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Jan 2013 · 758
The Blind Rivers
Lotus Jan 2013
Darkness creeps over the waters
Of the Blind Rivers,
Making so that even the crane’s white silhouette
May not be seen catching fish in the shallows.
The breezes that belong to the sunset hour
Caress the blackened waters that are blind
And so cause silent waves.

A man sits,
Keeping company to
The crane,
And listens to the Truth behind
This landscape’s façade of uninterrupted quiet.

In the breezes,
He hears the last screams of those thousands  
Drowned in those waters.
He hears all the unspoken words
That should have been said.
He hears throat held silence
That the frightened hid behind.

In the darkness
He sees the contours of
Dreams never lived,
Cobble cities never built,
Books never written.
He sees the expressionless faces of many,
Whose eyes are gray and frightened
Whose mouths tremble to utter words
Whose skin is pale as canvas.

In the space surrounding the Blind Rivers,
Among the breezes that harbor screams,
Amidst the darkness that holds the unseen,
Alongside the white silhouette of the crane,
Sits a man,
Tired of the lies that construct this world,
At peace with solely himself,
And in solitude,
Sits as the sentry of Truth.
Lotus Jan 2013
High-pitched sky songs
Pluck storms from their deepest
Heart of hearts
The thunders slap unto the cheeks
Of hill crests
Echo screams

The veins of mountains tremble
Final shivers shatter openings
Through the curved rock hips
Gushing waters that cry for release

Storm tongues strike root-deep
And from ablaze flames
Release their lustful moans

Drowning tons of moist earth
Collapse over cliff walls and
In crashing descent bury some
Frightened fractals of life

The whole atmosphere is an orchestra
Of echoing screams and vibrational screeches
Releasing onto the tactual earth changes
That will remain
And form anew

Perpetual youth and old wisdom thrive
As the pure first breath
Of a child just born

An intricate web of
Perpetual youth and old wisdom
Dec 2012 · 1.1k
Temple of Withdrawal
Lotus Dec 2012
Mirrored halls
Each side I turn
I look back at myself

Marble floors
Each step I take
My feet send echoes through the stone

Cold air
Each breath I breathe
Throat moister transforms transparent

This temple of withdrawal
Harbors angels and demons
Angels and demons
Each one
Given space to ponder
Dec 2012 · 668
The Moon’s Doomed Love
Lotus Dec 2012
Ivory white is the ground
That the snow foxes walk
Forever it has tasted cold
And only under the sun
Has it ever known a warm blush

The moon tries with all
His silver light to bestow
A blush to the snow’s cheeks
He refuses to understand
That he provides no warmth
He fights and fights
The truth that the sun
Is the only one that makes the snows melt

He chases his love in vain
Day in and night out
In a never ending circle
Around the earth

He cries his desires in the
Lightening that makes fires
He battles his emotions through
The changing tides of oceans

Try as he may
And fight as he does
The snows do not bow to his love
Only continue to melt
When the hot sun
Gazes upon her pale body
Dec 2012 · 915
A Cycle Continuous
Lotus Dec 2012
The air is stayed
By the hum of voices
They whisper through the divides
Between each leaf and branch
As smooth and unnoticeable
As the green beetles slow crawl and watchful eye

Voices trickle down the transparent
Curving body of the forest’s streams
Every caress the waters
Give to the rocks
Whose slippery surfaces are gowned
With moss so green
Chew more and more away
The cold stone

The vibration of every tone
Shakes the dome topped dew
Droplets from the blades of grass
That in the night’s closed walls
Grow still
With no wind to blow
No sun light to warm them

Nature thrives through these voices
As these voices thrive through nature
Nature keeps counsel with all life
And dances arm in arm with death

They resemble tapestries
That hung on the walls
Of medieval halls
Tapestries of three intertwining serpents
Each devouring the other
Forming a cycle
Of continuous rebirth

The beetle chews the leaf
The bird swallows the beetle
The fox eats the bird

The leaf falls from the branch
The stream carries it down its rapids
The fish nip at it thinking it is an insect
And the bird catches the fish

Particles are born
Angelical masks are worn
Tragic ends in lives are torn
And everything is reborn
Lotus Dec 2012
An old man sits
On the curving trunk
Of an oak
His suede boots
Covered in thick dust
From his travels on
Unending roads
Through country hills and city streets
His gray cloak that at the beginning
Of his travels was
Dry and perfect
Now is discolored from the many rains
It had soaked through
And has ragged tears
Where there once were none
The once brown beard
That had been smooth and close-trimmed
Is now long
And the color of ivory bone
Under the moonlight

Here sits the young boy
That climbed up the very
Tops of trees
Here sits the young man
That traveled where none dare go
And found riches that none shall know
Here sits an old man
Weary and empty of the burdens of youth
Here sits the three distant strands of one life
Here those three sit
In the form of an old man
Weary and empty of the burdens of youth
He, with his weathered cloak and suede boots
And a pipe in his mouth
Gazes out over the dusty roads of his travels
Dec 2012 · 736
Lotus Dec 2012
Nature’s tongue speech
Echoes eclipsed messages
Those with meaning obscure
Only to be understood
By those with watchful ears and eyes of clarity

Seclusion within the draping ivy
Enclosed groves where
Orange butterflies sleep
On the hanging leaves
Or on the moss gowned boulders
Aquatic *******
Those emerge from the river’s surface

