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Louise Bowman Dec 2012
I don't live my life with no regrets
I take it day by day
Those regrets have made me learn
Albeit the hard way
Like the day I wished I could eat my words
The time I made you cry
The day I spoke so out of turn
It made you say goodbye
Staying quiet was never my thing
It probably never will be
I've learned that that is just part of life
Well, part of life with me
I've learned that this,
Is not always the best way
But I learned in the past too
That its awful to have nothing to say
When the words dry up
So does the love
Saying nothing in the past
Was a great learning curve
I guess all it is
I really want to say
Is sorry for talking
And being this way
But if I was quiet
You wouldn't love me
You'd love the great person
I once tried to be
I will keep on regretting
And learning from this
If there was no apology
There'd be no kiss
Louise Bowman Aug 2011
Will this black cloud,
ever shift from my head
Be replaced with sunshine
And make me feel less dead?

I can't weep anymore
I physically just cannot
My whole world is collapsing
I can take no more.

I want to be happy
But what is that anyway?
I don't think I've ever known
But this feeling's here to stay

So please, just take me
Take me away,
Away from this world
Find me a place to stay

A place where I feel no pain
A place where I can be
Left alone forever
And just be me

No I won't do it,
I am too cowardly
I guess I'll just stick around
For my life of misery.
Louise Bowman Aug 2011
Could you just let me in?
Tell me what I did,
To make me feel,
Like I am full of sin?

Am I not living right?
Not being good all the time?
Am I really as awful,
As the person in your sight?

Did I say the wrong thing?
Hurt you at all?
See, I don't think I did
Yet I am blamed for everything.

And they'll all say,
I'm in the wrong.
They never liked me much,
But that never mattered, anyway.

It would appear though,
That it matters now,
Because I am the *****,
The number one foe

I could just forget it,
and say, let it go
You don't desrve me,
Not one little bit

But contrary, to popular belief
I am a good person,
Deep down I am,
And I don't deserve grief

So just let me know,
What I can do,
To make it right
And stop all the woe

Or continue to erase me,
From your sweet life,
Just don't come crawling,
When you can see

See that you were wrong,
Because then it'll be too late,
My good nature,
Only lasts so long.

This may be goodbye,
This may just be it
I'll be sad to see you go
But perhaps it was all a lie.
Louise Bowman Apr 2011
I sometimes sit and long,
For the simplest of things,
Someone to read the paper with
And always answer when I ring

Someone who'll make me cups of tea
And hold me till I sleep
Someone who is strong enough
To be there when I weep

I fool myself everyday
That I'm happy on my own
Put on a happy face in the public view
But the story is different when I'm alone

I really am a simple girl
Who wants a simple life
I want the happy ending
And to be someone's wife

Sometimes it seems these are just dreams
And dreams is all they will be
Because I am so awful
Who'd actually want me?

You can call it self pity
And maybe you're right
But that doesn't stop the fact
I'm sleeping alone tonight

Perhaps it's time to just accept
That love is not for me
I'm destined for loneliness
I'm destined to be free

However, that won't do somehow,
The romantic in me
Will not give up on these ideas
At least not for now
Louise Bowman Feb 2011
People tell me I'm crazy
To feel the way I feel
Becuase it's all superficial
It's based on nothing real

I know in my heart
How great a person you are
And that can't be fake
Or it wouldn't have gotten this far

But I am really scared
Of feeling this way
I'm scared someone better
Will take you away

It's happened before
And it could again
Because you're truly amazing
Others will see it, and, what then?

What then for us?
It just won't be
I don't begrudge you happiness
I just wish it was with me

It would be so easy
To just walk away now
To never find out what could be
But that won't do somehow

I'll take a chance on you
I'll put my heart on the line
It could just work for us
It could all be fine
Louise Bowman Jan 2011
I watched you suffer
At the pleausre of those evil girls and boys
Who never let you join in
And broke all your toys

I felt your pain
When those awful adolescents
Tried to beat you down
And laughed at your name

I watched you fight your demons
Fight the voices in your head
Be taken advantage of
By "friends" who know you're easily led

I've watched you torture yourself
For things that aren't your fault
Poison your body
With more than just salt

Now I watch you lying there
In that hospital bed
You've been a stupid man
Again, so easily led

I wish you could just see
How great a person you are
To them you might be a "******"
But to me you are a star

Stop hiding in the haze
Of drugs and alcohol
Because it's not just you, you hurt
When you stumble and fall

What a mess you've made
And it's me who's suffering now
I feel selfish for saying it
I feel like a cow

However daft you've been
And however bad you make me feel
I will love you forever
And that's what's real

That's what matters
That's what's true
I just hope you're around
To see me loving you
Louise Bowman Dec 2010
I don't miss you
I just miss that feeling;
that feeling of being more than just me,
That feeling of being "us" of being "we"

Of being "them"
That cute couple
The happy lovers
With hands entwined

It's back to being on my own
Feeling lonely and cold
No one to talk to
No hand to hold

I don't long for you
I long for someone
You've got that
So why can't I?

Don't get me wrong,
I really don't care
I wished you happiness...
I'm happy for you

But I'm sad for me
And this just won't do
I don't want sympathy
I want another you
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