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Jan 2014 · 500
Man On The Beach
Los Etsunu Jan 2014
I was a man who could walk on the beach
and then a girl came to me with a sweater
because i was cold
and then we ate french breads and cheese
and honey bees
stung us
so i left her on that beach
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Captain Ark
Los Etsunu Jan 2014
There once was a captain
of bravery and valor
who would take showers
to wash away his evil deeds
he stole many pumpkin seeds
and destroyed many villages
and pillaged many woman and children
Jan 2014 · 279
The Dragon Son
Los Etsunu Jan 2014
There once was a dad
who loved his son
and his son was a gun
he killed many dragons with
Jan 2014 · 254
Los Etsunu Jan 2014
There was a bird flying high
no my dear please don't cry
that bird is cool.
Jan 2014 · 456
The Red Warrior
Los Etsunu Jan 2014
Oh there once was a warrior        
         Who fought wearing red
            The red that He got
           From the men he had killed.
Jan 2014 · 310
How may I
Los Etsunu Jan 2014
How may I say I admire you            
          How may I say I adore you          
How may I say I want you
How may I say I need you
How may I say I love you
Jan 2014 · 253
Your Eyes
Los Etsunu Jan 2014
So Blue are your eyes            
So thick are your thighs                
  So lovely is that tie                
That tie that you bought      
    Me from the store          
      The other day.
Jan 2014 · 276
The Wind
Los Etsunu Jan 2014
I saw the wind
it blew a lot
I called it to send
a girl who's hot
from up above
she came to me
and said I love
and this she
was you.

— The End —