These settings of nature
Among countless others
Are cloisters offered
To humanity to give
Spacious thought and contemplation

Clarity is gifted to those
Whose minds are fogged with worry

Innovation given to those who feel lost
Along with answers to questions clogging the ego

Simplicity is nature’s
Sentinel watch
Bringing to full fall anything
Of complicated form

The bosun of all trivial thought
Is opened to a palace of abundant wonders
Once they witness nature’s smile

The bosoms of all trees send out
Vibrational waves of ancient breath
Breath that keeps all alive

The stars that are the
Watchful eyes of the sky
Shed tears for those
Happenings of sorrowful textures
And light for those happenings
Of a lover’s delight

Teachings ascend generations
In light year slowness
Reminding the new born youth
Of the songs that brought life to being

The fathomless oceans hold mysteries
Unimaginable and dangerous

Nature holds all in its arms
All but ego and corruption
These that exist only in the human mind
Dec 2012 · 941
Autumn's Wonders
Lotus Dec 2012
Autumn is here
A season with two faces
One blows a farewell kiss
To her late friend August
The other adjusts his spectacles
And looks for the surefooted
Arrival of the cold months

Orange and gold falls from the trees
These petals and leaves
Resemble to true likeness the pollen
Coated bees that buzz and
Construct the giant honey combs
That little bears love so much

Trunks and branches of trees
Sigh away the dry whisper
From Summer’s heat and
Thieve away any trace of water
That within their thoughts
Reach they may sense
From this thieving of
Liquid pure
Comes verdant mosses
Those in jest proclaim sole dominion
Over the apple’s green

The deer venture through the
Rains of petals and leaves
Sniffing with their muzzles the
Tiny mushrooms
That escaped the underground when rain
First touched soil surface

Squirrels chase each other around
And up the trunks of soaring oaks
And with their teeth
Collect nuts for when desire
To go search is not a question

Orange and gold
Falls from the trees
What falling wonders are these?
Dec 2012 · 1.3k
Nature's Clock
Lotus Dec 2012
My arms I wrap
Around my knees
And rest my chin
Atop them
The hood of my cotton coat
Keeps my braided hair dry
While it soaks up the
Cloud’s tears

A patch of African violets
Grow before my feet
Their small patch
Gowned with dew
The intense purple of the violet
It is deep
And proud
It does not resemble a shy flower
Such as the sun daises that
Close their petals at night
Its color voice
Speaks outgoing adventure
And seeking mystery

The irises of my green eyes
Seem to make contact
With each violet’s center
Its face

My eye’s irises
The violets hidden eyes
We both count
Count the silent tick of the dark night
Swallowing all the shadows of tree and stone

Night’s clock ticking
So many branches
The patient drip drip sound
Of dew from the tips of the green
The torn departure of frost
Bitten leaves from their branch strongholds
The silent cackling of the demon’s moon
The slow formation
Of the stars overhead
Moving together to form their ancient constellations

All these things
Among a thousand others
Some unseen
Some unspoken
Some not yet known
Form nature’s circular
Clock of time nonexistent
Lotus Dec 2012
Five days rain fell
While the wind lords took not a breath
Between the howls that escaped
Their gaping mouths
And their puffed cheeks
Continued to curl and roll
In increasing dances  

Rivers and creeks flowed
Over board
Ships of rock and sand
With the shrimp sailors
Drowning under with silvery scaled mermaids

Two days followed
The five of rain fall
Those two the sun shone
Its gold beams shimmered upon the
Rivers and creeks watery surfaces

Those two days
After the five of falling rain
The frogs croaked from
Under the lily pads
And the dragonflies
Flew in perpetual dance

So it is
A storm blows her winds
Sheds her rains
Refreshing the air
And then follows
A time of sunshine
And botanical beauty
Dec 2012 · 2.3k
Willow Wood Mandolin
Lotus Dec 2012
My fingers pluck the strings
Of willow wood mandolin
Upon my knee it sits

The wood of willow
As smooth as a feather pillow
Atop my knee sits
In steady posture

In my heart of hearts
There tears a lonely hollow
My voice shrieks shallow
The willow wood mandolin
Shatters into splinters

Splinters pierce my skin
Filling through my body
From my heart of hearts
A willow chisel carves
Away the organs
That flow and break

From my eyes
Bleed wood chips

My tongue drools

A girl no more sits
Under this willow
But a wood sculpture
Of steady posture
Dec 2012 · 1.1k
Piano Keys
Lotus Dec 2012
On piano bench ivory sit I
Carved stone keys beneath my fingers
Fall and die
Savory sounds to my ears rise and fall
With them seep speechless calls
Accompanied by peppered cries
Inside me touched desires sigh

In slow motion fall
My finger-tips connect
With carved stone keys
Yawning out low pitched
High screeched
In contrast
My thoughts shallow and lone

I drown deep up
Shallow down
In the
Percussions of piano keys
Each of which tease
The buzzing bees
In these empty seas

Drown deep up
Shallow down

Shallow down
Drown deep up

Wake up
Wake up
Dec 2012 · 732
This Statue That I Now Am
Lotus Dec 2012
My feet are bare
Slow like a mute’s speech
They turn purple and gray
Soon they are frozen
To the ice surface
They stand on
Icicles upward grow
The toe nails crack
The veins below skin
Turn black

