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Sep 2014 · 305
lostsoul Sep 2014
I like to flood my mind with thoughts of you
It hurts my heart and makes my body a tomb
I don't find the happiness in the things I used to
Too preoccupied with holding onto the memories of you
Jul 2014 · 393
lostsoul Jul 2014
I love you but i wish i didn't
because you give no love back
i sleep lonely next to my pillow
wishing it were your chest
I dont know how much more i can take
all the loneliness and regret
I love you and im glad i do
but i wish you would love me too
Jul 2014 · 352
lostsoul Jul 2014
we had a rapport i never had before
you told me about myself
it made me feel real
showed me little bits of who I am

then you kissed me
and took it all away

you let me sleep with you
warm and comforted in your smooth arms
i didn't know happiness until that night

your mind was spinning
the page we were both on
turned before i had a chance to read it

you regretted it
you felt sick

unlovable is the word
my mind repeatedly tells my heart
Jul 2014 · 334
Dont break whats not fixed
lostsoul Jul 2014
i hate the way you tell me
you ruin things but i want
nothing more than to hear it
again and again until there
is nothing left to ruin
Jul 2014 · 281
lostsoul Jul 2014
Its in my heart
its in my mind
it never escapes this frail body of mine
it haunts me through the day
rests lightly at night
I bring it with me everywhere
though it is never in sight
its dark but invisible
loud but silent
painful but beautiful
haunting but calm
It's the pain of being me
Jul 2014 · 3.9k
lostsoul Jul 2014
You took it
and i thought it would be nice
but it hurt bad
like a knife.
I thought our lips would meet
but instead you shushed me.
You stopped
i asked why
you said "I cant"
and I secretly cried.
You took it and I'm glad
but it didn't happen the way I thought it should have

— The End —