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2.0k · Oct 2010
my mothers brother
louisbergin Oct 2010
Not every man is gentle in his life
but you remained a gentleman
Through all your pain and strife
My childhood years
when you stood strong and tall
Sparkling eyes with love
entwined the ivy on the wall
within your garden, hedged around
a paradise of fruitful ground
and I in childhood flushed
transfixed I stand
awed at the gardeners magic hand

Here for you
there was no wretched bottled smell
An alcohol free paradise
An alcohol free hell
How you loved to hear the wild birds
sweetly sing
And see your world re-live again
in Spring
"How calm" you said to hear the rippling stream
A beauty unaware to me
You thought me how to dream
In all your yarns
attention held me mute
but if my heart allowed
I wouldn't dare dispute
With flitting years
your speech you tried to goad
But you my aged friend
could still my thoughts behold
Your every limb that moved
so gracefully before
by life's uneven cobbles
were battered , warped and sore
You fought a loosing battle
with your bottle eager hand
and I watched your spirit slip away
like a fist of dried out sand
The tears rolled down my face
as I kissed my cherished friend
I thanked your god for your friendship
and your dignity to the end.
910 · Mar 2010
3 O Clock
louisbergin Mar 2010
I toss and turn  to erace the memory
Focus on something delightful
A sunny day
A moonlight night
Flash, and freeze frame, my brain explodes in pain
The pain of deciet
The sight, the smell, the taste....of your deciet
The tears threaten to drown me
As our special child sleeps, unaware ....of your deciet
No anger yet,  just this deep pain filled night
Questions without answers
A name without a face
******* ...Why? long the lies?
The bedside clock reads 3 o clock...
The hour of great mercy!
Another lie...
midway between 12 and 6....
dark and light...
and another tird day thinking,... wondering
of you and your mistress.
898 · Apr 2010
On the Road
louisbergin Apr 2010
I'm on the road, my mind on you
My truck in auto pilot
My cheeks are tout, My **** is stiff
For want of a ****** toilet!
775 · Jan 2011
louisbergin Jan 2011
Lady of the sunset
Dark, mysterious and beautiful
I am still a victim
of your bewitching eyes
My heart stands still
when I catch sight of you in a crowd
as you walk aloof
oblivious to my plight

I recall you in another time
happy, carefree
Lady of the elements
Lady of the sunset
Lady of my heart
Half spirit, half human
untouchable, so strong
taking a stance, obstinate opinions

So fragile
Melting to my body
My lady of the sunset
One special moment
will haunt me for eternity
720 · Apr 2010
louisbergin Apr 2010
They said I couldn't do it!
Cause I was so much less
They said you were *******
They called us both a mess
But your my ray of sunshine
My buddy and my son
And none of us are perfect
when all is said and done
They hadn't counted on my love
and yours for me as well
They didn't know the bond we shared
would pull us outa hell
I bought a seat, then scooped you up
and strapped you in my truck
We both turned 'round and waved to them
and told them
GO TO ****!!!
718 · May 2010
No. 16
louisbergin May 2010
I knew the name lay hidden in my mind
I turned the corner into street of hell
I saw its walls of grey and green above me
And then it toned- the solemn lifeless bell
For fear I may forget what I had done!
But I will bring it with me daily
A secret load,
where they don't think there's one
I saw the grotty door and grimy stairs
The stench of death was on them all
Their oblong faces peering through the blinds
To see another victim that might fall
I turned the corner, with my load of lead
wishing that that moaning bell would cease
Every step I took ,I prayed profusely
The prayer I asked- that I might get some peace.
597 · Apr 2010
Cant hit a woman
louisbergin Apr 2010
My wife she upped and left me
She left our child as well
Needed to find herself she said
She left a putrid smell
I tried to keep my sanity
I counted empty days
I thought about my rival
I killed him many ways
And when she came a calling
she said it wasn't me
I asked her who the ******* was
But the ******* was a SHE
So now I'm fIlled with anger
for my little boy and me
No one for my fists to pound
Because HE is a SHE!
591 · May 2010
The door between us
louisbergin May 2010
His eyes so full were old with shattered dreams
What empty tears those eyes had never shed
His stoic heart held abundant pride within
comfort was in vain for all was dead

he travelled life and slaughtered every feeling
he built a wall that strength could never mark
How could i ever try to understand
You see my skin is white while his is dark.

— The End —