A blizzard blows
I cannot move
My arms and legs collect
The snow
My fingers split from cold
From which red liquid drips
And in falling descent
Freezes into
Down facing pillars

As the cold
Chokes upward my throat
Vocal and lungs freeze
And from high pressure
Shatter into shards of glass
I want to scream
But I cannot open my mouth
I bite my tongue
My lips are now solid shut
Slowly burning

Green eyes
Transform glassy mirrors
Reflecting the approaching moon

Naked am I
Naked of all

Below my frozen feet cracks the ice
And in the freezing waters
This statue that I now am
Into the darkness
Nov 2012 · 1.3k
London Fog
Lotus Nov 2012
A cup of London Fog warms
My frost bitten fingers
My toes curl tighter in my socks
Cramming together to stay warm
Sitting on the little window sill
A silent corner amidst the  
Voices in conversation
And the shuffling of books and newspapers

My mind is like a messenger dove
Still perched on a branch
Waiting for the note it must deliver
But whose thoughts are already
Lost in what the flight will bring

My eyes stare out of the
Glass divide
The see-through division between
The snowy outside world
And the coffee’s home

Suddenly all freezes
The strolling people outside
With their snow caps and weathered coats
Are statues
With no emotion of their faces
All those who sit at the tables
Within the café’s warmth
With their books and computers
Dissolve to sand   

I watch the slow extinction
Of society and friends
Movement and speech
My eyes
The only ones left unfrozen
My body
The only one left whole

Did they migrate to another world?
Did they realize their bodies weren’t really who they were?
But instead that they were particles apart of everything else.
Who knows?
I think
Who knows?
With my eyes unfrozen
My body whole
My toes cold
And a cup of London Fog in my hands
I take a sip
And contemplate
Nov 2012 · 1.1k
The Axe of Humanity
Lotus Nov 2012
Tree’s ravaged roots
By axes a thousand
Spilling the blood of forest barks and mosses
The trunk’s weeping screams
Enough to deafen the nearest fowl

Each branch sheds tears
Of liquefied organs and veins
That once hitting the ground
Flow in rushing meanders
Enough to drown soil housed insects

Every leaf that was born
Green and luscious under the sun’s beams
Now recoil and shiver
Into a rusted deathly brown
All the breath that once recycled
Back through its green body
Chased into a withered chasm

One by one
The axe takes a thousand lives in one
One by one
The world that nurtured humanity
Decays by humanity’s hands
One by one
The ruin of all
Will occur
By the axe
Of humanity
Nov 2012 · 975
Walking Away
Lotus Nov 2012
My hands I keep in my pockets
My eyes I keep steady focus with
The other shadows walking the concrete
The shadows that first walked as I did
Now part as to give me way
Their shadow eyes watch me
I know this is an illusion of my mind
It plays tricks with me
Making me feel wrong
When I am right
Shutting out the world
Gives you pain and freedom
Illusion and clarity
What do I walk away from?
You may ask
Oh, many a thing
I would say
Many a thing I feel
No need to recollect
Shutting down the mind
Now that’s the real challenge
My hands I keep in my pockets
My eyes I keep in steady focus with
The empty path before me
Bordered by staring shadows
Nov 2012 · 735
Song under Tempest Clouds
Lotus Nov 2012
Her head bent
Like reeds blown in a storm.
The veins of her throat pulse
Hot blood pumping
Up and out her gaping mouth.

Her damp locks veil her face
From the flames in consume
Surrounding the grove where she sits.
Those which had once been her eyes
Now blackened by burning soot
Pay her no more ability of sight

In the dark clutches of night
Where flames and embers
The world’s lantern
Tempest clouds
Let loose salty tears.

In this hollow space
Between the wind’s gusts and fires crusts
She sings what her voice
Holds left:

*Hail the silence of the burned trees
Hail the curses of the world’s ceaseless moans
Hail the blindness of the flaming bees
Hail the round-topped sheltered domes
This grove doth bestow
Hey-** hey-**
What doth bestow
Is apt to know
Hey-** hey-**
Hark the withering leaves
Of Autumn’s first winds
Hark the blooming ashes
Autumn’s second tale begins
Oct 2012 · 1.6k
Music through Sorrows
Lotus Oct 2012
Within the enclosed
Walls of the
Windowless cell
Huddled in the corner
A man sits motionless

The coldness of the
Damp brick walls
Around him
Creep through his
Sweaty skin
Clogging the pores
Causing a fever

No window
Breaks the brick walls
Of the dwarf sized cell
No light
Just darkness
Ensnare the space
Around the cross-legged man

He feels his eyes
Will soon go blind
From the choked
Layer upon thick layer
Of blackness

He feels his skin
Will solidify
Into a frozen fever
Of cold
All the blood and veins
Slowly turning to crusts of nothing

These are terrible

Terrible as the jingle of
The key’s click
Meaning the door is locked
Not to be opened
Until his executioner
Decides is right

Terrible as the moment
He caught his last
Glimpse of the sun’s beams
Gifting the outside world with
Simple happiness

But neither of these
Could amount to
The horrifying
Sound of a single
Clock’s steady
Ticking away the minutes
And hours remaining of his life

The man sits
Sits and sits
Never moving
His ears are continuously
Invaded with this
How will he survive?

