearing from my eyes.
The solar inferno weakens.

I had built you a statue of emeralds and golden thread
But it's been crumbling.
The emeralds are turning out to be moss-covered stones
The golden thread, stiff hay.

I knew you were only human.
Maybe I didn't believe it.
I did not love you because you were immortal.
I did not believe
-With him, with him, I shall love forever
  With him, I shall touch the moon.
   We shall be created and destroyed, created and destroyed
   Forever, and together.
   Beginnings and ends in two become one.
Perhaps I thought it
But I did not believe it.
Don't worry.

I will adjust to your humanity
And I will build you a snowman, not a statue.
A snowangel, maybe.
But I am done trying to turn myself to silver.
I am done trying to become an inferno.

Yes, I love you.
Hopefully love is enough.
 Oct 2012 Luap
 Oct 2012 Luap
Impatient breath
Hands erasing, smoothing all ridges.
Skin to skin becomes

You cover me and discover me
Your fire singes any thought I may have had
And all that is left is you
And me
And your hands on me.

As my desperation grows your movements slow
Until desire is all there is.

This is more than you and me.
This is us as one.
 Oct 2012 Luap
 Oct 2012 Luap
I am free in the darkness.
Free from your eyes,
Binding and infuriating.
Free from myself.

I am safe in the darkness,
For unknown danger is no danger at all.
Blindfold me to comfort me.
Whip me to awaken me.

I am strong in the darkness.
Convicted with conviction,
And only in the present tense.

I am blind to everything in the darkness,
And I don't want to see or believe.
I am empty in the darkness,
And I don't want to be filled.
 Oct 2012 Luap
 Oct 2012 Luap
I can't be this alone, with you.

If I'm to be alone, let me call myself alone.
Don't make me suffer this killing hope.

Wrapped in your sleeping arms, let me not think
Watching you laugh, make me not think
Feeling your lips on mine, force me not to think
I can't be this alone, with you.

I think of you by the minute. Can't you think of me
You say you know, but if you know why don't you care?
If you know, why don't you try?
I can't be this alone, with you.

Free from expectation and hope, I can survive.
But this, this drains me. This will leave me dry.
Choose one and let it be that. Just choose.
Because I can't do this with you.
 Oct 2012 Luap
 Oct 2012 Luap
I don't want to lose nights under your arms
Dusks in your eyes
Mornings in your hands.

I do want to lose those nights lying alone
And those dusks observing what I would never be a part of
And those mornings, feet away from you.

I don't want to lose you.
But I do want to lose missing you.

I'm just afraid the two must come as one.
 Oct 2012 Luap
 Oct 2012 Luap
This noise is acid on my brain
burning straight through
leaving none in its path.

I feel it-
the loss
the pain
the sizzle.
The empty hole it leaves
running straight from my skull to my breast.

I wish it would spread.
Leaving one with a hole is cruelty.
Destroying the total is a gift.
 Oct 2012 Luap
 Oct 2012 Luap
Strong hands, big and warm
Covering, comforting and caressing me.
Smoothing my skin.
Erasing my erosion.

In wide strokes of blackboard Braille-
*It's all going to be ok.
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