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Lover of Words Jun 2013
I'm lost,
Some time ago I lost my way,
To tv and friends and video games,
And now I lay here on my bed confused as ever and broken,
I missing the world I once held dear,
So busy have I let everything become,
Who am I and what have I done,
I'm a lost broken girl trying to overcome my own brokenness,
With my own selfishness,
And lately it hasn't been working,
I feel like a absolute failure,
I've lost my soul to this world,
this crummy god forsaken earth,
That taunts and toils away with pain and agony,
One where people get mixed up with drugs to make them feel nothing
And I feel everything,
Lover of Words May 2013
I cannot fathom what I be without you,
Whether you like me drinking coffee or not,  
But this year has been surreal.
I was not catered to like a child anymore,
Except by you.
Now they treat me like I'm some cranky grown up when I'm an infectious spirit of energy with life and love all bundled up inside.
All they ask from me is money, or work that I can't do,
But you asked for nothing,
I'm nothing but a simple child with the title of adult.
And I don't think I'll ever be really use to that term.
I've seen how horrible this world really is, and how fragile friendships are.
And for some reason you stayed,
Despite my fits and sadness.
And maybe that's just it,
maybe that's all I really need is one person,
Who just accepts my flaws and all,
Lover of Words May 2013
I heard you in the darkness with those white lips,
Whispering my name,
Like a heart beat under your breath.
Despite the howling cold winds and the sheer pounding of rain drops,
It all made sense,
And I couldn't stand their anymore on that porch deck, listening to you say my name over and over again,
So I ran far away,
Hoping not to hear it again,
But you kept after me,
I heard the voice again and again,
Driving me absolutely crazy,
With pain,
I cried in vain,
Wondering if I be ever let alone,
But no,
You pursued cause I was worth the chase,
Until I accepted your embrace,
And I caved,
Knowing that would finally stop the **** rain
Lover of Words May 2013
I don't know what to write or say, my brain is losing its own mind, and my heart lost its way.
Summer started and I crashed into a whole new dimension of sweet intoxicating freedom. But the perfumes were overwhelming and I was scared with all this boundless time.
I searched for friends, but they were no where to be found. And because of this change, I took it out on the one person who never left. Badgering him to be something he wasn't. I was bored and done. Lost in love and wondering who I had become. He was gone to, for some of the time. I knew not what to do, or where to go, or who to even talk to. I felt like a caged animal who had finally be rereleased into the wild, forgetting how to behave its natural way. I withdrew into my security and fought the outside for it kept trying to **** me. I had let my hair run wild, and I didn't wake up till about noon. I was lost, and I felt like a *** off the street without a job. And I struggled to figure out who I was and what was my purpose in life, especially that right now. Right now when life seem to be drifting by and I had all the time in the world, but had nothing to fill it with.
Lover of Words May 2013
Im a useless bag of bones.
Broken in agony.
With a heart that doesn't wanna beat anymore.
My stomach is in knots and I feel like I'm so lost,
Worried, with the stress going on,
And I don't know how to fair anymore.
I just wish I knew what to do,
Cause right now I don't know how to breathe, regularly,
Its getting so scary.
Lover of Words May 2013
She was a lost girl, riddled in a lost world, wondering what was up or down. And I knew the path she might've taken if it weren't for my mistakes. I loved her, honestly I did. Without control or any logic in my mind I wanted her to be mine. But she ran like a little scared deer, a fawn in the woods. I had nothing but a bow. With my arrow I withdrew and shot that pure heart of gold. She fell to me, and I was her downfall ready to slaughter. Oh that pure fairy that lay there with her broken wings. How foolishly I strung my bow so quick. Love was our folly and I was a fool lost to it's power. How dangerously I licked the flames of those lips. To poisonous for my mouth to grip, I was overtaken with a lust I could not contain. I was so confused and then shot with pain. How could I let love take on me this way. My brain died and my heart was fried, I'm a lover lost to his own demise. And we fought and cursed each other with words we can't deny. I left her. With the arrow still within the blades of her shoulder, never to return again, but forever she'll have my heart and my bow. Never will I string another arrow.
Lover of Words May 2013
I wanna write all that you mean to me,
But that would take a trillion years,
A million pages,
A thousand life spans to get across,
Even when I wanna throw you across the room,
I'm enamored with sweet contagious affection of some demented kind,
I don't ever wanna hurt you.
And when I do, I feel hurt as well, Like someone bit my own arm off. It's like a self inflicted wound, by of course accident,
I didn't mean to cut the tip of my pinkie off, but when i did, it felt just like the time when I got you mad at me,
Cept 1 million times worse,
And if I dare one day see tears drip from thine own eyes, I **** the ***** that started the trickle, even if from me,
For you mean that much to me,
Not even my own life is worth saving, or caring about,
forget about me, for you consume all my days, every hour even the meaningless boring seconds I waste waiting for you,
They consist of you,
For you are the very essence of me
every little tiny atom was made for you
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