For I have loved and I have been loved.
I have loved softly, I have loved cruelly.
But what comforts can these be of.
So will you forget me thus?
For you have touched the secret parts of my body, my skin
And I have given you a new life of your own.
Will you love her? Or will you not touch what you believe is sin.
So will you forget me thus?
You called me a daughter, you called me a lover
And I trembled under your severe stare.
I held my tongue when you gazed at a modest other.
So will you forget me thus?
I have remembrances of yours given out of care
In the sun, in the garden, under a tree’s branches.
The token of sadness on my finger that to my breast I bear.
So will you forget me thus?
In your wealth and in your woe have I stood you by
Until your heart became strong enough to carry any moan.
My face, my soul, my wit had made you stir, made you sigh.
So will you forget me thus?
Have you no piteous heart, have you no pious heart
That was taught to forgive by your former office.
I fear that grace has forever evaded you in an eternal depart.
So will you forget me thus?
It was by the fates alone that we both did stray
Our folly, our shame is to neither of our conscience charge.
But in my disgrace I fled to the cool country until my body’s decay.
So will you forget me thus?
In you I will find no peace for my wars are all fought;
Instead I wait here to in fire burn or in ice freeze.
For surely both are better than to be in your mirth caught.
So will you forget me thus?
When my soul soon soars from this world to either or
Which fate will please you: heaven or hell.
Surely your hate is as powerful as your love, if not more.
So will you forget me thus?
My ravishing revenge and delight is the source of our strife;
Its affects will feed your sorrow and laugh in your pain.
You no longer have for me a stern smile or in me a loyal wife.
So will you forget me thus?
I will miss your face that I did trace with my fingers in affection;
Your steady voice that loved me once and your palm that did brush my cheek.
You desired what I was not able or willing to give, perfection.
So will you forget me thus?
Now, my breath slows and my mind grows dim,
My soul quickens, it hurries to that far western gate;
Here my thoughts are of you where I lie in stone, grim.
For happy is the life that ends in such a lovely state.
So will you forget me thus?