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 Nov 2013 LoveRorito
I've learned that happiness
cannot be found in the form of a little
purple capsule.
I've learned that Pisa will have to wait until next time.
I've learned that the third mushroom
held in my sweaty palm was not as
big a deal compared to the other two opening my mind.
I've learned that a part of me
died that night where we ****** in a
room with no furniture.
I've learned that life is work and that
the molotov cocktail of Dubrah and eay mac
that came spewing from me left an orange tang
upon the floor.
I've learned that pain is better than numbness
and that jabbing a sewing needle repeatedly in my arm
was an educated decision.
Most importantly I've learned that together we are better than alone.
Submerged in masses of rising water.
The gravity holding me captive tugs my weight downward,
Leaving the water victorious.
Struggling for air I emerge from the surface, gasping.
My body shooting signals of oxygen through my nervous system.
Not given enough time to reach my brain before I am sinking yet again.
There is still a fragile humming in my head.

Out of the darkness around me a merciful hand reaches.
Pulling me above.
Half unconscious, the events I do not recall.
Though I am being drug along by this being.
Towards shore I am to hope.
My trust has poured into this being for it is my last chance.
I feel my body regaining life as time passes by..
One. Two. Three. Four….
I am alive for what promises to be an eternity.
Then out comes the truth; it pours.

Every crooked lie and wasted minute is a rock on my insides.
I feel the hands grasp around my head, pushing me under.
To my surprise I am drowning in the deep
No shore in sight.
Submitting trust to a person is like letting demons whisper in your ear.

They will fill your head with an imaginary fate.
Until your falling.
You’re falling in love with this idea.
You wait, you wait for the day.
Anticipation twists your heart up tight.
They’ll promise. They’ll promise.
Seal it with their kisses.
Injecting you with their venomous poison.
Its killing you. Its killing you.

You’re to blind to fight.
Those promises are your dying wishes.
Wishes. Wishes
Trust is laced with demon kisses….

— The End —