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Lovethyself Jun 2014
Day by day,
We think of what we want,
Day by day,
We think of what we need,
Day by day,
Until one month has gone,
And you have gotten nowhere.
Lovethyself Jun 2014
The clouds roll in,
And the going gets tough,
All we can do is sin,
But life gets to be enough.

A dictionary of fears,
Remains open in my head,
As I swallow my tears,
The anxiety is left unsaid.
Lovethyself Jun 2014
With every bone in my body.
With every thought in my mind.
With every beat of my heart.
With every breath in my lungs.
With every step in my walk.
With every piece of soul.

I love him and will continue loving him.
Lovethyself Jun 2014
I have to take medicine but I'm happy. My split ends are horrendous but I have not lost my hair to a disease. My grades are average but I am mentally stable. I have acne and scars but no bruises.  My voice sounds weird but I can speak. My stomach has a pouch but I am getting fed. My nose is odd but I can smell. I have hair on my knuckles and on my toes but I have ten fingers and toes. My thighs are big but I am healthy. My knees are bad but I can run. My laugh is terrible but I have things to laugh about. I have no attention span but I have an endless imagination.

I have my health, I have a  house, I have a family. I have all 4 limbs. I have all my senses. I am mentally stable. I am so thankful for what I have.

Remember it could always be worse.
Lovethyself Jun 2014
Those blue eyes.
They held onto my vision.
They cried for help.

They fought.
They suffered.
Remembered and forgot.

They were bullets.
They were empty shells.

They laughed, oh boy did they laugh.
Smiled like coral.

But those nights.
Those horrors.

Those long gasps.
Those memories.

But those blue, baby blue eyes.
They flew.
Lovethyself Jun 2014
Awesome actually, thanks for asking.
How long now?
Almost two years.
Okay, stop right there.
I know the next question.
The same ******* question I get asked...
over and over and over
There you go.
It's going to be two years now.
And no I have not (little kid whisper) "done it".
"But don't you love him?"
"I don't know, I've only been with him for 24 months now, why don't you ask me later?"

I'm seventeen.
I'm still scared to drive.
I have the imagination of a child.
I will sprint for the swings.

Why is it so bad to hold on to innocence?
Why the **** would I rush to grow up?

Yes, I love him.
Yes, it'll happen eventually.
No, I'm not going to wait for marriage.
No, I'm not scared.

But right now we are too busy seeing who can swing the highest.
Lovethyself Jun 2014
My stomach drops.
My head spins.
I feel a rush of anxiety entering through my ears.
My heart freezes.
I feel weak.
I feel scared.
Timid? You bet.
My teeth clench as I whisper "****."
My head feels as if someone unscrewed it, pulled all my thoughts out and poured endless amounts of cement into my hollow cranium.
My inner temperature increases like watching a sunrise in fast forward.
My eyes absorb into the back of my skull.

Why must people ask me what my plans are for the future?

I have no ******* idea.

— The End —