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May 2015 · 300
smoke poem #1
loudsilence May 2015
My ears are dripping from my head
they pool like a puddle in big circles, running together in seas of sound
I am an oak tree
I can feel myself stretching towards the sun, towards the sky,
It is dark with bright stars that cover my eyes like the patches over pirates eyes from the books I read as a child
May 2015 · 244
loudsilence May 2015
when you died my skin was scraps of paper at the bottom of a waste basket, I walked with stars in my eyes and smoke in my lungs
and sang to the apple trees, I was a tree my skinny branches reaching towards the same sky I sang to and with every breath the sky sang back
gone gone gone
Oct 2013 · 405
loudsilence Oct 2013
roto pájaro
illuminado centro
plumas obscuras

— The End —