What seem
To be weeks pass
And he sits
In that same corner
On the edge of madness

And soon
He understands
To fall in love
With this sound
Is the key

He listens now
And soon
In place of the
The man in the
Windowless cell
Hears music

Soon an orchestra
Of deep fathomless cello
Smooth whispering piano
Melancholy violin
Echoes throughout the
Tunnels of this man’s ears

With music his companion
This man
Cross-legged in the corner
Of the windowless cell
Smiles to the
Through his sorrows
Oct 2012 · 1.9k
Whales of Thought
Lotus Oct 2012
Whales of thought
Dance unceasing
Bellies full curved
Chambers of bones and water
Eyes small and young
Old and wise

Whales of thought
Holding their breath
Ten seconds
Letting out song
Gongs of the ocean
Ten seconds

Rippled currents
Vibrations of voice

Stifled caresses
Tongue licking touch

Whales of thought
Ten seconds
Gongs of the ocean
Ten seconds
Oct 2012 · 1.4k
Lotus Oct 2012
Deafening breathing silence
Window tappings
Like echoes scream
Of inner redemption
Thorny rose hips
Flowing meanders
Of tears and salt

Profuse secrets
Settle gentle as silk-webs
Over closed
Iron made door frames
These secrets
An orb of light
Amidst a gaping
Black hole
Of serenity…
Surrounding chaotic
Withering shutters to the mind
Oct 2012 · 3.0k
Sleep Starvation
Lotus Oct 2012
Starving in our sleep
We weep we weep
Weep away the
Starvation we have in sleep
Deep down lacking
Fumes of nothing
Seep their sorrows
Into treacherous hollows
Fumes of nothing
Carving burrow holes
River bed stones
Raging rapid waters
Wash away the sorrows
Wash away starvation and weeping
We weep we weep
Lacking nothing
We weep we weep
Lacking everything
Oct 2012 · 2.0k
Bread, Paper, and Quill
Lotus Oct 2012
A loaf of bread
Baked fresh
Just an
Hour past
Sea salt and
All mixed
Into the

A stack of
Each of the
Sixteen sheets
I made yesterday
Under the light of
The Half Moon
I used rosemary
And amber
To give it scent
Almond paste
And rose petals
For texture
For color

A quill
Plucked from
The wing of a
Cawing raven
The feather’s point sharp
Its neck strong
And the smooth
As black as
Night’s whisper

These are
My hidden treasures
And gifts to you
The bread will fill
Your stomach
While the paper
Drinks the ink
From that quill
Held steady in
Your hand

Use these sixteen sheets
Of rosemary and
Amber scented
To keep alive
Your sixteen years
On this Earth

Worry not of
The years after
For you will
Learn the ways
Of creating paper
The sea salt
From the loaf
The light of the
Half Moon
And the cawing
Song of the raven
Will teach you

Most important
I bid you
Take these gifts
And embrace them
With a smile
A single tear
I allow  
No more

Accept that I
Have sunk to the depths
Of this sea
With the coral
And shrimp
To keep me

I have lived
A grand life
With laughter and sobs
Kisses and bites
The likes
Of good
And bad
It was my time
To go
And my time
To discover

Satisfy your hunger
Fill the sixteen sheets
With your stories
And give ink to
The quill’s thirst

I bid you smile
And shed a
Single tear
I allow
No more
Oct 2012 · 1.6k
Nature's Chains
Lotus Oct 2012
Jade chains
Brace these
Wrists and ankles
Choked slowing of blood
Paling the skin

Emerald green
Vines curl their way
Up these legs and
Over these *******
Burning their
Verdant tongues
Through layer upon layer of skin
Making a natural
On this body

Small beetles
Crawl over and under
Dry leafs
Covering the
Decaying ground
Climb their way
Upward the curve
Of these thighs
Tickling the skin
With tiny antennas

Purple amethyst bacteria
Coagulate swiftly
Over these
Toes and
Finger tips
Becoming hard
As dried
Star fish

Serpents slither
Their moist tongues
Along these
Cracked lips
Venom touched surfaces

These eyes
Wide and watchful
Slowly decaying
Their edges becoming
Crusts of hard
Slowly closing
Never to see
The surrounding world’s
Vanity decay
Oct 2012 · 1.4k
Appena Sale L'aurora
Lotus Oct 2012
Appena sale l'aurora
Mio amore

*this poem is in Italian. It translates, "as soon as the dawn rises, my love, hug me".
Sep 2012 · 2.8k
Touch, Taste, Smell, Touch
Lotus Sep 2012
Picking ****** flowers
Dripping spice burgundy
Staining serenity
A touch of
Surreal simplicity
Undaunted movement of
Molecular fractals
Bursting in waves
Of fantastical light
Sensual trickles

Licking sappy mosses
Amber and honey
Expanding swiftly
An odyssey through the
Gums and divisions
Between ivory teeth
Ecstasy aplenty
Flooding down through
The body
Leaving stains
Of serenity

Sniffing smoky cedar
Microscopic air ripples
Orchestra of tune and note
Tune and note
Whispers and cries
Kisses and sighs
Invisible in form and sight
These do travel
Through tunnels
Those give sense of smell
Droplets of spice burgundy

Sinking through layer
Under layer of moist clay
Descending in time shaken
Pores of the skin
Breathing air and soil
Replenishing vital veins
Rivers of beating blood
Molecular fractals  

