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Lotus Apr 2013
Jade masks are worn,
By those
Who think the irises of their eyes
Are measured in too few
And too many dark colors.
Months pass
Seasons dissolve
Decades whisper away
And all they remain to see,
In the reflecting mirrors
Surrounding them,
Are the irises that are
Measured in too few
And too many dark colors.
They ball their fists and
Smash the masks
That hide them from reality.
Those faces that were beautiful
And that were hid,
Are now cut and bleeding
And come out of hiding…
But not in peace nor with the
Acceptance of individuality.
Lotus Apr 2013
The ivory syrup that in droplets form
And descend into an ocean of nectar sweet.
Who would think these two liquids,
Both so alike and so unique,
To be so potent and severe?
Like curious koi,
Syrup and nectar twin and dance,
Curl and breathe.
The salty sweat escaping the pores of our skin
Swim down my ******* and
Down your stomach,
Joining my treasure chest and your key,
And the syrup and nectar,
That are born and sewn.
Lotus Apr 2013
The apple murex moon of this
Post-winter night, sewn with unseen stars,
Shines thin and parted beams
Between the cracks torn in the clouds
That slash through the skies like
Rice paper.
The night breezes uproot the
Vast wheat fields into a swaying
Back and sideways ballet.
Knees are bent into pliés
And stomach muscles are
Stretched in high reaching arcs.

The sun-dried wheat fields,
Ready for break-back harvest,
Bend in pliés and
Twirl in sideways spirals.
As straight and determined as a
Willow arrow,
A fire-bellied sparrow
Is lost under the tyrant waves
Of wheat and wind,
Under the slicing orchestra of
Grass-cut air.
She searches for a way out.
She does not realize that the
Sky that was once below is now above.
Both her black drowned eyes see nothing
But the violent movements of coffee colored shards.
Where is the familiar violet glow of the
Apple murex moon?
Where are the thousands of
Seen and unseen stars,
And the rice paper clouds?

The wheat and wind
Seem to curl inward
And trap her,
Away from the world she knew.
Just as her tiny sparrow heart
Began to curl inward into itself,
The air parted the wheat fields,
Freeing her.  

The delicate lungs that
Give the sparrow breath and song
Take in the refreshing air.
She stretches her fire-feathered wings
High and wide
And under the violet light,
The she sparrow
Flies upward
To kiss the apple murex moon.
Lotus Mar 2013
I feel we connect, you know?
We like to observe things,
We like to create things,
You like painting,
I like building things.
I think we have a connection,
You know?

Pretty words.
In that moment they shone so bright,
As if they were covered in morning dew.
What a fool was I?
To fall for such sweet talk,
As I had done so many times before.
How long does it take to learn something?

I think I’m in love.
I thought then.
I think I was made a fool.
I know that now.
It hurt then,
It always does at first.

I’ve learned a lot since,
I’ve learned that thinking won’t get you anywhere,
Except in a nowhere void where darkness ***** your blood like mosquitoes.

Knowing is the best way to go,
The only way to go rather,
If you really do want to get anywhere.
With friendship least you know.
With friendship you don’t ever think
I think.
All you think is
I know.*

A beautiful feeling it is.
Lotus Mar 2013
The ocean between our bodies
Is deep enough for crystalline echoes,
Though hollow as a sea-thinned lace murex.
Your eyes speak it,
Mine feel the same.
I will happily swim this ocean for you.
Lotus Feb 2013
The forest was flush with light;
The dew upon every leaf and bush shined like emerald tears
Fallen from the rhinestone sky above.
Hues and blushes of reflection went vibrant without limit;
All the things our eyes beheld forced us to soon shut them,
Or else the ability of sight would be no more.
The songs of fire-bellied sparrows and yawning owls that hid in tree-hollows
Echoed through the tunnels of our ears,
Into our pumping brain,
And then were sent down our spines in reaction.
We slipped off our shoes
And our bare feet sunk deep into the wet mud and moss that still held the chill licks from night’s tongues.
The layered breezes through the branches
Tumbled over our pale skins and whispered into the hallow spaces of our ears.
Every swish of forest damp air drained the moist saliva off our tongues
And carried it away through the windows between trees,
Far, far away…
Far away so we would never find the words we wished to say.
The splendor of the sunshine through the emerald trees
Upon our bare arms and legs gave us new breath to live,
New eyes to see,
New tears to shed,
New nostrils to smell…
The secret tide of all natural things flowed here;
In this place
Where our feet were bare,
Where our eyes were shut,
Where the words we wished to say were taken far, far away,
Through the windows between trees.
Lotus Jan 2013
The rain in the air falls like strained whispers.
The pebbled ground under my feet tingles from each single contact made
With every cloud’s tear-release.
The cold that chokes the outer world
Pushes us closer together,
As if we are two caterpillars,
Whom for the sake of warmth join
In one singular silk-thread cocoon.
I can feel a thousand invisible hands
Against my back, nudging me closer.
Your hands are holding my face;
They are so soft and sure,
These must be the hands of an angel.
Your angel’s palm on my skin
Spreads a blush over my face,
A blush that I alone feel
And the night’s dark alone sees.
Or can you feel the heat?
Space and seconds materialize away…away…
Now both our mouths taste one another's saliva.
Moister takes over the dryness that was, in that space before.
Between your angel’s palms,
Between your lips,
Between the cold that envelopes this cocoon of perfection,
I am a diamond tear that in the space of something never known,
Has no wish, no thought or desire.
I am a diamond tear,
Between your angel’s palms and lips.
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