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170 · Dec 2019
Samantha Dec 2019
pieces of the puzzle....they are missing. your puzzle. the puzzle i want to understand. they are out the world....that world in your head....all it takes is for them to be let out....for that head to open up.....for me to understand that much more of you....your beauties and faults.....achievements and helps me understand your puzzle
a friend and i were talking....and we brought up the idea of Sonder, where each person you meet or see is living their own lives...with their own experiences....and i thought that was like a puzzle. as you learn more about that uncover more of their puzzle and start to piece who they are together
162 · Dec 2019
Samantha Dec 2019
people are like
easily beaten down
and if they aren't given enough of something
or if they get too much
they die.
but people are also beautiful
just like flowers.
flowers are like
they grow,
need water and the sun
and feel good when
with others or
with music
people are like flowers
flowers are like people.
both are easily crushed
but are beautiful in their own ways
i dont know why i decided to write this...i was just thinking about how similar people and flowers are. how they can get crushed...but it is also beautiful to watch them grow. how if you give them too much of something, they will die, but also too little. to care for people and have to find the Goldilocks for them.
157 · Dec 2019
Samantha Dec 2019
it hurts to see you with someone else.....being happy without me.....every time i see it....hear it....i just wanna lay down and cry.....i just....wish i could be the one. the one there for you....the one that you care for...the one that is there....
112 · Jan 2021
mountain doors
Samantha Jan 2021
it is said that mountains are the greatest hill to climb, that once you climb that you get the greatest feeling of accomplishment and achievement that you may ever experience
but then you think of the heart and see it is not a hill, but a wall. a door. instead of climbing over, working your way to climb towards that feeling of love is where most people go
instead of just sitting outside the door and waiting
I really haven't put anything on here in a while, and sorry for that. But I was talking about relationships with a friend and realized that they aren't much of mountains, like challenges, as they are described. They are more like waiting outside a door for the person to open it up themselves or instead letting the door stay shut and walking away.
112 · Dec 2019
Samantha Dec 2019
trust is something i thought i had in you....the one who birthed me....the one who raised me through it all....the one who stayed while the other did not....i thought had trust in i laid myself bare for see if you would trust me, too.....and not see me as a child....i guess i've lost my trust in you
...i honestly don't really know how much i should put on the internet sorry...but i just felt like i had to write this after i found out my parents not accepting me as trans thank you to all who took your time to read this.
100 · Mar 2020
Samantha Mar 2020
i need to be the one
that stands strong
and helps everyone else
i need to help people
so they dont feel bad
so they can be happy
so they can live a good life
because if i dont do it
i know no one would for some people
so i have to
otherwise they'll never get it
so i have to be strong
and not cry
and just be the pillar of happiness
and strength
that people know they can trust
and rely on
that has no cracks in it
so they can lean on it
and not worry about falling
79 · Jan 2020
Samantha Jan 2020
i watch as my hair falls to the ground and as what remains changes beyond recognition of what it was. i look in the mirror, and i see. me. who i want to be. who i am.
73 · Jan 2020
Samantha Jan 2020
words pour from my lips
written down onto the page
hoping that you'll see
72 · Jan 2020
i see
Samantha Jan 2020
i see people who know who they are. embrace what they were born with. i see myself, too. not how others see me but who i wish to be. i see a person who has gone against family morals to be themself. i see me.
66 · Jan 2020
Samantha Jan 2020
when i see myself
i never see who i am.
but who i will be
64 · Jan 2020
Samantha Jan 2020
blood flows from the wrists
of those who just want to be
who they really are.
62 · Jan 2020
Samantha Jan 2020
you turn towards the sun
so i see it in your eyes.
your love of this life
59 · Jan 2020
I write
Samantha Jan 2020
I write these poems
to distract my head
from the thoughts that plague it.
I write these poems
not for an audience
but yet
people like what I write
to escape
to understand
they might relate
they might understand the world
from the perspective of
i write soft when i need quiet and somberness
I write to help myself
but yet
maybe I write as a cry for help for people
to see, to understand, what i feel.
I write.
thank you all for reading the poems of some depressed crazy trans teen on the internet. i may not be anything more than words on a screen to you, but knowing that you all read my poems....means something to the deepest part of me. thank you all so, so very much.
57 · Jan 2020
Samantha Jan 2020
questions are often
like birdsong. you never know
what they will sound like.
55 · Jan 2020
Samantha Jan 2020
people always ask
"why do you wear these clothes?"
because it makes me feel like myself
"why don't you cut your hair?"
because i like it longer
people wanna know but sometimes i dont know how to answer.
so they think i want attention and dont actually believe what i do
"why are you such an attention *****?"
im not i am just trying to be me
"why dont you like yourself?"
because everyone always makes it sound like being myself is wrong
"why don't you just die? because you are a freak who doesn't belong here. anywhere."
because i want to live for my friends. and to be myself.
"why aren't you dating anyone?"
because no one wants to date me and im not quite sure what i want in a relationship yet
"why do you act like a girl?"
because that is who i am on the inside.
i always get asked why
but i never  know
how to speak back
eeeyyy im sorry that this one was so long...ive just had a lot of hate come my way lately and i really just...wanted to get it all out. so i wrote "why" and decided that i would use this opportunity to get all of my feelings across on everything that i have been asked. thanks for reading!

— The End —