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Feb 2013 · 704
Lourdes Feb 2013
My mind takes a quick glance at my past;
it brings forth a recollection of memories that I wish wouldn't last.

I glean these nostalgic thoughts and simply dispose of them.

And now the insignificant feelings from way back when, have finally come to an end.
Feb 2013 · 1.0k
Lourdes Feb 2013
Our two hearts beat..
rhythmically, they sound so sweet.
Together,  we've set our love ablaze.
Trust me, this is not just a phase.
Our two hearts beat side by side,
forever as one, for the rest of our lives.
Feb 2013 · 660
Lourdes Feb 2013
If these thoughts of you ceased to exist, my mind would be vacuous.

If i could no longer feel your presence, my soul would be vagrant.

If your love suddenly evanesced, my heart would be lifeless.

Nourish my mind.
Shelter my soul.
Rescue my heart.

— The End —