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Lotus Oct 2012
Starving in our sleep
We weep we weep
Weep away the
Starvation we have in sleep
Deep down lacking
Fumes of nothing
Seep their sorrows
Into treacherous hollows
Fumes of nothing
Carving burrow holes
River bed stones
Raging rapid waters
Wash away the sorrows
Wash away starvation and weeping
We weep we weep
Lacking nothing
We weep we weep
Lacking everything
Lotus Oct 2012
A loaf of bread
Baked fresh
Just an
Hour past
Sea salt and
All mixed
Into the

A stack of
Each of the
Sixteen sheets
I made yesterday
Under the light of
The Half Moon
I used rosemary
And amber
To give it scent
Almond paste
And rose petals
For texture
For color

A quill
Plucked from
The wing of a
Cawing raven
The feather’s point sharp
Its neck strong
And the smooth
As black as
Night’s whisper

These are
My hidden treasures
And gifts to you
The bread will fill
Your stomach
While the paper
Drinks the ink
From that quill
Held steady in
Your hand

Use these sixteen sheets
Of rosemary and
Amber scented
To keep alive
Your sixteen years
On this Earth

Worry not of
The years after
For you will
Learn the ways
Of creating paper
The sea salt
From the loaf
The light of the
Half Moon
And the cawing
Song of the raven
Will teach you

Most important
I bid you
Take these gifts
And embrace them
With a smile
A single tear
I allow  
No more

Accept that I
Have sunk to the depths
Of this sea
With the coral
And shrimp
To keep me

I have lived
A grand life
With laughter and sobs
Kisses and bites
The likes
Of good
And bad
It was my time
To go
And my time
To discover

Satisfy your hunger
Fill the sixteen sheets
With your stories
And give ink to
The quill’s thirst

I bid you smile
And shed a
Single tear
I allow
No more
Lotus Oct 2012
Jade chains
Brace these
Wrists and ankles
Choked slowing of blood
Paling the skin

Emerald green
Vines curl their way
Up these legs and
Over these *******
Burning their
Verdant tongues
Through layer upon layer of skin
Making a natural
On this body

Small beetles
Crawl over and under
Dry leafs
Covering the
Decaying ground
Climb their way
Upward the curve
Of these thighs
Tickling the skin
With tiny antennas

Purple amethyst bacteria
Coagulate swiftly
Over these
Toes and
Finger tips
Becoming hard
As dried
Star fish

Serpents slither
Their moist tongues
Along these
Cracked lips
Venom touched surfaces

These eyes
Wide and watchful
Slowly decaying
Their edges becoming
Crusts of hard
Slowly closing
Never to see
The surrounding world’s
Vanity decay
Lotus Oct 2012
Appena sale l'aurora
Mio amore

*this poem is in Italian. It translates, "as soon as the dawn rises, my love, hug me".
Lotus Sep 2012
Picking ****** flowers
Dripping spice burgundy
Staining serenity
A touch of
Surreal simplicity
Undaunted movement of
Molecular fractals
Bursting in waves
Of fantastical light
Sensual trickles

Licking sappy mosses
Amber and honey
Expanding swiftly
An odyssey through the
Gums and divisions
Between ivory teeth
Ecstasy aplenty
Flooding down through
The body
Leaving stains
Of serenity

Sniffing smoky cedar
Microscopic air ripples
Orchestra of tune and note
Tune and note
Whispers and cries
Kisses and sighs
Invisible in form and sight
These do travel
Through tunnels
Those give sense of smell
Droplets of spice burgundy

Sinking through layer
Under layer of moist clay
Descending in time shaken
Pores of the skin
Breathing air and soil
Replenishing vital veins
Rivers of beating blood
Molecular fractals  

Picking ****** flowers
Dripping spice burgundy
Staining serenity
A touch of
Surreal simplicity
Undaunted movement of
Molecular fractals
Bursting in waves
Of fantastical light
Sensual trickles
Lotus Sep 2012
Twelve Kings
Twelve Queens
Twelve Lords of the Sea
Twelve Ladies of the Earth

Forty-eight hands linked
Each palm dry and smooth
Resembling the leafs of a
Spring maple
Slender strong arms
Elbows slightly bent
Linked hands
Forming a sphere
Of perfect measures

Forty-eight violet eyes
Twinkle like stars just born
Every pair staring within
The sphere’s center
Unraveling the prophesy
Of the dancing pebbles

Twelve sunless days
Twelve moonless nights
The ancient guardians
Read the puzzle of the future
Their violet eyes

As the hour of the
Nightingale’s song
Breaks the silence
The pebbles of prophesy
Freeze their dance in mid-air
And between the watching eyes
Of the guardians
And the nightingale’s song
The pebbles shatter
In unison
Into fragments of
Broken glass

Each face bordering the sphere
Turns an ashen white
Each expression soon
One of hollowness
Pale hands
Violet eyes
Overflow with tears

Each shattered glass
Liquefies into a
Deathly freezing ice
Extending outwards
To the helpless world

Each guardian
Raises his and her
Face up to the moonless night sky
Their tears freezing
On their cheeks

As the liquid ice
Sweeps of their toes
Rushes up to engulf
The rest of their bodies
Screams that opened holes to other worlds
Shrieks that shattered every stone and breathing lung
Manifest in terrible echoes
Reaching every corner of the

In the empty space
Where once planet Earth revolved
Around the sun
Now countless numbers of
Ice shards

Unseen and unknown eyes
Watch the
Dancing ice shards
Lost in the blackness
With deep sadness

A planet with so much…


Man lost the connection
It once had with nature
Blinded by
Manipulation and greed
War and hate
Control and corruption
Power and destruction

In twenty-four hundred years
Those whose souls
Remained pure
Whose eyes
Remained open
And all elements
Will embrace
As lovers

Opening a new
In the fabric of worlds
Lotus Aug 2012
Sky blackened by cannon ash,
Stone crushed ruin remnants,
Trees left crumbling,
Fading into ink black soot,
Once green luscious earth,
Now a blood seeped swamp.

The only noise,
Screams, gun shots, the running steps of frantic soldiers,
The only smell,
Stench of blood and rotting of the dead,
Soaking the atmosphere,
The only sight,
Burned trees, dead bodies, and black engulfing sky,
All these,
Turning the mind into a mad asylum,
Leaving each soul drained of life.

Back pressed hard against mud wall,
Scars left stinging from the cold rain,
Like the stings from vicious wasps,
Mind hurriedly giving prays to the life known before entering this hell……
It seems a lifetime left unknown,
And prayers said……
Future handed over to the fates,
Left for them to cut the string.
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