Picking ****** flowers
Dripping spice burgundy
Staining serenity
A touch of
Surreal simplicity
Undaunted movement of
Molecular fractals
Bursting in waves
Of fantastical light
Sensual trickles
Sep 2012 · 2.1k
Guardian Sphere
Lotus Sep 2012
Twelve Kings
Twelve Queens
Twelve Lords of the Sea
Twelve Ladies of the Earth

Forty-eight hands linked
Each palm dry and smooth
Resembling the leafs of a
Spring maple
Slender strong arms
Elbows slightly bent
Linked hands
Forming a sphere
Of perfect measures

Forty-eight violet eyes
Twinkle like stars just born
Every pair staring within
The sphere’s center
Unraveling the prophesy
Of the dancing pebbles

Twelve sunless days
Twelve moonless nights
The ancient guardians
Read the puzzle of the future
Their violet eyes

As the hour of the
Nightingale’s song
Breaks the silence
The pebbles of prophesy
Freeze their dance in mid-air
And between the watching eyes
Of the guardians
And the nightingale’s song
The pebbles shatter
In unison
Into fragments of
Broken glass

Each face bordering the sphere
Turns an ashen white
Each expression soon
One of hollowness
Pale hands
Violet eyes
Overflow with tears

Each shattered glass
Liquefies into a
Deathly freezing ice
Extending outwards
To the helpless world

Each guardian
Raises his and her
Face up to the moonless night sky
Their tears freezing
On their cheeks

As the liquid ice
Sweeps of their toes
Rushes up to engulf
The rest of their bodies
Screams that opened holes to other worlds
Shrieks that shattered every stone and breathing lung
Manifest in terrible echoes
Reaching every corner of the

In the empty space
Where once planet Earth revolved
Around the sun
Now countless numbers of
Ice shards

Unseen and unknown eyes
Watch the
Dancing ice shards
Lost in the blackness
With deep sadness

A planet with so much…


Man lost the connection
It once had with nature
Blinded by
Manipulation and greed
War and hate
Control and corruption
Power and destruction

In twenty-four hundred years
Those whose souls
Remained pure
Whose eyes
Remained open
And all elements
Will embrace
As lovers

Opening a new
In the fabric of worlds
Lotus Aug 2012
Sky blackened by cannon ash,
Stone crushed ruin remnants,
Trees left crumbling,
Fading into ink black soot,
Once green luscious earth,
Now a blood seeped swamp.

The only noise,
Screams, gun shots, the running steps of frantic soldiers,
The only smell,
Stench of blood and rotting of the dead,
Soaking the atmosphere,
The only sight,
Burned trees, dead bodies, and black engulfing sky,
All these,
Turning the mind into a mad asylum,
Leaving each soul drained of life.

Back pressed hard against mud wall,
Scars left stinging from the cold rain,
Like the stings from vicious wasps,
Mind hurriedly giving prays to the life known before entering this hell……
It seems a lifetime left unknown,
And prayers said……
Future handed over to the fates,
Left for them to cut the string.
Aug 2012 · 2.3k
Lotus Aug 2012
Posing squirrels
Legs crossed
Hands on hips
Chins held high
And a smile to drive
Your mind like
A merry-go-round!

Talking trees
Strong limbs
Thin and thick
******* for more space
Their high and low
Pitched voices
Sending thunders through
The ear-holes  
Of birds
For escape
Through the branches

Dancing water
Taking form of the
Most beautiful treasures
The eye can behold
Then suddenly transforming
To a most frightening sight!
In one moment
A nymph strumming the
Horse gut strings
Of an oak guitar
An instant later
A giant serpent
All slim and
Venomous goo
With the head of
The death crone
The legs of a
It's iguana tongue
Searching for
Your face!

You look at your own
Reflection in the mirror
You try to speak to
Only you have
No mouth
No ears
No nose
No taste or voice
No ability to listen
No smell
But what's this!?
You ask...
My reflection has all these things!
And with the
Evil jest of a
Jealous twin
Your mirror self
Mocks you!
Poking out her tongue
Dancing to music
You can't hear
And making exaggerated
Sniffs of the
Perfume air...
All this
with only your
Eyes to see
What a nightmare!

Thank nature
Our imagination
Roams free in our head
Not physically in our world!
If that were the case...
What kind of world
Would we live in?
Skeletons wearing
Singing karaoke...
******* the juice
From our eyeballs...  
Again I say
Thank nature
Our imagination
Roams free in our head
Not freely
In our world!

*Inspired at a festival, while
I observed all the fun happening around.
Aug 2012 · 3.3k
Burning Hawthorn
Lotus Aug 2012
My palms rest
Upon the blackened trunk
Of a melancholy hawthorn
It's choked wood crumbling
Into dust
Falling between my fingers

I rest the side of my face
My good ear listening
For the tree's whispered secrets...

Through the tunnels of my ear
The plucking of a lute...
The kind voice of a lone minstrel....
Is echoed in every
Corner of my mind
Promising eternal memory

The minstrel sits under a tree
The same tree whose burned
Breast stands against my face
Only a thousand years in the past
When the hawthorns skin
Was a gold brown tan
Fresh and beautiful
When pink and white blossoms
Grew amongst its green leaves
Fresh and beautiful
When the young hawthorn's
Memory was still young
Fresh and beautiful....

