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Lotus Mar 2012
Lamenting ivory capped peaks,
Greet the proud thick clouds of white,
As a friendly kiss of the lips,
Soon divided by the full-filling wind’s purpose,
To move nature’s place…

Spread out arms of ancient soil,
Covered by spring’s sigh of life,
Layer beneath layer…
Memories of old are kept…
Of the hands which had thrown and plucked,
Each seed and grain.

Cloud and peak,
Nature’s lover’s kiss,
Wind and crop,
Nature lover’s love.
Lotus May 2012
Unending roads,
Whose twists and turns,
Left and rights,
Veiled in obscurity…



Time is up,
Spurn reason and embrace paranoia.

The choice is yours…
What will it be?
Lotus Apr 2013
Jade masks are worn,
By those
Who think the irises of their eyes
Are measured in too few
And too many dark colors.
Months pass
Seasons dissolve
Decades whisper away
And all they remain to see,
In the reflecting mirrors
Surrounding them,
Are the irises that are
Measured in too few
And too many dark colors.
They ball their fists and
Smash the masks
That hide them from reality.
Those faces that were beautiful
And that were hid,
Are now cut and bleeding
And come out of hiding…
But not in peace nor with the
Acceptance of individuality.
Lotus Sep 2012
Picking ****** flowers
Dripping spice burgundy
Staining serenity
A touch of
Surreal simplicity
Undaunted movement of
Molecular fractals
Bursting in waves
Of fantastical light
Sensual trickles

Licking sappy mosses
Amber and honey
Expanding swiftly
An odyssey through the
Gums and divisions
Between ivory teeth
Ecstasy aplenty
Flooding down through
The body
Leaving stains
Of serenity

Sniffing smoky cedar
Microscopic air ripples
Orchestra of tune and note
Tune and note
Whispers and cries
Kisses and sighs
Invisible in form and sight
These do travel
Through tunnels
Those give sense of smell
Droplets of spice burgundy

Sinking through layer
Under layer of moist clay
Descending in time shaken
Pores of the skin
Breathing air and soil
Replenishing vital veins
Rivers of beating blood
Molecular fractals  

Picking ****** flowers
Dripping spice burgundy
Staining serenity
A touch of
Surreal simplicity
Undaunted movement of
Molecular fractals
Bursting in waves
Of fantastical light
Sensual trickles
Lotus Jan 2017
I love it when I see them.
Those two lady beauties, those twin faces.
Their skin is like the snowy Sierra mountains in winter,
A Bianca so pale and that catches all the light shining around them.
Those twin smiles radiate two mysteries of the same coin.
One a mystery so solemn and careful, you could never sneak up on it.
The other a playful mystery, that with a rascal excitement
Is ready to drag you with it to find the answer.
They are beautiful!
The most unique beauty I have yet beheld.
Their presence is like a storm in the far distant sky,
The air is warm prior the approach of something powerful.
Their singing voices echo through the air and like a siren’s song  
Brings you in so you will listen closer.
Don’t stop singing. Don’t stop.
I am like a smiling child when I see them,
Those two twin beauties.
Lotus Feb 2012
Two moons,
The same number of suns,
Weaving a translucent tune,
A tune that would shun the world into a solo sphere of silence.

Two beams of silver,
The same fracture of golden-light,
Making sight something of delicate existence,
That if searched for would only drive into hiding.

Two eyes of gray,
The same ****** feature,
Making a quartet of stares,
Stares that would send shudders down a giant’s spine.
Lotus Dec 2012
Nature’s tongue speech
Echoes eclipsed messages
Those with meaning obscure
Only to be understood
By those with watchful ears and eyes of clarity

Seclusion within the draping ivy
Enclosed groves where
Orange butterflies sleep
On the hanging leaves
Or on the moss gowned boulders
Aquatic *******
Those emerge from the river’s surface

These settings of nature
Among countless others
Are cloisters offered
To humanity to give
Spacious thought and contemplation

Clarity is gifted to those
Whose minds are fogged with worry

Innovation given to those who feel lost
Along with answers to questions clogging the ego

Simplicity is nature’s
Sentinel watch
Bringing to full fall anything
Of complicated form

