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I more than exist because I can walk
over hills, past crows
I overthrow wildernesses
with more than a bucket or *****
self belief needs to be stoked
ask any tractor any novice device
the firmament is more than a suspended thought
its in the actuality of enjoying life
the seed in us all.
Masking tapes covers cracks
yet you still broke into a  rave
it's the opposite of intentioned order
unsupported barricades buckle
the town sphere makes no sense.
Barbiturates bitters the night,
strangely forlorn as  inner suppression
gives no truth.
Skittles dance between my tears
friends from down Purley
have flown.
The Meccano club having lost its  secrets
too far gone into the past
to scoop tomorrow.
Falling  roundabouts and inhibitions
  Jul 2014 louise whistletop
jo spencer
Your smile scatters wide,
as the sun shines beholding
your always tomorrow.
Enthralled by sincerity
your eyes,
enraptures persuasion
by the strolling grass
and erstwhile desire
we've motioned high.
your bare shoulders  remind me of  a packaged holiday
to a far off destination.
Your blonde hair denotes tender promises,
that I should now be with you,
due south on a whim
matching the open canvas of your
azure  dress
guided by your slender turns.
Fugit Fumus dived into a basket
of oysters just to make the ***
the underbelly of transformation
bodes unwise for this colloquial soul
Cloistered Lisa lost her circumspection
when she settled for dystopic Dan
from such a wretched family
with pneumatic drills
they'd rather shutter than amend
Togetherness will comfort the moon
her shadow waits eagerly
to unite lovers on an equal plain
whose earnest thoughts are reflections
on a dewy bead of rain
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