The old minstrel
sat with his gnarled back
Against the hawthorn's body
Willow wood lute in hand
Face lined with
Twelve thousand wrinkles
White beard long and weathered
Old eyes conversing
With the overhanging branches

The old minstrel plucks the
Gut strings of his lute
As if plucking kisses
From a **** lover...
The lute
Being the minstrel's
Only companion
So many years....
Returning from the hawthorn's
Memory of the past
It drew tears from
My closed eyes

I kiss the burned
Body of the old tree...
Tasting ashes on my wet lips

I embrace the tree
All my love pouring through
This embrace
As if we were making love
Under the stormy
Smoky sky

With the ending sighs
Of my lungs
The hawthorn's
Last flow of water
The remaining embers
Burning black and blood red
Engulf both our bodies
Our wailing voices
Echoing for days....

All that is left
Two piles
Of gray ashes
One to keep the other company
In this melancholy
Aug 2012 · 756
Three Pairs
Lotus Aug 2012
Pure waters of the river
Shaping stone to full-round curves
Arrow-straight lines
Sharp-jagged edges

Rhythmic sighs of summer wind
Inhaling the scent of dust
Exhaling transparent vapors
Of Nature's embrace

Silent rays of gold
Spying through the space between branches
Painting an image of bright dots
Floating on the surface
Of shaded stones

Amidst these delicate folds
Of Nature's cloth
Three jovial youths
In touch with the river's harmony
Their three pairs of feet bare

Three pairs of eyes closed
Seeing deep within their being

Three pairs of feet bare
Balancing with the stone's stillness beneath them

Three pairs of hands
Dancing in the air encircling them

Three pairs of mouths
Sharing deep breath with the summer wind...
Jul 2012 · 1.4k
Soapy Swirl
Lotus Jul 2012
Swish swash

Swish swash

Stare down into the

Soapy swirl

Of artificial detergent and bleach

A good place and space for lone thought


Swish swash

Swish swash

Soapy molecular

Foamy activity

Your clothes are being washed

For you to wear again

Why not wash through your head?

Wash away

The muck and yuck that sticks to your brain

Swish swash

Swish swash

It really helps, try it

Swish swash

Swish swash
Jul 2012 · 4.3k
Bamboo sticks River stones
Lotus Jul 2012
Bamboo sticks
Touching river stone
Producing echoes
To accompany the thundering
Of waterfall!
Jun 2012 · 940
Echoing Voices
Lotus Jun 2012
Step with me, my friend
Behind the beating fast fall of water unending.
Here we are now,
Two souls in the echoing space
Between solid rock and falling curtain of water.
Hush now...
Do you feel the pulse
Of the Earth's flowing veins,
Coagulating with your own?
Do you hear the murmur
Of forgotten voices
Kept in memory of stone walls
Surrounding us here?
They sing to you,
To me,
To whomever has the ears to listen,
Of moss and wheat meadows
The green blades dripping blood,
Spicy and cruel crimson in the sun.
Songs of deep sorrows unmendable,
Leaving the beating heart
Cold and transparent.
Songs of love,
Love felt to consume the mind,
Uniting lovers
A million in number,
Sharing passions unspoke of.
Here we are now,
Two souls in the echoing space
Between solid rock and falling curtain of water,
Jun 2012 · 3.9k
Lotus Jun 2012
Mock-orange flowers
With stem and leaf
Of jade, moss green
Spring to life
Through cracks in stone
Silver and white
With Strawberry Fall's water
Filling its thirst.
Creeks of white foam flowing
Down steep falls and flat stones
The Earth's ****** curves
Sun-catching heat waves
Making the surface hot
Enough that would dry the skin fast.
Jun 2012 · 1.7k
One Smile
Lotus Jun 2012
Falling stars,
Descending momentom.
Nebulas of unspoken secrets,
Past and future bended
Into one smile.
Jun 2012 · 692
Lotus Jun 2012
Retrospect reoccuring,
Endless thoughts back tracking
Into what could have been,
What would have been,
If different foot steps were taken,
Another path chosen,
Other words spoken.

Years and years now,
I lived in the past,
Keeping past hardships and mistakes
Just one step away.

What a fool was I,
to make the past my future.

Now is what matters,
The now brings truth,
The now brings joy,
The now brings change.

I sit in the now,
Absord the now,
Give thanks to the now,
And I flourish.
Jun 2012 · 5.8k
Lavender Fields
Lotus Jun 2012
Solitary motions
Radiat sole existence,
Through tumbling waves of wind
In purple fields of dry lavender,
A glowing garland.
May 2012 · 1.3k
Forest Features
Lotus May 2012
Verdant mosses swiftly spreading
Over rocks soft-foot treading

Little turtle-necked boletus
Escaping the soils clutches
Drinking the sun’s warm light

Dripping trickles of water pure
Tongue flooding
Mind filling
Forest’s music undying

Sentry eyes peering over
Folia of twig entangled arms
Scanning the ground below
For movement to break
The forest silence
May 2012 · 2.4k
Celestial Sky
Lotus May 2012
Night's dappled brow
Celestial round-about dances
Giving way to vast memory
May 2012 · 1.4k
A Silent Dark Weed
Lotus May 2012
The night’s quiet hold,
The tree’s uninterrupted shadows,
The moist breeze breathing,
All these things,
Act as my cloister,
To hide me away from the superficial world
Surrounding me in daylight.