The bosun of all trivial thought
Is opened to a palace of abundant wonders
Once they witness nature’s smile

The bosoms of all trees send out
Vibrational waves of ancient breath
Breath that keeps all alive

The stars that are the
Watchful eyes of the sky
Shed tears for those
Happenings of sorrowful textures
And light for those happenings
Of a lover’s delight

Teachings ascend generations
In light year slowness
Reminding the new born youth
Of the songs that brought life to being

The fathomless oceans hold mysteries
Unimaginable and dangerous

Nature holds all in its arms
All but ego and corruption
These that exist only in the human mind
Lotus Mar 2012
His name is netcar against my tongue,
It is a warm...breeze through my teeth,
And the sound,
Oh the sound!
Once escaping my lips,
Upon meeting the air,
Resembles the delicate ruffling of wind through the leaves of a willow.

His face is a mysterious...
Mirror of the sun's golden rays,
The moon's silver shivers,
Blended into one whole...
Forming a creation of the Earth...
One out of the millions  of galaxies
And all their individual stars.

His eyes are twinkling stars,
Two alined lovers in the sky.

His smile is the unraveling of a full moon,
Lighting where ever darkness lurks.

His energy is
and full of love.
Lotus Nov 2012
My hands I keep in my pockets
My eyes I keep steady focus with
The other shadows walking the concrete
The shadows that first walked as I did
Now part as to give me way
Their shadow eyes watch me
I know this is an illusion of my mind
It plays tricks with me
Making me feel wrong
When I am right
Shutting out the world
Gives you pain and freedom
Illusion and clarity
What do I walk away from?
You may ask
Oh, many a thing
I would say
Many a thing I feel
No need to recollect
Shutting down the mind
Now that’s the real challenge
My hands I keep in my pockets
My eyes I keep in steady focus with
The empty path before me
Bordered by staring shadows
Lotus Oct 2012
Whales of thought
Dance unceasing
Bellies full curved
Chambers of bones and water
Eyes small and young
Old and wise

Whales of thought
Holding their breath
Ten seconds
Letting out song
Gongs of the ocean
Ten seconds

Rippled currents
Vibrations of voice

Stifled caresses
Tongue licking touch

Whales of thought
Ten seconds
Gongs of the ocean
Ten seconds
Lotus Feb 2012
I am a rock of the river,
One that has become smooth and solid,
From the cold, chill water caressing my body,
From the gentle wind,
Breathing warmth against my cold skin.

I am a leaf,
Falling through the summer air,
Departing from my strong mother maple,
The falling stops and I feel, for the first time,
The Earth’s damp soil surrounding my green and red body.

I am the gentle rain,
I am the million quiet ripples covering the ocean’s surface,
Each one of me reaching out to touch fingers,
And explode into a wave of solitude.

I am the sunset’s orange and yellow beams,
Saying farewell to the sleepy life far below,
And covering the sky with my yin half,
Shut the eyes with my yang.
Lotus Dec 2012
My fingers pluck the strings
Of willow wood mandolin
Upon my knee it sits

The wood of willow
As smooth as a feather pillow
Atop my knee sits
In steady posture

In my heart of hearts
There tears a lonely hollow
My voice shrieks shallow
The willow wood mandolin
Shatters into splinters

Splinters pierce my skin
Filling through my body
From my heart of hearts
A willow chisel carves
Away the organs
That flow and break

From my eyes
Bleed wood chips

My tongue drools

A girl no more sits
Under this willow
But a wood sculpture
Of steady posture
Lotus May 2012
The patient dance of the September sun,
Making its slow journey through the dotted sky,
Proceeding in its exodus,
Over mountains snaking the outskirts of the valley,
Where sun will start its early winter cycle,
Through the coming months.

Premature winds,
Developing undulate postures
In the rhinestone sky,
Rustling fields of barley,
Amber maples,
Moist mosses clinging,
The verdant silks of the Earth.

The slow trickle-trickling
Of murky warm streams,
Their stillness intruded,
By the melting snows of mountains high,
Shaping sky-reflecting rivers;
Always flowing,
Never stopping.

Bringer of frost and rain,
Storms of blinding cold,
Has opened her impassive eyes to the world.

— The End —