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Feb 2014 · 352
Love Is All Of The Above
Louie Anne Feb 2014
Love is full of patience and love is kind
But full of contestant repetition
Difference faces but we’ve all been through that conversation
Sure they say practice makes perfect
But this stupid routine is betting permanent.
The idea of falling over and over and over again
The cycle that starts to warmth might end in pain
Some of us are not the lucky ones
Who meet them at the very first moment

No some of us are always looking
Always the one searching
For some reason we’re here waiting
Some of us don’t even bother to find it
Some of us believe fate will take charge
But sometimes when we don’t realize it
The waiting becomes something of a habit

When we finally meet love in its flesh
We are caught either by surprise to what we expected
Or be in that beautiful sensation of passion
I pictured love with a bright smile and knows my favorite songs
But love did show me him however love did not say it was him

Love can fool us, love can pester us
Love is kind and love is patient
It’s just us who has to wait for it
Dec 2013 · 886
Love Makes me
Louie Anne Dec 2013
Love makes me a liar
A wordsmith of beautiful lies
I already feel comfortable in the presence of denial
Because love makes me believe it is nothing
Love makes me skeptical and hopeless
It leaves a string dangling over a bridge
And I’m stupid enough to actually reach for it
It leaves me in a different time zone
I’m wide awake while he’s fast asleep

Love makes me smile at the thought
But then surprises me in reality

I’ve only been in love twice in my life
The first time love let me see him
He did not know I existed
I was in the 6th grade when I fell
For the boy who thought he was so cool
And I was just the invisible yet visible doormat

The second was in high school
I fell in love with the boy December once knew
It was the first time I ever uttered that phrase
“I love you”
And like every love story tale
You’d think love would interfere
But this time love did not let that ink spill
Did not cover up this lovely time written
Love did not do anything wrong
Because it was me who ruined a perfectly good love song

Love makes me numb but cry over false desires
It makes me roll my eyes at every painful, angry word
But cry over such a simple question
It lets me know that there is no target
No question, no answer, no abstract metaphors
No Shakespearean play that would appear
Because love shows us tragedy without it being poetic

Love makes pain my muse
It makes me look for another ******* inspiration
But love does not make me look in the skies
No, love makes me look in someone else’s eyes

And if you look at the truth of what love makes me
Love makes me human
Reminds me that perfect is non-existent
But it makes me believe we can find it in reality
So when love arrives welcome it warmly
Smile because love did not let you miss an opportunity
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Louie Anne Oct 2013
If I scream dear Lord, why oh why
Would he hear the words?
Will the clouds answer me as a sign?
Will the rain be a yes or a no?
If it would shine how would I know?

Why oh why does fate taunt me?
Show me a beautiful sign
Then leave me knowing it was never mine
It’s not love I feel, if it was it shouldn’t be like this
But I look for signs and I look for him

He’s not even here yet I want him to
Dear Lord, why oh why must it be?
Why let me smile yet it will never be me
I know this is just high school infatuation
So please I beg get me out of this heart aching situation

But why am I looking for these signs?
When I never believe that they give any useful information
Is it just my mind being clouded by this longing emotion?
So if the Lord can hear me and these clouds will answer
I hope the rain is just clarity of the weather
Sep 2013 · 1.6k
False accusations
Louie Anne Sep 2013
I loathe the feeling of desire
Making my heart believe a liar
Let my eyes be blinded by superficial facts
Staring at perfection ignoring its cracks
Trying to understand Shakespearean babble

Wasting hope in wishing wells
Trying to sense the feeling of contended emptiness
In this disappointed and cold happiness
But I will not lie under these false pretenses
Have myself fictional conversations
Because I fell for false accusations
Sep 2013 · 773
Louie Anne Sep 2013
There are possibilities
One I'm afraid to consider
The other a constant reminder
And the last being the one I want
Whether I've lost or won
Whether I've ran or fallen
Because here I am
Still falling
I don't want to see the landing
Because there are many possibilities
One where you're not there
One where you'd not catch me
But you see me crash
Or someone else pulls me away
Or you'd catch me
There are many things I'd want to say
But I'll never know your reply
Either I leave myself to deny
Or let my emotions steer my better judgment
Because you'll only be a remembrance
Yet that is just a possibility
One truth yet a thousand realities
I don't know which I'd see
But I have no choice in the matter
So I'll let myself float in the air
Stuck without knowing
Awake yet still sleeping
Drowning in a dream
Yet I'm still walking on the pavements of reality
Avoiding the cracks of missed opportunities
While I swirl around different possibilities
Sep 2013 · 6.1k
Louie Anne Sep 2013
Airplanes flying in the dead of the night
Looking like blinking lights in the sky
Mistaking them for stars lost in space
Moving to meet with distance

Slowly reaching hoping to find its existence
But all we get is an unrequited chance
Presuming the truth we don’t want to face
It’s not fantasy just a new breed of reality

Now they disappeared to a far off place
And all you see are twinkling stills in the dark
Ignoring the city and its neon signs flashing
You care only for the bliss you wish you had

— The End —