In the night,
I take off the facade,
Of a happy, content child of society.

In the night,
I am myself;
A silent, dark ****,
Sullen and reserved,
Laconic in conversation,

The night’s quiet hold,
The tree’s uninterrupted shadows,
The moist breeze breathing,
All these things,
Act as my cloister.
May 2012 · 1.4k
Lotus May 2012
Unending roads,
Whose twists and turns,
Left and rights,
Veiled in obscurity…



Time is up,
Spurn reason and embrace paranoia.

The choice is yours…
What will it be?
May 2012 · 729
Lotus May 2012
The patient dance of the September sun,
Making its slow journey through the dotted sky,
Proceeding in its exodus,
Over mountains snaking the outskirts of the valley,
Where sun will start its early winter cycle,
Through the coming months.

Premature winds,
Developing undulate postures
In the rhinestone sky,
Rustling fields of barley,
Amber maples,
Moist mosses clinging,
The verdant silks of the Earth.

The slow trickle-trickling
Of murky warm streams,
Their stillness intruded,
By the melting snows of mountains high,
Shaping sky-reflecting rivers;
Always flowing,
Never stopping.

Bringer of frost and rain,
Storms of blinding cold,
Has opened her impassive eyes to the world.
May 2012 · 1.0k
Life Gone with August Moon
Lotus May 2012
My bare feet take light steps,
Through the wet grasses,
Transfiguring their high-stretched stems,
To the paragon August moon.

The breeze is warm
Against my outstretched arms.

The dew is chill,
Against my feet souls.


The patient, immutable
Tune of night,
Springing from the hanging leaves,
Of surrounding dogwood.

Each leaf’s body tip,
Acting as a gateway,
For newborn water-molecules,
Taking off in a fall,
A fall through expanse of night,
Soon to be swallowed by soil.

I sit now,
My thin legs crossed,
My arms held-high
In the night sky.

Goose-bumps infuse themselves,
Upon my paper skin.

Fingers stretched far out,
Moonlight rays seeping
Through my life lines.

Closing my eyes now,
Retreating into a space of meditative mind,
I hear the doleful song of fowl,
Taking lone flight through the night air.
I feel the shy colors of dawn,
Escalating through the heavens.

August moon departs.

August sun emerges.

Here I sit,
Thin legs crossed,
Arms unmoved from their upward stretch,
My eyes still closed,
My chest,
Rising and falling steadily.

Each breathe slows,
Until the moon is finally out of eyes reach,
My beating heart comes to a slow stop,
My lips smile to the world.

May 2012 · 3.4k
Sensual Existence
Lotus May 2012
Sensual ripples,
Deeming sole existence,
Within embracing arms.

Eyes meet,
A gaze that says all,
Vocal words insignificant.

Lips reconvene,
Nebulas of love,
Amends made for lack
Of past recognition.
May 2012 · 4.5k
Green's Angel
Lotus May 2012
Three piles of stones…

Three I held most dear to my heart,
Three are those that perished,
Now three piles of stones fill the gaps,
That their ashen bodies have left.

Black reflective stones for my mother,
Who taught me all I know,
Who named me Green for my love of the garden,
My mother, who preferred blue-jay feathers to her pearls,
My mother, whose gap,
Occupied now by black stones.

Silver clear stones for my father,
Who was strong and honest,
My father, who once whistled a tune,
A tune returned by the surrounding sparrows,
My father, whose gap,
Occupied now by silver stones.

Pure white stones for my sister,
Who was beautiful and wild,
Who ran through the woods laughing
Who chased frogs through the mud,
My sister, who shone more bright than the moon,
Her gap,
Occupied now by pure white stones.

Three are those that perished,
The same number that I held most dear to my heart,
Ashes are their body remains,
Three piles of stones,
Now fill their gaps.

Ashes and stones…

Ashes and stones are all that is left,
Of the garden I loved to tend.
Zucchini and purple onions,
Peppers and blueberry bushes,
Row after row of prolific treasures,
Out of existence.

Onion and Ghost…

My sister’s little terrier,
Who knew exactly what happened,
Who barked at the ash filled sky,
The little terrier,
Who missed Aurora,
His watcher,
My sister…
My beautiful and wild sister.

The white grey hound,
A ghost dog,
White as a cloud,
Moving through the woods like mist,
The ghost dog,
Who resembled sorrow.

Onion and Ghost,
My two constant companions,
Who like me,
Have had their lives split into two halves,
The first, one of happiness and abundance,
The second, one of ashes and stones.

My neighbor…

The old woman,
Whose house stood in the woods,
Surrounded by an apple orchard,
The old woman,
Who had thrown stones to drive away,
The looters in my garden.

The old woman,
Who I repaid,
With a bucket and mop,
And made her house shine.

This old woman,
Wise and friendly,
Who traded birdseeds
For my bread loafs.

The Forgetting Shack…

The Forgetting Shack,
Where boys and girls drink gin to forget,
Where Heather Jones, with her white dress,
Dances around the fire,
Alone and lost.

Heather Jones,
Whose parents had perished,
Just as mine had.
Heather Jones,
Whom I gave my mother’s blue dress.

Heather Jones,
Who danced around the fire at the Forgetting Shack,
Whose feet were ****** from dancing all night,
Whose eyes were empty and sad.

