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Lotus Dec 2012
Nature’s tongue speech
Echoes eclipsed messages
Those with meaning obscure
Only to be understood
By those with watchful ears and eyes of clarity

Seclusion within the draping ivy
Enclosed groves where
Orange butterflies sleep
On the hanging leaves
Or on the moss gowned boulders
Aquatic *******
Those emerge from the river’s surface

These settings of nature
Among countless others
Are cloisters offered
To humanity to give
Spacious thought and contemplation

Clarity is gifted to those
Whose minds are fogged with worry

Innovation given to those who feel lost
Along with answers to questions clogging the ego

Simplicity is nature’s
Sentinel watch
Bringing to full fall anything
Of complicated form

The bosun of all trivial thought
Is opened to a palace of abundant wonders
Once they witness nature’s smile

The bosoms of all trees send out
Vibrational waves of ancient breath
Breath that keeps all alive

The stars that are the
Watchful eyes of the sky
Shed tears for those
Happenings of sorrowful textures
And light for those happenings
Of a lover’s delight

Teachings ascend generations
In light year slowness
Reminding the new born youth
Of the songs that brought life to being

The fathomless oceans hold mysteries
Unimaginable and dangerous

Nature holds all in its arms
All but ego and corruption
These that exist only in the human mind
Lotus Dec 2012
Autumn is here
A season with two faces
One blows a farewell kiss
To her late friend August
The other adjusts his spectacles
And looks for the surefooted
Arrival of the cold months

Orange and gold falls from the trees
These petals and leaves
Resemble to true likeness the pollen
Coated bees that buzz and
Construct the giant honey combs
That little bears love so much

Trunks and branches of trees
Sigh away the dry whisper
From Summer’s heat and
Thieve away any trace of water
That within their thoughts
Reach they may sense
From this thieving of
Liquid pure
Comes verdant mosses
Those in jest proclaim sole dominion
Over the apple’s green

The deer venture through the
Rains of petals and leaves
Sniffing with their muzzles the
Tiny mushrooms
That escaped the underground when rain
First touched soil surface

Squirrels chase each other around
And up the trunks of soaring oaks
And with their teeth
Collect nuts for when desire
To go search is not a question

Orange and gold
Falls from the trees
What falling wonders are these?
Lotus Dec 2012
My arms I wrap
Around my knees
And rest my chin
Atop them
The hood of my cotton coat
Keeps my braided hair dry
While it soaks up the
Cloud’s tears

A patch of African violets
Grow before my feet
Their small patch
Gowned with dew
The intense purple of the violet
It is deep
And proud
It does not resemble a shy flower
Such as the sun daises that
Close their petals at night
Its color voice
Speaks outgoing adventure
And seeking mystery

The irises of my green eyes
Seem to make contact
With each violet’s center
Its face

My eye’s irises
The violets hidden eyes
We both count
Count the silent tick of the dark night
Swallowing all the shadows of tree and stone

Night’s clock ticking
So many branches
The patient drip drip sound
Of dew from the tips of the green
The torn departure of frost
Bitten leaves from their branch strongholds
The silent cackling of the demon’s moon
The slow formation
Of the stars overhead
Moving together to form their ancient constellations

All these things
Among a thousand others
Some unseen
Some unspoken
Some not yet known
Form nature’s circular
Clock of time nonexistent
Lotus Dec 2012
Five days rain fell
While the wind lords took not a breath
Between the howls that escaped
Their gaping mouths
And their puffed cheeks
Continued to curl and roll
In increasing dances  

Rivers and creeks flowed
Over board
Ships of rock and sand
With the shrimp sailors
Drowning under with silvery scaled mermaids

Two days followed
The five of rain fall
Those two the sun shone
Its gold beams shimmered upon the
Rivers and creeks watery surfaces

Those two days
After the five of falling rain
The frogs croaked from
Under the lily pads
And the dragonflies
Flew in perpetual dance

So it is
A storm blows her winds
Sheds her rains
Refreshing the air
And then follows
A time of sunshine
And botanical beauty
Lotus Dec 2012
My fingers pluck the strings
Of willow wood mandolin
Upon my knee it sits

The wood of willow
As smooth as a feather pillow
Atop my knee sits
In steady posture

In my heart of hearts
There tears a lonely hollow
My voice shrieks shallow
The willow wood mandolin
Shatters into splinters

Splinters pierce my skin
Filling through my body
From my heart of hearts
A willow chisel carves
Away the organs
That flow and break

From my eyes
Bleed wood chips

My tongue drools

A girl no more sits
Under this willow
But a wood sculpture
Of steady posture
Lotus Dec 2012
On piano bench ivory sit I
Carved stone keys beneath my fingers
Fall and die
Savory sounds to my ears rise and fall
With them seep speechless calls
Accompanied by peppered cries
Inside me touched desires sigh

In slow motion fall
My finger-tips connect
With carved stone keys
Yawning out low pitched
High screeched
In contrast
My thoughts shallow and lone

I drown deep up
Shallow down
In the
Percussions of piano keys
Each of which tease
The buzzing bees
In these empty seas

Drown deep up
Shallow down

Shallow down
Drown deep up

Wake up
Wake up
Lotus Dec 2012
My feet are bare
Slow like a mute’s speech
They turn purple and gray
Soon they are frozen
To the ice surface
They stand on
Icicles upward grow
The toe nails crack
The veins below skin
Turn black

A blizzard blows
I cannot move
My arms and legs collect
The snow
My fingers split from cold
From which red liquid drips
And in falling descent
Freezes into
Down facing pillars

As the cold
Chokes upward my throat
Vocal and lungs freeze
And from high pressure
Shatter into shards of glass
I want to scream
But I cannot open my mouth
I bite my tongue
My lips are now solid shut
Slowly burning

Green eyes
Transform glassy mirrors
Reflecting the approaching moon

Naked am I
Naked of all

Below my frozen feet cracks the ice
And in the freezing waters
This statue that I now am
Into the darkness
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