Heather Jones,
Who soon disappeared,
Too busy with trying to forget.

Heather Jones,
Whose blue dress,
I found in torn pieces,
In the ashes of the fire.


The boy who ran from the fire,
Ran across the river,
In search of his mother,
Her portrait close to his heart.

The boy who didn’t speak,
The boy who was tired of running,
Who stood still as a shadow in my doorway,
Who wore his black hood to hide his eyes.

This boy,
Who I named Diamond…

With his hidden voice,
With my clouded eyes.

Leafs that were once black, now an apple green…

There was Onion and Ghost,
The sparrows and the wind,
And now there was Diamond.

I soon found myself singing,

The black ink leaves,
The black ink roses…
Slowly transforming into
Apple green.

Where did this change come from?
I was Ash,
With black ink in my skin,
With gray clouded eyes…


Diamond is gone,
Diamond, who brought about change,
Who kissed me goodbye.

I missed Diamond,
Who painted watercolors,
Who believed the garden would grow again.

I missed Heather Jones,
Who wore my mother’s blue dress,
Who danced too close to the fire.

I missed Ghost,
A white mist through the trees,
A ghost dog,
Who resembled sorrow.

Most of all,
I missed my sister,
My beautiful, wild sister,
Who chased frogs through the mud.

I dreamed of those I missed,
I woke crying,
I cried away the cloudiness in my eyes,
Sun shown out the window,
Seedlings grew in the garden.

From then on, there was no Ash,
Ash blew away with the wind.

I was Green again,
Green who tended the garden,
Green who sang with the sparrows,
Green who danced in the sun,
Green who smiled.

*For my english class, we were assigned an independent reading project, and I chose to write a poem from the main character's perspective. The book is called "Green Angel" and the author is Alice Hoffman. Hoffman is one of the most beautiful writers of all time, and her books are extroadinary! I strongly suggest all you hello poetry friends to read it!
May 2012 · 1.4k
Eyes Shut
Lotus May 2012
Vibrating cocoon

*A friend of mine wrote this poem, and asked me to put it on hello poetry.
May 2012 · 1.0k
Do You Remember?
Lotus May 2012
Evergreen ponds of mint,
Circulating everchanging scents of space.

The busy-bustling bees of the scorching sun,
Their ebony and mustard bodies catching the eye,
The sweet-seeping smell of fresh honey harvest.

Tangible scent of spring touched grass and moss,
Carried on the arms of wise wind,
To encrust the mind and body's senses.

Continuous dance of trickling-trickles,
Born from that same stream,
Of August warmed water,
Clear as your gray eye's shadow.

Do you remember...
That night of an August full moon?
When we bathed in that same stream,
Our naked bodies silver under the moon's touch.
That August moon,
We shared our dreams and desires,
My fingerips wrote poetry on your skin,
Your lips spun silk against my cheeks.

That night,
So long ago,
Now feels like only yesterday...

Can you still remember that night?
My fingertips?
Your lips?

Though the deep ocean is your new home,
The jelly and dolphins your new companions,
The growing coral your new body,
Can you still remember?

I believe you can,
I hope you can,
But just incase,
The undulate movement of the ocean,
Has washed away your memory...
This flower is for you!
It is a wild scotchbroom,
Mustard yellow, like the bees of the scorching sun.
It is my wish that the ripples of the flower,
Once touching the water's surface,
Will reach your ears,
And echo the memory to you.

That night of the August full moon,
When we bathed in that same stream,
Our naked bodies silver under the moon's touch...
May 2012 · 905
Lotus May 2012
Through the clouds I glimpse the glowing moon
It’s silvery hue of colors all mixing with one another
It’s bright light, as a dew drop glistening in the morning sun.

As I walk through the hills of wild poppy’s
The moon’s radiant light guides my steps
My bare feet walk through the wet grass which night has made cold.

The moon fades away
It’s image now a blur in the dawn sky.
The sun’s orange and yellow light
Engulfing all the different landscapes as far as the eye can see.

I reach the top of the hill
The last hill of my familiar homeland
I turn and gaze at the area of my growing years
Which is now of my past
Another memory to be stored in my mind
I turn, my feet gently stepping onto a path of sapphire blue pebbles
What new adventures will I find in the future?
What new people will I befriend?
What new memories will find me?
May 2012 · 1.1k
Lotus May 2012
In a field of green and gold,
Mother and daughter arm in arm,
Happiness and love glistening eyes,
Purple flower held against sun touched skin,
Smiles ready for the camera’s focus.

Daughter walking calmly,
In a field of green and gold,
Then reeled back by her mother’s arms,
Both bursting into high pitched laughter,
Into an embrace meant for the camera’s shot,
So for future memories are made.

The diaphragm of the camera,
Adjusting passing light through the lens,
Each wave divided in time,
Reflecting perfection.
Apr 2012 · 2.5k
Fiery Nymph
Lotus Apr 2012
Licking tongues of orange ablaze,
Ring shaped petals and intertwining twigs,
Set atop one nymph's golden head,
To light the darkness ensnaring her body.

Licking tongues of orange ablaze,
Ring shaped petals and intertwining twigs,
Gifting the earth with a new constellation,
One to stare back at the vast sky night.

The nymph with a crown of flame,
Atop her golden head,
The Earth's first constellation.
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